The function of brick of light qualitative heat preservation introduces

March 15, 2024Nov 25, 2024

    As a result ofBrick of light qualitative heat preservationMany stoma is contained in, very bigger than the surface, the be heated when using and fall like self-prossessed action in bear, the easy happening that systole is out of shape and make heat proof quality is reduced. Accordingly, requirementBrick of light qualitative heat preservationbulk and appearance can keep stable in using a process for a long time. Ask to have good bulk stability namely. Otherwise, contractive action can bring about body of heater to the structure is out of shape and produce crackle, increase heat loss due to radiation. Accordingly, heat-resisting function is a of brick of light qualitative heat preservation main index. The hear resistance of brick of light qualitative heat preservation allows to use temperature not to depend on normally their fireproof degree, basically is to depend on resistance is heating action produces contractive metabolic ability. The temperature that goes up to burn contractive quantity in order to weigh to be more than commonly regards light qualitative heat preservation as use temperature of the brick. To the heat-insulating material of same breed, use temperature is commonly rise as the accretion of bulk density. Apparent, because be in the stuff with bulk old density,this is, the union between solid photograph grain is mixed continuously quite firm, can maintain taller bulk stability consequently.

    The porosity of brick of light qualitative heat preservation is tall, strength is consequently general inferior, loading does not bear when be being used normally, get the protection of compact firebrick lining. Still be, to prevent to carry and apply the attaint of classy process, the requirement has proper strength. Below some circumstances, brick of light qualitative heat preservation enrages a contact with blaze and furnace directly, the loading with bear certain, when be used below this kind of circumstance, the intensity that adiabatic and fireproof mark expects and the ability that fight air current to be used to creation become important. Intensity follows bulk density commonly rise and rise. What ought to notice is to organize structural type to have very big effect to intensity. In bulk density same situation falls, apparent, the intensity of the material with solid successive photograph is higher, and the intensity that enrages successive material is inferior. For example the intensity of the brick of light qualitative heat preservation that the intensity of the brick of light qualitative heat preservation that bubble law produces wants to be produced than combustible law is high.


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