Brick of heat insolation of diatomite heat preservation is the light qualitative brick that raw material makes with poriferous shape diatomite. By bulk density cent is GG, 0.7a, GG, 0.7b, GG, 0.6, GG, 0.5a, GG, 0.5b, GG, 0.4a 6 kinds of brands. Diatomite is alga what form after organic material is corrupt is loose and poriferous mineral, bases is 2: Oxidation silicon (95 % of 73 % ~ ) , have good and adiabatic property. Brick of common diatomite heat insolation is raw ore is cut by the appearance of firebrick, be in 800, below the temperature of 850 ℃ firing, or the person is added in diatomite a few but model clay and curium wood chip mixes practice, shape and firing, can produce a brick of diatomite heat insolation. The cliff of silicon qualitative deposit that diatomite is cause of formation of a kind of biology, basically comprise by a body of archaic diatom. Diatom is a kind of one-celled alga. Its body is very tiny, commonly only ten arrive a few micron, a large number of extremely fine small hole are included inside diatom carapace. Diatom distributings in tellurian very extensive, the place that has water almost has its presence, lay the track that it also can see in environment and soil in a few half gas even. In certain and specific environment, the diatom that lives in water system can grow with breathtaking speed, progenitive, their remains deposit is come down by bury to benthic, when its accumulation arrives certain ply, become diatomite. Diatomite basically is used at ' to make insulation material, filling and filter agent wait. The classification of diatomite and quality standard 1. The classification of diatomite differs according to each content of mineral photograph in diatomite, can be diatomite cent 3 kinds: Diatomite, contain qualitative diatomite of argillaceous diatomite and clay to wait. 2. JC414-91 of occupation standard of quality standard building materials made detailed provision to the technical condition of diatomite, if express 2 kinds. Among them A represents powdery ore deposit, diameter pointing to bead is less than 0.25mm. But fractionize is be less than 0.25mm. Be less than 0.15mm, be less than 0.106mm, be less than 0.075mm and be less than 5 kinds of norms such as 0.045mm: B indicates an ore deposit, diameter pointing to bead is more than 0.25mm. But want to produce low density;(0.4, 0.5g/cm3) firebrick, the diatomite that should use high grade (SiO2 96%~97%) of SiO2>80%; pure diatomite. Have the medium that make hole even. Because use the natural diatomite firebrick that make directly,achieve low density hard. The method making hole that uses generally is as follows: (1) bleb law, blowing agent is added in burden namely, the bulk density of average production is 0.4, O.5g/cm3 firebrick, multi-purpose this law. (Kong Cai of man-made of 2) mix into expects, if curium small pink of wood chip or polystyrene. Add curium wood chip law is compared general, general sieve goes of >3mm curium wood chip. Curium the affiliation of wood chip measures by undertake estimation below: Curium suppose 250kg/m3 of wood chip unit weight, solid Mu Rong weighs 750kg/m3, curium real wood content is 250/750=33.3% in wood chip namely. What use 1200kg/m3 of the unit weight after diatomite is burned directly suppose again, when the firebrick that is about to make 600kg/m3, need to make hole (1.2, 0.6)/1.2=50% . Produce 1m3 firebrick apparently, need diatomite (dry basis) 600Kg, curium wood chip is 750*50%=375kg. If the plasticity of diatomite is insufficient, want to add combinative clay, wet those who curium wood chip wants to have 100d is stale period. Still have join float bead the unit weight that controls firebrick, make the use temperature of firebrick raises 1000 ℃ . (3) mix into is entered with light simple stuff, if expand pearlite, float bead etc. Float bead with diatomite cooperating to compare is gotten more easily. Float bead the quantity that add a person but slightly under seek an amount. If use,expand pearlite, its unit weight is 40, 300kg/mS, yi Ke uses computational burden. Diatomite pledges gently the manufacturing technological process of firebrick. The moisture when crowded mud shapes 30% the left and right sides is advisable, squeeze pug into mud, make unfired brick with steel wire cut. General and natural dry 15d, hydrous in dividing 15% the following outfit to enter pit firing, average contractive 3.6%~8.5% . Be in firing in the process, shui Yi of stoma of the hairiness when 150 ℃ goes out, 300 ℃ above is crystal water dehydrate, 800, 900 ℃ agglomeration. When using pure diatomite raw material, also can join lime to do bond and mineralizer, promote firing when of scale quartz change, the heat-resisting function that is helpful for raising firebrick and those who reduce high temperature to fall is heavy burn systole. A lot of manufacturer use half dry process. Fireproof material occurrence craze, fall off, easy how to wear away to do? Want to solve a problem thoroughly, need to be dug from germ, the analysis gives real reason, flourish Cheng Naicai is engaged in be able to bear or endure service of timber production, research and development is old, can solve all sorts of difficulty problems of liner of furnace of high temperature kiln, welcome broad new old friend to seek advice reach technical communication.