Why to give birth to mine to cannot produce firebrick with a future life directly formerly? As the development of technique of heat of high temperature kiln, firebrick is stricter and stricter to the quality requirement of raw material, of firebrick breed of production methods therewith and different. But the production of firebrick has general character, the raw material with good quality is the assurance that produces high quality firebrick. Most former unripe ore cannot use the firebrick that make directly, because they will happen below high temperature action a series of physico-chemical reaction (decompose, chemical combination and agglomeration) , weight and volume can produce change, the volume that causes firebrick changes, can appear to be out of shape in great quantities even the firebrick reject with craze. If make these change can be in,pretreatment is passed before regarding production as firebrick raw material namely first agglomeration, can assure to acquire the finished product that accords with certain quality requirement. Of raw material to calcine all day is to hope to achieve agglomeration, the fundamental of agglomeration of firebrick raw material is to be below exterior tension action, carry material migratory and of implementation. Why can waste liquid of sulphurous acid pulp improve firebrick performance? One of bond that waste liquid of sulphurous acid pulp regards firebrick as more and more get the attention of people, his place has combinative property basically is the action that relies on lignin sulphonate and its ramification. The bond that serves as firebrick with waste liquid of sulphurous acid pulp has the advantage with other incomparable bond. Main show is in the following respects. 1, the strength that it can increase firebrick; 2, the plasticity that waste liquid of sulphurous acid pulp can raise raw material of the firebrick that make; 3, it can reduce the attrition force between firebrick grain, increase the density of firebrick thereby. The waste liquid of sulphurous acid pulp of the firebrick that make has acidity and alkalescent branch, the raw material that its composition and property use by pulp place and technology are different and different. Why to improve the performance of firebrick resistance high temperature, control the content of foreign matter strictly? Everybody knows, although foreign matter is had in the composition of firebrick very small one part scale, very big however to firebrick influence, so how to change to control the content of foreign matter? Fireproof material factory introduces Henan in detail below below. Foreign matter is to point to be different from in firebrick advocate of composition, content is fractional and what often bring a harm to the property of counteractive high temperature of firebrick is chemical composition. This kind of chemical composition is more by contain advocate the carry secretly in the raw material of composition and come. Yi Rong content is had a plenty of in the impurity of firebrick, some itself have very high melting point, but with advocate when composition is concomitant, can produce Yi Rong substance however. The existence of reason impurity often is opposite advocate the strong action aiding frit since composition. Although the action that aid frit conduces to the fluid photograph agglomeration of material sometimes, but action of counteractive to material high temperature has serious harm however. The action that aid frit heals strong, namely the existence as a result of foreign matter, the temperature that begins to form fluid photograph in the system heals low, or form fluid photograph quantity to heal much, or as temperature rate of growth of volume of elevatory fluid photograph heals fast, and forms fluid photograph viscosity heals low had healed with wetability, the harm heals serious. If be opposite advocate composition is talked for the material of SiO2, if contain oxide of the either in Na2O, Al2O3, TiO2, CaO and FeO, divide among them Na2O melting point is inferior beyond, although other oxide has higher melting point, but as concomitant as SiO2, however conduce frit action. Accordingly, want to improve the performance of firebrick resistance high temperature, control the content of foreign matter strictly. Fireproof material occurrence craze, fall off, easy how to wear away to do? Want to solve a problem thoroughly, need to be dug from germ, the analysis gives real reason, flourish Cheng Naicai is engaged in be able to bear or endure service of timber production, research and development is old, can solve all sorts of difficulty problems of liner of furnace of high temperature kiln, welcome broad new old friend to seek advice reach technical communication.