The lump heat insolation that technology of production of light qualitative brick pledges the sort of adiabatic firebrick and workmanship pledge adiabatic firebrick fastens in-house and poriferous structure to have adiabatic property gently gently is fireproof goods, it is with the production of bricky form product and application among them extensive, reason calls light qualitative adiabatic firebrick again. Light qualitative adiabatic firebrick uses raw material to be able to be divided by place for clay qualitative, silicon pledges, aluminium pledges and Molaishi pledges etc. Sex of difference of the low, function that fight broken bits, heatproof shake needs the compression strength of light qualitative firebrick, cannot contact directly with vitreous fluid or blaze. (1) pledges clay pledges adiabatic brick is the Al2O3 content that controls for main raw material with fireproof clay gently the adiabatic and refractory products that is 30%~48% . Its produce craft to use burn oneself out to add content law and bubble way. The use of light qualitative sticky earthy and adiabatic brick is extensive, melt is not contacted in basically be being used at all sorts of industrial kiln furnace content and without the thermal insulation that erodes other action fireproof material, use temperature is 1200~1400 ℃ . (2) pledges silicon pledges adiabatic brick is the SiO2 content that controls for main raw material with silica gently do not be less than the adiabatic and refractory products of 91% . Light qualitative silicon pledges the bulk of adiabatic brick is 0.9~1.1g/cm3, thermal conductance wants the in part of common silica brick only, heatproof shake is good, its loading bate begins temperature to be able to amount to 1600 ℃ , brick of outclass clay qualitative heat insolation. Consequently high use temperature can amount to brick of silicon qualitative heat insolation 1550 ℃ . Not contractive below high temperature, still have even expand faintly. Light qualitative silica brick uses crystallization quartzite to be raw material commonly, combustible substance is added in batch, wait like coke, anthracitic, sawdust, or form poriferous structure with aeriform foaming. (3) pledges brick of alumina heat insolation is alumina of corundum of the frit that use phone, agglomeration and industrial alumina gently the adiabatic and fireproof product that makes for main raw material. Its produce craft to bubble law and burn oneself out add content way two kinds. Bubble law produces brick of alumina heat insolation, mix with bond and vesicant after clinker is molar make up slop, pouring shape at 1350~1500 ℃ firing. Products is refractory performance of degree of shake of tall, heat-resisting is good, often use as the high temperature thermal insulation of kiln furnace. Use temperature is 1350~1500 ℃ , high pure the use temperature of goods can achieve 1650~1800 ℃ . (4) pledges Molaishi pledges adiabatic brick is the adiabatic and fireproof product that makes for main raw material with Molaishi gently. Brick of Mo Laishi qualitative heat insolation high temperature resistant, intensity tall, thermal conductance is low, can contact blaze directly, apply to the liner of all sorts of industrial kiln furnace. (5) diatomite reachs its goods: Diatomite is the raw material of a kind of natural porous heat-insulating material, the deposit that the cadaver body deposit that it is hydrophyte diatom forms in sea floor or lake bottom is mineral, when the observation below microscope, can see diatomite is formed by the tiny alga carapace of 5~400 μ M, the bag contains many extremely imperceptible hole, diatomite has very good heat proof quality. Have as a result of diatomite porous, the size is small, its bases the chemical stability of 2 oxidation silicon is good, heat-resisting performance is good, make its use as in great quantities insulation material. In addition, diatomite still has other a variety of utility, if use as absorbefacient, sorbent, degreasing agent, filter material. The use temperature of brick of diatomite heat insolation follows purity and change. It is commonly under 1100 ℃ , be out of shape because of the systole of the goods when high temperature bigger. When using pure diatomite raw material, need firing below higher temperature, gram of 2 oxidation silicon is changed into scale quartz, also can join lime to serve as bond and mineralizer, promote firing when of scale quartz change, the heat-resisting function that is helpful for improving product and those who reduce high temperature to fall is strong burn systole. Light qualitative brick has what peculiar function to pledge the brick points to epispastic brick namely commonly gently, normal and indoor partition is to use this kind of brick, won't increase floor to load, and sound insulation effect pretty good! Intensity goods is chosen high quality board shape corundum, Molaishi is aggregate, with silicon line Shi Fu closes for matrix, buy particular kind additionally additive mixes refine with a few rare earth oxide, classics high pressure shapes, high temperature is firing. The material that common light qualitative adiabatic firebrick produces has clay character qualitative, tall aluminous qualitative excel in bleachs bead brick, low Tiemolaishi, tall aluminium gets together light adiabatic firebrick, firebrick of diatomite heat insolation. Light qualitative brick 10 great performance: 1, the size is small: Its do light qualitative brick absolutely the capacity is 500-700Kg/m*3 only, it is the 1/4 of common concrete, argillaceous 1/3, hollow piece 1/2, because its unit weight is less than water, common calls float the aerocrete on surface, this product is used in the building, what can reduce a construction is self-prossessed, reduce the integrated cost of the building substantially. 2, heat preservation, adiabatic: Because aerocrete is in production process, interior formed small air hole, these stoma form air layer in material, improved result of heat preservation heat insolation greatly, make the coefficient of thermal conductivity of aerocrete is 0.11-0.16W/MK. Heat preservation effect is 5 times of argillaceous brick, 10 times of common concrete. 3, sound absorption, sound insulation: The poriferous structure of aerocrete makes its had function of good sound absorption, sound insulation, can create the interior space that gives tall air-tightness for you. Provide your halcyon and comfortable surroundings. 4, contractive value is little: Because used high quality river arenaceous regard silicon as simple stuff with fine coal, its systole value is only 0.1- - 0.5mm/m, contractive value slants to actor or actress fine material ensures smally your wall body won't craze. 5, impermeable: The stomatic structure of this product, make its capillarity poor, bibulous guide wet slow, with bulk 5 times needing time to saturated place is argillaceous brick more bibulous. 6, environmental protection: Make, carry, use process free from contamination, protect farmland, energy-saving fall bad news, belong to building materials of green environmental protection. 7, aseismatic: Same building construction uses light qualitative brick to raise tall and aseismatic level than argillaceous brick. 8, fast: Long-term strength stabilizes aerocrete, check after exposing a year to test specimen air, intensity rose 25% , still keep stable after 10 years. 9, machinability: This product weight is light, norms size is diversiform, facilitating hammer, auger, chop, curium, dig engrave lays cop, and use on metope expand canal, can secure machine of cigarette of condole cabinet, air conditioning, Shan to wait directly, give your water and electricity installation, domestic cummerbund will go to the lavatory. 10, fireproof: Fireproof degree it is 700 degrees, for one class fireproof material, fireproof function amounts to the block with large 100mm 225 minutes, fireproof function amounts to the block with large 200mm 480 minutes. Density of grey sanded brick is big, be sanded stone commonly, figure is a few smaller. Light qualitative brick is used commonly cindery do, lighter, bigger, it is empty mostly among. Item characteristics: Shake of tall loading, low creep, high fever. Fireproof material occurrence craze, fall off, easy how to wear away to do? Want to solve a problem thoroughly, need to be dug from germ, the analysis gives real reason, flourish Cheng Naicai is engaged in be able to bear or endure service of timber production, research and development is old, can solve all sorts of difficulty problems of liner of furnace of high temperature kiln, welcome broad new old friend to seek advice reach technical communication.