Does corundum not come what property does stone brick have?

March 15, 2024Nov 23, 2024

Mo Laishi brick has corundum better high temperature strength, fight high temperature creep gender, heatproof shake sex and fight aggressivity. A kind of typical corundum - the manage of Mo Laishi brick changes function to be: Al2O3>85% , fe2O3≤0.45% , apparent pore is led 19% , intensity of normal temperature compression is more than temperature of 55MPa loading bate to be more than 1700 ℃ , add a hot line to change (1600 ℃ , 3h)-0.1% , heatproof shake sex (1100 ℃ water-cooling) be more than 30 times.


Mo Laishi colour and lustre carbon of white, incomplete extremely low, porosity matter content is low, low, fight lose strength big, loading bate temperature is high, hardness is big, high temperature creep is small, acicular crystal growth is good, heavy simple stuff is compact the gender is good, compression intensity is high, be able to bear or endure all sorts of caustic gas are eroded,

Thermal shock stability beautiful, heat conduction performance is good, wear-resisting caustic. Structure of interior of light simple stuff is even, compression intensity is high, fight erode, heat-resisting shake,

Fight oxidation, use temperature is high, heat conduction rate is low. The high temperature strength with be had better, fight high temperature creep gender, heatproof shake sex and fight aggressivity.


Mo Laishi characteristic and function: Mo Laishi colour and lustre carbon of white, incomplete extremely low, porosity matter content is low, low, fight lose strength big, loading bate temperature is high, hardness is big, high temperature creep is small, acicular crystal growth is good, mo Laishi reachs wear-resisting function with its excellent heatproof shake performance, be applied extensively at hot-blast stove of blast furnace of brick of lining of vitreous kiln body, Mo Laishi brick, large smelt brick of stone of line of silicon of low creep of brick, blast furnace, kiln of pottery and porcelain is provided, saggar, refractory slab, petro-chemical wait for an industry, mo Laishi is the raw material of high-grade and fireproof material.

1, heavy simple stuff is compact the gender is good, compression intensity is high, be able to bear or endure all sorts of caustic gas are eroded, thermal shock stability beautiful, heat conduction performance is good, wear-resisting caustic.

2, structure of interior of light simple stuff is even, compression intensity is high, fight erode, heat-resisting shake, fight oxidation, use temperature is high, heat conduction rate is low.


Mo Laishi characteristic and function: Mo Laishi colour and lustre carbon of white, incomplete extremely low, porosity matter content is low, low, fight lose strength big, loading bate temperature is high, hardness is big, high temperature creep is small, acicular crystal growth is good, mo Laishi reachs wear-resisting function with its excellent heatproof shake performance, be applied extensively at hot-blast stove of blast furnace of brick of lining of vitreous kiln body, Mo Laishi brick, large smelt brick of stone of line of silicon of low creep of brick, blast furnace, kiln of pottery and porcelain is provided, saggar, refractory slab, petro-chemical wait for an industry, mo Laishi is the raw material of high-grade and fireproof material. The high temperature strength with be had better, fight high temperature creep gender, heatproof shake sex and fight aggressivity. A kind of typical corundum - the manage of Mo Laishi brick changes function to be: Al2O3>85% , fe2O3≤0.45% , apparent pore is led 19% , intensity of normal temperature compression is more than temperature of 55MPa loading bate to be more than 1700 ℃ , add a hot line to change (1600 ℃ , 3h)-0.1% , heatproof shake sex (1100 ℃ water-cooling) be more than 30 times.


Mo Laishi colour and lustre carbon of white, incomplete extremely low, porosity matter content is low, low, fight lose strength big, loading bate temperature is high, hardness is big, high temperature creep is small, acicular crystal growth is good, heavy simple stuff is compact the gender is good, compression intensity is high, be able to bear or endure all sorts of caustic gas are eroded,

Thermal shock stability beautiful, heat conduction performance is good, wear-resisting caustic. Structure of interior of light simple stuff is even, compression intensity is high, fight erode, heat-resisting shake,

Fight oxidation, use temperature is high, heat conduction rate is low. The high temperature strength with be had better, fight high temperature creep gender, heatproof shake sex and fight aggressivity.


Mo Laishi characteristic and function: Mo Laishi colour and lustre carbon of white, incomplete extremely low, porosity matter content is low, low, fight lose strength big, loading bate temperature is high, hardness is big, high temperature creep is small, acicular crystal growth is good, mo Laishi reachs wear-resisting function with its excellent heatproof shake performance, be applied extensively at hot-blast stove of blast furnace of brick of lining of vitreous kiln body, Mo Laishi brick, large smelt brick of stone of line of silicon of low creep of brick, blast furnace, kiln of pottery and porcelain is provided, saggar, refractory slab, petro-chemical wait for an industry, mo Laishi is the raw material of high-grade and fireproof material.

1, heavy simple stuff is compact the gender is good, compression intensity is high, be able to bear or endure all sorts of caustic gas are eroded, thermal shock stability beautiful, heat conduction performance is good, wear-resisting caustic.

2, structure of interior of light simple stuff is even, compression intensity is high, fight erode, heat-resisting shake, fight oxidation, use temperature is high, heat conduction rate is low.


Mo Laishi characteristic and function: Mo Laishi colour and lustre carbon of white, incomplete extremely low, porosity matter content is low, low, fight lose strength big, loading bate temperature is high, hardness is big, high temperature creep is small, acicular crystal growth is good, mo Laishi reachs wear-resisting function with its excellent heatproof shake performance, be applied extensively at hot-blast stove of blast furnace of brick of lining of vitreous kiln body, Mo Laishi brick, large smelt brick of stone of line of silicon of low creep of brick, blast furnace, kiln of pottery and porcelain is provided, saggar, refractory slab, petro-chemical wait for an industry, mo Laishi is the raw material of high-grade and fireproof material.

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