Metallic magnesium produces technological process overview: Dolomite by the stock with broken and eligible crusher (30-40mm) , with rotary kiln agglomeration, to calcine becomes forge white, via cooling machine refrigeration, pulverize of repass ball mill, press into the ball via controlling ball machine again, after classics is broken with ferrosilicon pink (contain silicon 75% ) with fluorite pink (contain GaF2) =95% mixes to make a group equably, load heat-resisting stainless steel inside reductive canister, park is reductive in furnace, spend in 1200-1250 ℃ and vacuum 1.33Pa vacuum below reductive make take thick magnesium, through solvent purificatory, ingot casting, finishing receives finished product magnesian ingot-shaped tablet.

As ceaseless progress of the society, of science and technology rise ceaselessly, the manufacturing technology of metallic magnesium is more and more mature. Current present circumstance looks, it is roughly OK and OK that metallic magnesium produces technological process cent is two main methods, heat up reductive law namely firstly, it is electrolysis secondly, these two kinds of methods can the method that fractionize differs for several kinds. Method of avery kind of has its advantage and special purpose.
1, metallic magnesium produces technological process to heat up reductive law introduction: Heat up the application of reductive law, advocate the extract that if use chemical material silicon,will realize pair of metal magnesium. The raw material that uses in producing a course has carborundum, oxidation calcium still has pure content silicon, the chemistry that its produce reacts the condition of a need is high temperature and vacuum, his temperature when high temperature should achieve 1100~1250 Celsius. When the hot reductive legal system that we know builds metallic magnesium, of the reaction facility that needs according to place different, divide again for several kinds of different methods, but their principle is identical. According to equipment different, the method that differentiates to differ for 4 kinds, it is leather river law respectively, baerzanuofa, magenifa, MTMP law, undertake discussion first with respect to these 4 kinds now.
2, law of river of skin of technological process of metallic magnesium production introduces: Leather river law is the method of magnesium of a kind of more typical metal of a kind of production, the raw material that needs in this method has dolomite ore deposit, fluorite, silicon mine, coke still has scrap iron. Show to have dolomite ore deposit to calcine generates forge in rotary kiln in producing a course white (MgO · CaO) , undertake its smashing next, smash fluorite next, will both ` mixture is put into mixture ball, still have silicon mine, coke, scrap iron is put into electric arc furnace to undertake reacting reentry goes smashing generating ferrosilicon powder, its and blender medium mixture is put into the machine that make a ball, throw reductive heat again and join include ferrosilicon, the ball of fluorite is round, pass reductive reaction to be able to make magnesian crystal, melting again next extract, generate metallic magnesium. The time cycle that this method produces is 10 hours left and right sides almost. Technological process is divided almost for 3 each phase, include warm-up period, low vacuum heats period still having is high vacuum heats period.
Reductive furnace includes metallic magnesium horizontal furnace and vertical furnace, horizontal furnace uses fireproof data basically is by roof, boiler setting, hold coal tub brick in the palm, the brick that prop up, brick of coal tub mouth is formed, vertical furnace uses fireproof data basically is by roof, boiler setting, burner brick, regenerator is formed, roof, boiler setting, hold coal tub brick in the palm, the brick that prop up, brick of coal tub mouth, burner brick and regenerator build unit for the build by laying bricks or stones of different measurement, build by laying bricks or stones builds unit is by do not need high temperature firing pouring expect or pound the fireproof material such as dozen of makings beforehand pouring or squelch and become.
3, metallic magnesium produces technological process Ba Er Introduction Zanuofa: Develop on the foundation of the law and Baerzanuofa comes in Pi Jiang, its primary technological process and leather river law are very similar, nevertheless some places are different. Its are distinguished basically even if he won't is opposite in reaction process dolomite and ferrosilicon undertake conglomeration uses electric heater to undertake heating to its directly however squelching becoming, such it is a kind of more energy-saving method, this kind of method is used by place of a company now.

4, metallic magnesium produces technological process Introduction Ma Introduction Genifa: Magenifa is in what around discovered 1960, look in us its chase after what marked characteristic uses namely is a kind of more energy-saving method, his reaction cycle is longer nevertheless, compared with Pi Jiang the law is 10 hours for, double what its react time is him almost, it is 16~24 commonly hour. Inside reaction container, the configuration of the material inside container is liquid state then commonly, having the reaction temperature that is him again also is taller, exceed leather river standard commonly go up line, have 1300~1700 ℃ . Be in manufacturing process, metallic magnesium is with gaseous state or the form of liquid state is generated with condenser in.
5, law of MTMP of technological process of metallic magnesium production introduces: MTMP law is the manufacturing technology of magnesium of a kind of a more successive kind of production metal. In production process, his reaction temperature demand is higher, want 1700-1750 ℃ , next the metal is generated magnesianly also is generate in condenser. The hot reductive law that above is metallic magnesium 4 kinds produces equipment in what differ, produce a few results that can achieve below the condition.
6, electrolysis wants energy-saving requirement to look with respect to what what we advocate now, electrolysis probably more the reception that gets us, because the manufacturing technology of electrolysis is more advanced and simple, and have the characteristic with low specific power consumption. The core of electrolysis is the anhydrous magnesium chloride that solves melt with dc incoming telegram, make decompose become magnesium to follow chlorine. Look with respect to electrolysis, can divide again according to unused raw material for different method. Can differentiate commonly for Daowufa, magnesian chloridize law, AMC law is waited a moment. Next we with respect to these medium a few undertake meticulous discussion.
7, law of black of path of technological process of metallic magnesium production introduces: Daowufa is a kind of simpler electrolysis, his raw material also gets very easily. Its raw material includes seawater to still have milk of lime, apply these two kinds of raw material to extract oxyhydrogen to change magnesium, undertake its and hydrochloric acid chemical reaction makes solution next, undertaking electroanalysising, this kind of method is a kind of simpler production methods, energy-saving and economic still cost.
8, law of chloridize of technological process of metallic magnesium production introduces: The producer goods of magnesian chloridize law is smooth bittern stone, after passing fluid-bed, chloridize heat is put after joining its coke to still have chlorine, make undertaking electroanalysising generating chlorine after reaction, metallic magnesium, still have potassium chloride, generated chlorine undertakes his collection be usinged at chloridize reaction, implementation is used circularly, save resource, implementation is energy-saving. Electrolysis besides this two kinds, still have several kinds. One kind when have a characteristic most is Sinuokefa, those who use is magnesium chloride, in high pressure, metal of the extraction below electrolytic circumstance is magnesian. Need not use chloridize reaction to make the raw material that takes manufacturing magnesium.

Metallic magnesium produces the actor defect of law of river of technological process skin and electrolysis and its progress:
To leather river law, technological process of production of its metal magnesium and equipment are simpler, the investment that build a plant is little, scale of production is flexible the purity of magnesium of; finished product is advanced characteristic; its body of heater is small, it is easy to build, technical difficulty small; and can use resourceful dolomite to serve as raw material directly. Main drawback depends on heating up utilization rate life of low, reductive canister is brief, the cost that reductive furnace place holds is bigger, belong to labor concentrated model, manufacturing process is discontinuous.
Be aimed at above defect, undertook a series of technical reformation to its. Improve reductive canister composition, use new-style insulation material, cut off the hot short circuit, integrated coefficient of thermal conductivity that raises in-house medium; improves furnace model, use water coal oar to heat to reductive canister bottom for instance, make its be heated even. The new-style burner such as burner of use accumulation of heat, undertake to discharged waste gas; uses modern control technology reclaiming using, use equipment of mechanical and masked discharge to wait a moment.
With Pi Jiang law photograph is compared, it is good that electrolysis refine magnesium has uniformity of energy-saving, product, easily cost of successive, production compares technological process of mass industrialized production, metallic magnesium production Pi Jiang standard is low advantage, belong to the sources of energy concentrated model industry. But, does electrolysis also have the place: of the following inadequacy? Pao like that Piao? of Zhan Xiaya of ひ of of of pay of teacher of bureau ticket is hydrous dehydrate of chloric magnesian stone needs higher temperature and acidity atmosphere, make specific power consumption big, equipment corrodes serious; electrolysis to produce the liquid waste that the process discharges, waste gas and waste residue, cause pollution to the environment, processing fee is big.
Metallic magnesium produced technological process to use advanced and technical maturity, reliable, reasonable new-style Pi Jiang law refine magnesian craft. Eligible dolomite sends into rotary kiln to undertake to calcine; Press the dolomite after to calcine, fluorite, ferrosilicon certain proportion burden again, be ground through the ball and press into ball group; Below the in vacuumize condition in loading reductive coal tub, undertake high temperature is heated up reductive, get crystallization magnesium; Attainable metal is magnesian after crystallization magnesium passes remelting, fine. Include to calcine of raw material reserve, dolomite, pink to grind pressure ball, reductive reach the workshop section such as fine.
1, metallic magnesium produces system of technological process raw material: Dolomite is in mine is broken to the granuality that accords with a requirement, enter storage yard of marble of factory words spoken by an actor from offstage to store. Ferrosilicon and fluorite enter the storehouse inside the factory to store directly. Reserve all produces place to need dosage to consider by half month.
2, metallic magnesium produces system of to calcine of technological process dolomite: Choose energy-saving environmental protection rotary kiln, carry perpendicular type intake air heater and perpendicular type cooler. The dolomite discharge that ab extra granuality, quality all accords with a requirement comes makings field, undertake piling extraction expecting working by fork-lift truck, after undertaking screening by vibrating separator, leather belt carries the dolomite classics of granuality of 10 ~ 40mm to set upright storehouse of makings of coping of type intake air heater to rotary kiln, via expecting the canal enters intake air heater and the heat exchange of high temperature flue gas that flow into from rotary kiln, reach stock warm-up 800 ℃ above, rotary kiln classics is entered after falling to chute of have a change of luck forge of 1250 ℃ high temperature is firing and active forge is white, again discharge enters condenser inside, the air cooling heat exchange that high temperature forge rouses with fan here in vain, active forge white refrigeration comes 100 ℃ are the following, air is reached by warm-up 600 ℃ above. The active forge after refrigeration is white by the classics after condenser discharge goes out scale board conveyer is carried to the workshop that make a ball. The high temperature flue gas that rotary kiln combustion produces, after undertaking heating up exchange with dolomite inside intake air heater, thermal drop comes 220 ℃ are the following, enter bag type dust catcher next, fan of high temperature of the classics after removing dust emits into atmosphere, the dust content that discharges gas is less than formulary level. All fronts uses a technology the PLC with advanced, reliable function controls a system, operation management is focussed in main control room.
3, metallic magnesium produces technological process to make ball system: The dolomite after to calcine is expected into 1 # by promotion machine the storehouse reserves; Crusher of ferrosilicon classics gnathic type is broken to 20mm the following, by promotion machine classics promotion enters 2 # storehouse of makings of ferrosilicon piece lay aside reserves; Fluorite pink fights promotion to enter storehouse of 3 # makings by sheet. Deposit 3 kinds of raw material in storehouse of lay aside makings, via personal computer control successive burden joins ball mill to mix grind, 100 eye of granuality requirement < , storehouse of makings of machine of promotion of mixed powder repass, lay aside, after burying scraper conveyer, enter the plane that control a ball, make ball group. Burden system chose intelligence to control a system, whole process realized computer monitoring entirely full automatic change. Ball mill introduces drive of electric machinery of 10kV high pressure, more low-pressure than former 380V distribution moves reduced power consumption loss. The workshop that make a ball sets 3 to remove dust system, respectively in ferrosilicon broken place sets C1# to remove dust system, burden pink is ground set C2# to remove dust system, the place that control a ball sets C3# to remove dust system. Ball workshop is made operate an environment after be being administered through removing dust integratedly more traditional workshop is improved greatly, worker work environment gets rising.
4, technological process of metallic magnesium production is reductive reach fine system: Reductive furnace uses high temperature air technology of combustion of type of fast inverting accumulation of heat, style of accumulation of heat is reductive furnace with gas heat continuously for fuel. Ball group adds the reductive pot inside reductive furnace by machine of feed in raw material in, the magnesian steam that reductive canister makes becomes crystallization magnesium at carrying the condensation in ministry condenser (thick magnesium) , will thick magnesium is taken out send fine and alloy product line.
Metallic magnesium produces technological process - technological process of dolomite of rotary kiln to calcine: Grab bucket crane sends dolomite to leather belt conveyer, classics vibrating separator singles out a metallic magnesium that spends qualification, send coping of intake air heater makings storehouse by big obliquitous leather belt. The dolomite inside makings storehouse passes 6 smooth canals to enter intake air heater respectively, the hot flue gas of about 900 ℃ that to calcine process produces and dolomite again this heat exchange. Dolomite is gone to by warm-up when 800 ℃ choose stone to calcine of rotary kiln rear by hydraulic pressure push rod. The whirl of metallic magnesian rotary kiln makes stone dolomite even be heated, move stage by stage to kiln head direction at the same time. Kiln head cover is in installation to have burner, combustion temperature amounts to 1250 ℃ , be opposite in order to satisfy active forge in vain the demand of temperature. Blazing forge falls into condenser from kiln head in vain, with the 2 air heat exchange that air-blower rouses. Air is come to make an appointment with 600 ℃ to enter kiln head to support combustion by warm-up, forge is gone to by refrigeration in vain under 100 ℃ , fall to scale equably through oscillatory feeder board conveyer is carried to next line working procedure. Leave intake air heater to make an appointment with the tail gas of 260 ℃ , enter bag type dust catcher through conduit, undertake depurative to tail gas, implementation amounts to mark to discharge, complete magnesian technological process of metal of whole to calcine.
Produce per year magnesium of 5000 tons of metals to produce technological process plant layout: 600 another name for Hubei province of 400 × defeat machine, 250 × 40 rotary kiln of 1000 finely machine, 2.5 × , 2 × cool 20 meters 5.7 ball mill of 7 meters of ball mill, MQG1.5 × , MG1725 coal grinds × of machine, MQG1.83 bucket elevator of machine, HL300, gas happening furnace the 2.5 rice, machine that control a ball.
Produce per year magnesium of 10000 tons of metals to produce technological process plant layout: 900 another name for Hubei province of 600 × defeat machine, 250 × 60 rotary kiln of crusher of type of 1200 fine another name for Hubei province, 3 × , 2.2 × cool 20 meters 5.7 ball mill of 8 meters of ball mill, MQG1.5 × , MG2233 coal grinds machine, MQG2.4 × bucket elevator of machine, HL300, gas happening furnace 3 meters, press.
To improve the thermal efficiency of furnace kiln, reduce unit product specific fuel consumption, technological process produces in metallic magnesium step of the following respects took in the design:
1, fuel combustion facilities: Choose energy-saving burner, automata matchs wind force, reduce the incomplete combustion loss of fuel.
2, intake air heater of a perpendicular type is set in rotary kiln rear, make full use of the high temperature flue gas that rotary kiln combustion produces, the stock warm-up inside intake air heater, make stock produces a part to decompose inside intake air heater, make systematic yield rises 40% , thermal efficiency rises 30% .
3, condenser of a perpendicular type is set in rotary kiln head, make full use of forge of rotary kiln high temperature gives stuff place to contain quantity of heat to reach 2 air warm-up in vain 600 ℃ , make thermal efficiency gets rising.