Build by laying bricks or stones builds boiler firebrick method

March 15, 2024Nov 23, 2024

1, from the bottom up of construction measure comply with, by in the principle outside coming undertakes, drum bottom reachs convection check interval on when blaze board irrigates Tong by on reach next undertaking.

2, demand of boiler setting air-tightness is high, ash seams full spend a requirement: Red brick not under 85% ;


Not under 90% . Crowded oar method is used when red brick build by laying bricks or stones is built,


Build by laying bricks or stones is built use construction of the law that blow an oar.

3, the build by laying bricks or stones of hearth builds:

(1) , before hearth build by laying bricks or stones is built, want fundamental make level, when build by laying bricks or stones is built, want first of build by laying bricks or stones and hearth contact all around straight wall, height makes an appointment with surface of prep above hearth. Next hearth horizontal (if be multilayer when build by laying bricks or stones is built, with line of number of plies together) mark is on straight wall hind,

(2) , hearth by multilayer when the brick is comprised, build by laying bricks or stones is built should chase a layer to chase a layer to undertake, the fluctuation layer, brick that be the same as a layer is seamed stagger,

(3) , high temperature area and the hearth that often need the overhaul should be in hearth and place of straight wall contact to stay expand clearance, embed inside clearance asbestine rope or mat asbestine board.

4, fall ash bucket (contain inclined wall) build by laying bricks or stones builds:

(1) , fall transverse center line is spied according to blueprint above all before ash bucket build by laying bricks or stones is built, find out each to fall with transverse center line fore-and-aft center line, thick broken bits fights ash bucket after the foul line outside be in around straight wall, in two end the foundation stands a perpendicular center line is played to come on the face ash bucket is bottom, with falling mouth of ash bucket bottom stays set size, made triangular model is used after playing a perpendicular and auxiliary line (according to blueprint inclined wall gradient is made) , picture of foul line of will inclined wall establishs a face to go up in two upright foundations. With same capable person qualitative fireproof Tong makes triangle of inclined wall bottom remove a stand (if pursue 1) reach straight wall make level, vertical, horizontal, inclined wall hands over the triangle of place to remove a stand, also use the fireproof Tong perfusion with same qualitative capable person, wait for Tong to coagulate eventually rear can undertake build by laying bricks or stones builds inclined wall.

(2) , fall when ash bucket build by laying bricks or stones is built, first build by laying bricks or stones builds a horizontal stroke backward build by laying bricks or stones is fore-and-aft; When inclined wall and straight wall are comprised, first inclined wall of the build by laying bricks or stones after straight wall of build by laying bricks or stones.

(3) , when face of inclined wall back of a chair has a foundation to rely on, brick and fundamental interface plaster want full; Face of inclined wall back of a chair is filled cindery when, corresponding face wants at the same time build by laying bricks or stones is built, when brick of layer of 2~3 of every build by laying bricks or stones is tall, fill cindery, cindery must tamp.

5, the build by laying bricks or stones of straight wall builds:

(1) , boiler all around straight wall by


, heat preservation brick (or thermal insulation) , red brick composition. Build by laying bricks or stones builds construction order to be first firebrick of build by laying bricks or stones, next heat preservation brick (or stick thermal insulation board, felt) , final step red brick. When filling is in be being seamed like the heat insolation between firebrick and red brick, red brick stuffs wad when layer of 3~4 of every build by laying bricks or stones, packing fact wants when filling.

(2) , when straight wall build by laying bricks or stones is built, must be in in boiler setting corner, straight paragraph two end pile up boss of good 2~3 layer first, had pulled horizontal, check dimension is not had by accident hind, be over build by laying bricks or stones of be well versed in of ground floor brick, adjust good step to build ash to seam, stay had set expand seam the position, will perpendicular expand seam asbestine rope to hung up, after steel wearing establishs asbestine board to had been stuck, undertake build by laying bricks or stones is built.

(3) , straight wall build by laying bricks or stones builds group step means to be: 1/2 brick large wall uses a fault to seam 1/2 brick to grow build by laying bricks or stones to build; Large wall of 1 brick and 1 brick above is used one is arranged or build by laying bricks or stones of law of lock bag build by laying bricks or stones is built.

(4) , when boiler setting two sides all is working surface (1 brick is thick reach the wall except under its) at the same time build by laying bricks or stones builds both sides pull wires.

(5) , adopt system of build by laying bricks or stones

Water-cooling wall

Header and the slip pedestal that provide edge and tubal margin must not be secured,

Water-cooling wall

Pull a hook to be in different brick, cannot get stuck

Water-cooling wall

ear board.

(6) , when firebrick and step of red brick group, firebrick when height of brick of layer of 6~8 of every build by laying bricks or stones, along 1~1.5m of horizontal way every other, must extend the brick helping firm with long 115mm to the wall outside red brick, the brick that help firm stays set should disconnect with the layer, fluctuation layer wants crisscross to stay set.

(7) , when build by laying bricks or stones builds the wall outside red brick, must set steam vent, stay set distributing should even, can stay by 2m2 left and right sides set, with DN15~20 black iron pipe is buried set (the means of the opening that uses obligate 60×120mm below have to circumstance) . The boiler of platoon having stove begins to stay when neat open-hearth furnace is discharged set; The boiler that discharges without furnace is in place of elevation 1m left and right sides to begin to stay set, heat insolation seams apogee place to also must stay set, after drying-out ends, use instantly

Be able to bear or endure lukewarm material


6, the build by laying bricks or stones such as aperture of boiler setting mouth of a cave, examination is built all use inside wall firebrick be well versed in comes outside the build by laying bricks or stones of wall red brick builds a way (see a picture 2) . Mouth of a cave (aperture) when upside enclothes a design to have a demand, ask by the design build by laying bricks or stones is built, when the design does not have a requirement,

(1) , the hole inside the wall (aperture) width ≤450mm, span can use solid stage method not greatly to make the same score bricklaying layer to replace small push without using one's hands. Law of build by laying bricks or stones sees a picture 3, every build by laying bricks or stones all from mouth of a cave of two side direction inside bulgy ≤6mm, enclothe till mouth of a cave till, every, with the layer bulgy length should agree.

(2) , the mouth of a cave inside the wall (aperture) can use treatment brick means of width ≤250mm to enclothe, law of build by laying bricks or stones sees a picture 4.

(3) , all use arch build by laying bricks or stones coming back of width of 450mm of > of width of aperture of the mouth of a cave inside the wall to build means to enclothe.

7, the build by laying bricks or stones of arch and vault builds:

(1) , the dimension of the loose tool radius that arch and vault build by laying bricks or stones build place to need, radian that make must accord with design requirement, the span of loose tool is less than actual span 20~30mm, exterior level off is smooth, have bear the weight of material reachs construction load and the ability of changeless form.

(2) , before arch build by laying bricks or stones is built must build the build by laying bricks or stones of body of build by laying bricks or stones after arch foot brick end, after classics examination is eligible, ability build by laying bricks or stones is built,

(3) , before vault build by laying bricks or stones is built, arch foot bridge and framework pillar must rely on tighten. Before build by laying bricks or stones builds the vault of adjustable framework, framework and pull rod must be adjusted and had secured, and classics examination is eligible.

(4) , before arch and vault build by laying bricks or stones are built, had installed loose tool above all, check elevation, place, correct hind fixed and firm, undertake next beforehand build by laying bricks or stones is built, beforehand the purpose that build by laying bricks or stones builds basically is to adjust the build by laying bricks or stones that ash is seamed and model of brick of arch of matched stack build by laying bricks or stones satisfies arch to build quality requirement and fault to seam a requirement. Arch brick matched stack is arranged after according with a requirement, order is built to make up by build by laying bricks or stones in bricky face on get off after date, if pursue,5 are shown.

Central semmetry

Build by laying bricks or stones is built. Forbidden build build by laying bricks or stones of convert of differ in roll end diameter.

(5) , divide outside having special provision, arch and vault fault seam build by laying bricks or stones to build, the arch with different span and vault but annulus build by laying bricks or stones. The edge when the fault seams build by laying bricks or stones to build is fore-and-aft line build by laying bricks or stones must be pulled to build when seaming length to be more than 1 meter,

(6) , build by laying bricks or stones builds arch and vault to all must set lock brick, the deepness locking up a brick that build by laying bricks or stones enters is the 2/3~3/4 of arch and vault ply, if the graph is shown 6 times, same arch lock should agree into deepness, the lock is fashionable should come from closer lock more loose. The lock brick of the cup one hand in the other before the chest that build by laying bricks or stones of same inside the wall standard builds adjacent of a few photographs and vault must infiltrate at the same time,

(7) , semmetry of Suo Zhuanjun divide evenly distributings. Span < 3m infiltrates one locks up a brick, span > 3m infiltrates 3 lock up a brick. The lock is fashionable can use hammer to infiltrate, but must want to fill up board.

(8) , forbid to use chop ply 1/3 above or chop authentic to grow flank to make bedding face becomes cuneate brick, regard a lock as the brick.

(9) , the treatment brick of arch and vault upside make level, high temperature area or outside wall surface uses a brick to machine make level, microtherm area can employ same capable person make level of qualitative fireproof Tong.

8, pour build by laying bricks or stones coming back to build:

(1) , inside and outside is made when build by laying bricks or stones coming back is built two arc board. Inside arc board is made according to the radius that come back; Outside arc board, less than radius adds ply of brick coming back to make.

(2) , when pouring build by laying bricks or stones coming back to build, depend on arc board to be a basis from the bottom center line that come back, good build by laying bricks or stones of bottom treatment brick, after general brick builds length to be able to satisfy 5~7 piece brick coming back, can begin build by laying bricks or stones to be built come back, next from pour center of bottom coming back to be built to build by laying bricks or stones of two side semmetry come back. When beginning build by laying bricks or stones to build cannot overweight knock lest shift or become loose. After waiting for build by laying bricks or stones of screw off ministry to had built 5~7 piece brick, will inside arc board is fixed go up in face of brick coming back, Build by laying bricks or stones builds order to see a picture 7.

(3) , step coming back comes when 1/2 is round, upside 1/2 uses arch of build by laying bricks or stones and vault means build by laying bricks or stones to build. When locking up a brick, see a picture 8.

9, the build by laying bricks or stones that condole hangs the brick, wall that tear open blaze builds:

(1) , condole hangs comply with of the brick, wall that tear open blaze to come from small part build by laying bricks or stones altitude, from the builds to two side build by laying bricks or stones principle intermediate.

(2) , hang build by laying bricks or stones of the brick, wall that tear open blaze to build when condole when need machines a brick, condole hangs what condole aperture of the brick machines to cooperate clearance to not be more than 5mm, the ply of the wall that tear open blaze is less than 90% . What condole hangs a brick is main place getting power must not have flaw.

(3) , the surprise that contains fixed bolt aperture brick, chase a dry platoon to try step first, it is after the position that bolt aperture indicates on pipe, just can solder fixed bolt. The nut when build by laying bricks or stones is built cannot be twisted too closely, lest damage firebrick, fireproof Tong fill and level up is used inside bolt aperture.

10, boiler setting expands seam stay set:

(1) , boiler setting expands seam stay set the position, form to press design demand, width does not allow to be less than design requirement measure, seam inside forbid to the good thing such as brickbat is dropped. Expand seam inside stuffing asks by the design ram is close, when using asbestine rope, to blaze face the first must want to had immersed fireproof slop.

(2) , canal of wall of the water-cooling that wear a wall, drop canal of canal, header, blowdown, drum, measure lukewarm aperture (canal) reach put aside bridge to wait, osculatory metope place and freely of firebrick boiler setting join place stay expand seam, had better use asbestine rope to twine.

(3) , boiler setting expands seam stay set pattern:

Office of ① , corner expands seam stay set pattern, see a picture 9 (A) : 1/2 brick has sex with 1 brick place stay set pattern; Graph 9 (B) : 1 brick has sex with 1 brick place stay set pattern.

The ② , wall that tear open blaze two end and boiler setting join place expand seam stay set pattern, see a picture 10.

③ , boiler setting is mid and perpendicular expand seam stay set pattern, see a picture 11.

④ , roof and condole hang arch two end and boiler setting join place expand seam stay set pattern, see a picture 12.

Level of ⑤ , boiler setting expands seam use special shaped brick commonly, when be like as good as brick, adopt a plan 13 means build by laying bricks or stones is built. The level when build by laying bricks or stones is built expands seam asbestine rope to want impaction; The level expands seam above firebrick alone build by laying bricks or stones builds height not to exceed 1m, firebrick and red brick rise alternately, lest asbestine rope is compressed,cause boiler setting to tilt.

(4) , perpendicular expand seam the build by laying bricks or stones that hang a line to build, wrong tooth does not exceed 3mm, expand seam inside asbestine rope is more than slightly expand seam stay set width 3~5mm, press at the same time when build by laying bricks or stones is built.

11, bricky build by laying bricks or stones builds firebrick, heat preservation not to allow the brick wringing, before red brick build by laying bricks or stones is built, must water outside coming, work inside saturated.

12, the brick is machined on the style of build by laying bricks or stones that forbids to had been built in build by laying bricks or stones or walk, prohibit the side of blaze of treatment face front the brick.

13, surface of firebrick, red brick all is gotten

Tick off seam

. Convection check is in thick and fast and boiler accessory blocks a part, must scrape grey ear along with build by laying bricks or stones.

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