The firebrick that chooses to suit incinerator is very crucial, because incinerator job is in high temperature, caustic in strong environment, need firebrick is had exceedingly good high temperature resistant gender, heatproof shake sex, fight chemistry caustic with wear. The firebrick of incinerator chooses to need the operation condition inside the operating mode with specific basis and furnace to have integrated consideration. It is the main consideration element when incinerator chooses firebrick and commonly used firebrick type below:
1.High temperature of the temperature inside furnace is able to bear or endure suffer a gender: Incinerator arrives in 1000 ℃ normally between 1600 ℃ the job, certain and special application may exceed 1600 ℃ . The choice of firebrick should consider his above all fireproof degree (namely high temperature resistant ability) . Generally speaking, of firebrick fireproof degree of upper limit temperature inside furnace of need prep above. Common choice: Tall aluminous brick, corundum brick, magnesian chromic brick. 2. Caustic gas composition: The combustion gas composition inside incinerator may be caused to firebrick corrode, wait like gas of high temperature oxidation, acidity gas or alkalescent gas. Accordingly, the corrosion resistance of firebrick is a crucial factor. Common choice: Acidity environment: Tall aluminous brick, aluminous silica brick applies to acidity atmosphere. Alkalescent environment: Magnesia brick, magnesian chromic brick relatively alkali resistance sex is corroded.
3.Temperature of heat-resisting shake sex is fluctuant: Incinerator is in moving process, fluctuate via often can experiencing temperature or break out refrigeration, this raised taller requirement to the thermal shock stability of firebrick. Firebrick needs to have good heatproof shake sex, can bear high temperature suddenly cold or be heated up suddenly and not burst. Common choice: Brick of magnesian chromic brick, aluminous silica brick, corundum.
4.Fight aggressivity and wearability slaggy with flying ash erode: May arise inside incinerator slaggy or flying ash, these material are right of firebrick erode action strong. Accordingly, the choice is had good the firebrick that fights aggressivity is very important. Common choice: Tall aluminous brick, magnesia brick, magnesian chromic brick, apply to the area with slaggy contact especially.
5.The atmosphere oxidation environment inside furnace: If the atmosphere inside furnace is of oxidisability (if burning when organic waste material) , firebrick should be had fight oxidisability goodly. Common choice: Corundum brick, aluminous silica brick. Reducing atmosphere: If the atmosphere deflection of incinerator interior is reductive (if burn,contain sulfur or organic waste material) , need those who consider firebrick to fight reproducibility. Common choice: Carborundum brick, corundum brick.
6.Wear and service life use stability for a long time: Incinerator firebrick should bear not only high temperature and corrode, have longer service life even, avoid to change often the maintenance cost that cause and machine down time. Common choice: Magnesian chromic brick, tall aluminous brick, corundum brick, these material have better wear normally.
7.Build by laying bricks or stones builds as convenience as construction construction sex: Appearance of some incinerator interior complex, structure is irregular, need is used but the fireproof stuff with pouring, good plasticity. Common choice: Fireproof and pouring makings, suit complex form or use the area that build by laying bricks or stones builds standard firebrick hard. Construction attention: Use fireproof and pouring when makings, should ensure its are fireproof function and bonding strength accord with a requirement.
8.Economy cost controls: When choosing firebrick, want to consider its performance not only, consider its cost effectiveness even. Differ according to body of heater working environment of the part, can alternative price compares tall data. For example, different area (be like wall of hearth, furnace, roof) the firebrick that can select different function and price. Common choice: Inferior to bearing temperature and the area that corrode lesser, can choose relatively economic firebrick, be like aluminous silica brick.

Type of commonly used firebrick 1. Tall aluminous brick: Apply to the environment that taller, acidity gas corrodes temperature, be like the high temperature part inside incinerator. Have good heatproof shake gender and high temperature resistant ability. 2. Magnesia brick and magnesian chromic brick: Apply to suffer slaggy the area that erodes with basic material, can bear higher temperature is had stronger fight aggressivity. 3. Corundum brick: Have tall high temperature resistant gender and fight oxidisability, apply to the high temperature in incinerator and strong corrosion environment. 4. Carborundum brick: Apply to a requirement tall thermal conductivity and high temperature resistant percussive area, there also is good performance in the environment that suffers acidity gas to erode at the same time.
The firebrick that sums up incinerator chooses to answer to consider integratedly according to the element such as requirement of the temperature inside furnace, atmosphere, caustic, thermal shock and economy. Common choice includes tall aluminous brick, magnesia brick, magnesian chromic brick, corundum brick and carbonization silica brick to wait. The firebrick below different position and different work environment chooses to will affect the moving efficiency of incinerator and service life, because this needs a basis,specific operating mode requirement has reasonable select material.