Expand seamed position should keep away from place getting power, be like the hole of framework of body of heater and liner, affect the integral intensity of fireproof material in order to avoid, expanding seam the premise that maintains reasonable span to issue even setting. Body of firebrick build by laying bricks or stones is in intersect of place expand if plan institute shows,seam a setting:

Of hearth expand seam all answer in a hearth is the same as in fluctuation brick layer crisscross setting. Of boiler setting expand outside be being seamed inside mix between the layer between fluctuation layer, all answer crisscross setting.
Circular arch wall can stay between body of build by laying bricks or stones and crust set expand seam set in order to fill expand, fill among them with adventitious fireproof material or heat-insulating material. Can expand subsequently to crust, hot to coming loose demand is not high, do not fill fireproof material or heat-insulating material Yi Ke.
Vault expands directly in two upright put apart commonly seam, leave what each way should consider when setting to expand, vault height is more than 2.5m, except stay in two end set expand outside seaming, still answer to grow section according to arch, in vault mid stay set expand seam.

The vault that crisscross build by laying bricks or stones builds can stay set expand directly seam, also can leave stagger to expand seam. The vault that direct build by laying bricks or stones builds, should choose stagger to expand seam. Multilayer vault expands seam should crisscross setting. Expand seam on due have certain stiffness enclothe, form add bind round together. Measure to expanding bigger like silica brick, magnesia brick, besides above expand outside seaming, still should be in 3 ~ increase a place of strategic importance between 5 bricks the chipboard with 1 ~ thick 2mm, expand in order to strengthen the compensation of the quantity.
To overhead suspension roof, besides the edge the setting expands all round roof outside seaming, still should consider bottom boiler setting to expand up be answered the clearance of put apart. In wall and top hand in collect place, should install what absorb perpendicular direction to absorb horizontal way again already to expand seam.
Bigger to the diameter furnace top, in carry out fireproof irrigate build of makings irrigate when building, should install control to expand appropriately seam, break up roof the sector that is not more than 2m into diagonal length or arched village, partition is irrigated build.

To a few significant position, affect integral intensity to avoid its craze, the position with can be in not quite significant all round its installs control to seam, absorb the stress that change of significant position bulk produces, avoid significant position craze, with beforehand the generation of the crackle that the break of buy prevents specific place, such beforehand the break of buy also says its are seamed for control normally.