As world energy resources be in short supply increasingly, each national capital takes the production of insulation material and application seriously very much. The primary purpose that uses insulation material is the hot loss that reduces put oneself in another's position of build by laying bricks or stones of brick of high tepid equipment, improve thermal efficiency, increase production, reduce specific power consumption. Furnace of high temperature kiln has two kinds of forms through the hot loss of boiler setting, namely boiler setting comes loose outwards with heating up conductive form hot, the loss of accumulation of heat of body of firebrick build by laying bricks or stones. Of kiln furnace moving continuously basically is heat loss due to radiation, intermittent hot equipment basically is loss of accumulation of heat. Accordingly, should according to heating up losing form logical choice is mixed applied heat-insulating material.
Light qualitative insulation material can reduce the quantity of heat of be lost of heat conduction means not only, still can reduce quantity of heat of losing of accumulation of heat, achieve ideal energy-saving result thereby. Is the main characteristic of insulation material: ? ?5%〜78% of lot of word of of Lu of violet Du Shi: Bulk density is small, do not exceed commonly 1.3g/cm3, current the commonly used 0.5〜l.0g/cm3 on industry, coefficient of thermal conductivity is less than 1, be less than 1.26W/(m•K); to burn systole again more small, do not exceed 2% commonly. Accordingly, insulation material weighs light qualitative insulation material again. Intensity of machinery of adiabatic and fireproof material. Wearability and be able to bear or endure broken bits aggressivity is poor, do not apply to kiln furnace bearing structure and direct contact are slaggy. Charging. The place such as melt metal.
It is to show fireproof sex is tall but basically be the fireproof product that has good and adiabatic capacity. Porosity is normally big, porosity is big. . Bulk density is small, coefficient of thermal conductivity is low, intensity is low, fireproof sex is inferior to afore-mentioned fireproof material. Dan Jiliang's good adiabatic character decided his the wide application in cement kiln. Basically include firebrick of firebrick of argillaceous heat preservation, tall aluminous heat preservation and compound firebrick.
GB3994-83 " clay makes adiabatic firebrick " be restricted, its appearance and dimension should accord with the regulation of general firebrick. The technology of firebrick of tall aluminous heat preservation asks, because the technology of firebrick of tall aluminous heat preservation asks, GB3995-83 " firebrick of tall aluminous heat preservation " finite. Basically use at heat-insulation layer and kiln liner, what do not get material of high temperature melt and caustic gas is direct erode. Firebrick of tall aluminous heat preservation decides a brand according to bulk density, cent is 7 breed.
Compound brick uses rotary kiln tall fireproof sex. Fireproof material and insulation material regard high strenth as the composite material firebrick of exterior work layer and in-house heat-insulation layer. This kind of brick is a kind of give attention to two or morethings fireproof the firebrick that with heat preservation compound function asks, use different type the length of fireproof material, avoid its are short degree. Its job layer is had fight appropriately flake quality. Alkali resistance sex, heat-insulation layer coefficient of thermal conductivity is low, be helpful for heating up the heat preservation of equipment. Compare with two kinds of firebrick photographs, build by laying bricks or stones is built more convenient. Work efficiency is tall. Manage changes performance side, apply to belt of rotary kiln warm-up and safety belt.
Method of construction of cover board of silicon of makings of line of cement kiln heat insolation does not have insulation material of cover board of silicon acid of abbreviation of calcic stone of asbestine hard silicon acid high grade insulation material, white, synthesis. Apply extensively at the heat preservation of place of all sorts of hot equipment high temperature.
The calcareous plate of preparative silicon acid before construction is easy be affected with damp be affected with damp, the function after be affected with damp be affected with damp is changeless, but meeting influence build by laying bricks or stones is built reach follow-up craft, be like the extension of dry time, affect the coagulation of fireclay and intensity. When construction site hair expects, be afraid that wet fireproof material in principle must not exceed the need that day. Construction site should take moistureproof step. Save should pile up by different brand, different specifications, the other side shoulds not be exorbitant or pile up with other and fireproof material, prevent weigh damage. Before build by laying bricks or stones is built, should cleaning equipment build by laying bricks or stones builds the surface, the bilge such as cleared and ferruginous, dirt, brush with steel wire when necessary cleared, ensure stick receive quality.
Build by laying bricks or stones builds the binder that in preparing build by laying bricks or stones of siliceous calcareous plate to build, uses what use binder to be made by solid and liquid material. The scale of solid and liquid material must appropriate, in order to achieve appropriate viscosity, can well daub and do not flow. Seam the juncture between the requirement silicon cover board with bottom mud to use binder connection to build by laying bricks or stones, it is 1~2mm commonly. The binder ply between silicon cover board and equipment crust is 2~3mm. The binder ply between silicon cover board and heat-resisting layer is 2~3mm.

Construction of siliceous calcareous plate 1. Before construction of silicon cover board, should whether does the material norms of microscope silicon cover board agree with the design. Special attention prevents low fireproof sex to be used at tall fireproof sex. 2. Siliceous calcareous plate is stickup go up in housing when, answer to have careful treatment to silicon cover board according to what wanting form, reduce the gap that nail causes as far as possible. After treatment, adhesive even daub is on silicon cover board, stickup go up in housing, the extruding that use a hand removes air, make silicon cover board and housing are contacted cheek by jowl. After build by laying bricks or stones of silicon cover board is built, must not move. Avoid because of build by laying bricks or stones builds the beat that create or squashing attaint silicon cover board. 3. Silicon cover board should use handsaw or electric saw treatment, prohibit using slimy knife cut. 4. Irrigate below the silicon cover board of the laid on coping when building fireproof material stone, fall off before binder intensity is developed to avoid silicon cover board, usable tinsel bundle up secures silicon cover board on nail. 5. When build by laying bricks or stones of cover board of double deck silicon is built, should the fault seams build by laying bricks or stones to build. 6. Build by laying bricks or stones builds silicon cover board to irrigate when building construction, should go up in silicon cover board ahead of schedule spray a waterproof agent, prevent be affected with damp be affected with damp of silicon cover board, prevent fireproof irrigate build material because of lacking water to hydrate inadequacy. To the silicon cover board that coping uses, as a result of hard up spray is waterproof agent, should be in stickup before spray is waterproof agent. 7. Be in already when the build by laying bricks or stones on the silicon cover board with good step builds firebrick, construction must the fault seams build by laying bricks or stones to build, if have crack, must use binder stuff. 8. To erect cylindrical shell or straight face, and erect cone, all be with the lower end in construction fiducial, by fall and go up stickup. 9. Build by laying bricks or stones is built after finishing, answer each place to have comprehensive examination. If have aperture or stickup not firm, use stickup agent stuff. 10. Bigger to plasticity silicon cover board, take no account of stay expand seam. The brick that prop up board bottom is tightened with silicon cover board and adhesive a place of strategic importance.