Build by laying bricks or stones builds heat preservation firebrick the note when kiln furnace liner

March 15, 2024Nov 25, 2024
   Build by laying bricks or stones builds heat preservation firebrick if the note when kiln furnace liner can notice the following, the service life of detailed kiln furnace can be lengthened.
   1, amlposition, forbidden appear when build by laying bricks or stones is built there are amlposition phenomenon or rough whole appearance between brick and brick, it is important to be at this o'clock, must notice.
   2, wrong oar, slop must choose correct slop when use, forbidden appear use mistake.
   3, bosomy bag, there cannot be rough whole appearance bosomy a bag when build by laying bricks or stones is built, if discover this,the phenomenon should level instantly.
   4, wool is seamed, build by laying bricks or stones builds a brick to seam should tick off wipe clean and bricky face should keep clean.

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