Firebrick is in the action in blast furnace

March 15, 2024Nov 25, 2024

   FirebrickApply to widely metallurgical industry, mechanical production industry, experienced anxious industry, power industry and a series of major industry department, for example chemical industryCourse of study and include itself of fireproof data industry inside silicate industry. The main service object that we also had mentioned firebrick is metallurgical industry. Accordingly, belowThe edge basically will be in with respect to firebrick the use condition in metallurgical industry makes brief introducing.

   Blast furnace is the main heat in puddling industry labor facilities. The CO of products of combustion that the action of blast furnace depends on using coke iron ore reductive into cast iron.

   The structure of blast furnace and its work sky distributing with the exercise temperature inside circumstance. The distance that the below brim from taphole center finds aniseed bell transfer to a lower level is the same as is calledThe effective height of blast furnace. The effective height of large blast furnace is about 24, 27 meters. The volume that includes inside this height weighs the effective cubage of blast furnace. The effective cubage of large blast furnace is controlled in 1000m³ commonly, below this kind of circumstance the diameter of crucible is amounted to 7, 8 meters, belly (shaft bottom) the diameter amounts to 8 ~ 9 meters.

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