The structure of electric stove boiler setting of fusion copper concentrate or cupreous nickel mine introduces

March 15, 2024Nov 25, 2024
The structure of the electric stove wall that is used at smelt copper concentrate or cupreous nickel mine aims to bear high temperature, mechanical stress and chemistry are corroded. The main component that makes this kind of wall and consideration element include the following content:
1. furnace casing: Material: Crust is become by steeliness normally, offer necessary construction to prop up for whole furnace. Cooling system: Normally as compositive as water-cooling system, in order to manage the very high quantity of heat of the generation in smelt process.
2. fireproof liner: Fireproof liner is mixed to protective furnace casing maintain safety to move crucial. It by multilayer composition, every have specific function and stuff. The bases of fireproof liner: Safe liner: Material: Make by high density, tall aluminium or magnesia brick. Utility: As resist high temperature and tatty are important line of defence, protect the structural integrality of furnace. Working liner: Material: By tall purity magnesium normally chromic brick or other high-powered fireproof data are made. Function: These bricks are exposed directly in smelt process, beard can bear high temperature, slag is eroded and thermal shock. Function: Tall thermal conductivity, exceedingly good be able to bear or endure chemical sex and high mechanical intensity. Heat-insulation layer: Material: Adiabatic firebrick or beaverboard of pottery and porcelain. Purpose: Reduce loss of quantity of heat, improve the thermal efficiency of furnace. Place: Be located in between working liner and safe liner, in order to provide heat insulation.
3. colligation and adjustable seam: Purpose: The heat that considers fireproof data expands and contract, prevent craze and structural damage. Material: Fiber of pottery and porcelain or special and fireproof cement flexible material is used at fill these juncture.
4. the chamber of a stove or furnace: Material: Normally by a thicker tall purity firebrick or pouring makings form, have very tall corrosion resistance and wearability. Design: Tilt to flow to taphole with convenient melt metal and slag.
5. gives makings aperture and broken bits opening: Material: Use high strenth, anti-corrosive fireproof material consolidate. Function: Offer receive a point controlledly, use at extracting melt metal and slag from inside furnace.
Component of 6. electric heat: Type: Ji of black lead report or other can bear the conductor of high temperature. Set the position: Ensure whole the chamber of a stove or furnace heats equably. Cooling: Use water-cooling means normally, with lengthening its service life improves efficiency.
7. is add safeguard: Broken bits area protects: In the area that broken bits and fireproof liner contact continuously, can use additional safeguard, if fight broken bits brick or coating. Metallic refrigeration component: In a few advanced designs, cupreous condenser or component of other metal refrigeration are built-in and fireproof in liner, come loose in order to increase to heat up and prolong the life of fireproof material.

The structure considers a factor: Heat expands and stress: Proper consideration heat expands and systole is crucial to preventing craze and structural breakdown. Chemical compatibility: The specific and chemical environment of fireproof material beard and furnace is compatible, include the type of the slag of a treatment and metal. Mechanical intensity: Fireproof liner must have enough mechanical strength, with bearing the weight of melt metal and furnace run the mechanical power of the generation in the process. Safeguard and maintain: The design should facilitate examination, safeguard and repair fireproof liner, with reducing machine down time as far as possible.
Crucial component summarizes: Furnace casing: Steel structure, take cooling system.
Fireproof liner: Safe liner: High density, tall aluminium or magnesia brick. Working line: High pure magnesian chromic brick. Heat-insulation layer: Heat preservation firebrick or beaverboard of pottery and porcelain. Felt and expansion joint: Those who be used at managing heat to expand is flexible material. The chamber of a stove or furnace: Tall purity firebrick or pouring makings, tilt design. Taphole and broken bits mouth: Use high strenth, anti-corrosive fireproof material consolidate. Electric heat component: Ji of black lead report or other conductor. Add safeguard: Protection of broken bits area and metallic refrigeration component.
The elaborate design of electric stove boiler setting and construction are crucial to safe smelt operation, ensure furnace can bear cupreous concentrate or the abominable condition that cupreous nickel mine encounters in smelt process.
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