The firebrick that choice limekiln uses and the working requirement that heat preservation brick needs to consider limekiln and requirement. It is a few proposals below:
The choice of firebrick: Fireproof degree: Limekiln interior temperature is opposite taller, because this choice is had enough tall fireproof spent firebrick is crucial. Normally, fireproof degree taller, stuff is better to the adaptability of high temperature environment.
Chemical stability: The chemical environment in limekiln may be harsher, because this chooses,corrode the firebrick that has better stability to chemistry. This conduces to prevent to firebrick reacts because of chemistry and be damaged.
Fight thermal shock stability: The likelihood experiences limekiln to rise periodicly to drop in temperature blandly, because this chosen firebrick should have better heatproof shake stability, can bear to temperature changes and not allow easy craze.
Wearability: Limekiln interior may exist to grain wears away and chafe, because the wearability of this firebrick also is element of a serious consideration.
Sealing: The choice can offer the firebrick of better sealing, what with ensuring the lime inside kiln reacts is effective undertake, prevent flue gas leak.

The choice of heat preservation brick: Coefficient of thermal conductivity: Choose the heat preservation brick with inferior coefficient of thermal conductivity, conduct a loss in order to reduce quantity of heat, improve the thermal efficiency of limekiln.
Compressive strength: Heat preservation brick is in bear when pressure of the gas inside bear and kiln, need has particular compressive strength, in order to ensure its structure won't invalidation.
Stability: Heat preservation brick should have better measure and appearance stability, won't produce burst or be out of shape in order to ensure in using a process for a long time.
Corrosion resistance: Heat preservation brick needs to have certain corrosion resistance, in order to answer the exists possibly caustic gas inside limekiln or material.
Easy processability: Choose the heat preservation brick that be machined easily and installs, so that be when need,undertake maintenance or change.
Select which kind of products, it is the design according to limekiln and working requirement will decide. Can seek advice from professional material engineer or limekiln manufacturer, in order to ensure a chosen firebrick and heat preservation brick accord with a requirement, can stabilize for a long time in high temperature and corrosion environment move