How much is silica brick service life, a few years can you use commonly?

March 15, 2024Nov 25, 2024

Silica brick fights thermal shock sex to differ, those who fight acidity slag erode ability strong, good in the stability when 600 ℃ above is used for a long time, can use 10-15 year, can use 25 years or so even. Silicon pledges the brick is typical acidity firebrick, its SiO2 content not under 93% . Oxide Al2O3 and FeO, Fe2O3 it is better to have be able to bear or endure suffer a gender, but to alkalescent slag be able to bear or endure suffer a gender poorer, be like easily by oxide the place such as CaO, K2O, Na2O is destroyed. Temperature of bate of silica brick loading can amount to L640-1680 ℃ , use bulk for a long time below high temperature to compare stability. But silica brick fights thermal shock sex poorer, fireproof sex is insufficient. The character of silicon material, state of the property that includes raw material, brilliant change and workmanship, the element such as function of stability of bulk of temperature of bate of as mineral as silica brick chemistry composition, true density, body density, fireproof sex, loading, high temperature, heatproof shake is concerned. Firebrick of heat insulation of silicon of light qualitative silica brick calls light qualitative silica brick commonly, basically make raw material with fine silica when production, its are critical granuality does not exceed 1mm commonly, and the grain that is less than 0.5mm not under 90% . In the pug that produces light qualitative silica brick, general mix into enters 35-45% anthracitic or about 30% coke serve as combustible additive, granuality is less than 1 millimeter. The choice of the bond in slop, mineralizer and add a capacity basically as identical as manufacturing silica brick. The common silica brick with the fireproof function of light silica brick and identical composition differs not quite, he Yin a lot of stoma, reason the compressive strength, sex that fight broken bits, corrosion resistance be inferior to common silica brick. Use temperature is in the light qualitative silica brick under 1550 ℃ , do not contact directly with stock of high temperature melt, do not suffer the immediate effect that eats gas. Light silica brick is by utility cent one, 2 kinds. A kind of product is used at steel rolling heating furnace top, industry is burned or kiln kiln carries firebrick on the head to wait, can contact with blaze directly, 2 form product is used at industry to heat up the partition of labor facilities. The raw material of silicon tile and manufacturing technology. Vitreous kiln is as follows with the main raw material of silica brick and manufacturing technology: (1) raw material deserves to decide than what comprise with grain. The raw material of silicon tile has stone stone, useless brick, lime, mineralizer and organic bond. The affiliation of useless silica brick can reduce adobe firing expand, but of goods fireproof spend and intensity also can drop. Answer to be decided according to different situation so, the principle is product sheet weight is greater, form is more complex, add a capacity more, should control commonly in 20% less than. Milk of lime is joined in green compact, as bond, dry hind intensity increases, in firing when have mineralizer effect. Mineralizer basically is used at iron sheet of steel rolling oxidation. Waste liquid of sulphurous acid oar is commonly used organic bond. The general principle that decides silica brick grain is comprised is as follows. When ① is choosing critical dimension, want to make sure preform obtains the biggest density, high temperature burns adult to accumulate stability. Critical grain is lesser, fine in ② expectation preform. ③ uses different stone stone batch mixing, begin acuteness expand to be joined temperature is high with thick bead, begin to expand to be joined temperature is lowly with granule; The raw material with compact quality of a material but thick add, conversely fine. (2) silica brick is firing the system is decided really. Silica brick base is in firing happen to change in the process, make firing more difficult. For this, the element such as character of furnace of appearance of the physico-chemical change in needing to consider fire course integratedly, base substrate and dimension, kiln. ① temperature is when 600 ° C is the following, should undertake fast, even heat. Is ② in 700? In temperature of 1100 ° C paragraph warm up speed is quickened equably than forehead. ③ 1100? When temperature is 1430 ℃ , warm up speed should be reduced gradually. ④ uses weak reductive blaze in high temperature phase firing, make the temperature inside kiln distributings even, and should prevent flare-up cause impact to base substrate. Should achieve highest and firing after temperature, want to have enough heat preservation time, be in normally 20? 48 have wave motion inside the hour. ⑤ 600? Prep above 800 ℃ can drop in temperature quickly, answer when microtherm delay is cold. The main character of silicon tile and use note is bases, content to be more than the silica brick of 93% to be raw material with 2 oxidation silicon, it is raw material with quartzite, join a few mineralizer, fire finishs in high temperature and become. What main and squamate quartz, square quartz, remain quartz, high temperature forms ore part is glassy wait for a variety of complex structures. Silica brick belongs to acidity and fireproof material, acid-proof sex slag is eroded, but those who get alkaline residue is intense erode, easy be destroyed by oxide Al2O3, K2ONa2O, it is better to be had to the oxide such as CaO, FeO, Fe2O3 fight a gender. The higher good performance that is out of shape temperature is silica brick, quartz, as square as scale quartz (1670, 1713 ℃ ) close, is fluctuant limits in 1640 ℃ ? 1680 ℃ limits. Silicon brick is in again when calcination, because remain,the quartz in brick continues to change can produce not reversible bulk to expand. 300 ℃ reach prep above approach melting point (scale quartz or Fang Shiying) silica brick volume is steady, be when 1450 ℃ heating when using, about 1.5% ? Total volume expands 2.2% , this kind expands will make build by laying bricks or stones is seamed join closely, ensure build by laying bricks or stones builds body to have good air-tightness and structural strength. Is the drawback with silicon the biggest tile thermal shock stability low (is hot exchange made an appointment with in water for 1? It is fireproof next degree low (be in commonly 1690-1730 ℃ ) , this makes its applied limits gets very big limitation. Basically use at furnace of kiln of Jiao Lu, glass, acidity steel-making and other to heat up labor facilities. When applying silica brick, should notice at 2 o'clock: (1)200 silicon products? Be in 300, below 573 ℃ , as a result of brilliant change, bulk expands quickly, warm up below in 600 ℃ when reason drying-out should not be too fast, in cold to acuteness temperature change should avoid when 600 ℃ are the following. (2) should avoid to contact alkaline broken bits as far as possible.
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