The development of brick of small hole corundum works according to reason of damaged of line of blast furnace brick and blast furnace conditional requirement, protocol in order to fight slag aggressivity, fight alkalescent achieve admirable level to be research target with small stomatic quota, brick of small hole corundum uses corundum to give priority to raw material, the cup of blast furnace pottery and porcelain that colophony is bond and the special technology development that add a variety of additive and use small stomatic structure uses brick of small Konggang jade, solved fight alkaline aggressivity, fight slag aggressivity and small stomatic quota 3 technologies difficult problem. Brick of small hole corundum with electric frit compact corundum is raw material, add have a few accretion, use peculiar small air hole to manufacture technology, it is bond with phenolic aldehyde colophony, classics mould pressing shapes high temperature is firing, and finish machining of classics machine tool, assemble beforehand, ensure the brick of body of build by laying bricks or stones seams a requirement. Simple to pottery and porcelain fireproof stuff, solve fight slag aggressivity, fight alkalescent with production small stomatic brick is difficult problem of 3 old techniques. Because pottery and porcelain pledges fireproof material is eroded very easily by slag commonly, fight alkalescent very poor. Of corundum material fight alkalescent and fighting slag aggressivity is very good, be raw material with corundum is feasible, the key is to use what bond, make of the brick base the sex fighting broken bits that expects it is likewise as good as corundum to have and fight alkalescent, because this bond is the focus of research. Pass the test of a variety of pair of bond, when discovery is bond with phenolic aldehyde colophony, to rising the sex that fight broken bits is mixed fight alkalescent have distinct effect, can produce piece fight alkalescent and fight aggressivity of broken bits, iron admirable corundum brick. Phenolic aldehyde colophony is union of carbolic simple thing, intensity is inferior, cannot produce the brick of small Konggang jade that gives high strength completely apparently with this kind of bond. To produce small stomatic brick, undertook a variety of additive experiment, understood small air hole to form mechanism. Produce small stomatic brick, have 3 requirements: (The structure of 1) adobe is more compact, the accretion that lesser and little;(2) joins hole issues can fused, aerification to distributing afresh in high temperature enter smaller air hole, fill is stomatic, make the new material with steady performance at the same time: (3) is firing the requirement that temperature can satisfy small air hole to generate. The sort that considers to make clear accretion, dosage, join a method to be affected to bricky function very big, defy Kong Rong of M of μ of intensity of the alkalescent, aggressivity that fight broken bits, compression, average aperture, <1 is accumulated especially, the function impact such as air permeability is very big, control its dosage and granuality bulk strictly, ability achieves anticipated result. The small stomatic quota that small stomatic brick examines is average aperture, cubage of aperture of <1 μ M and air permeability, these 3 index can react some is planted completely the actor bad of index of bricky small air hole. Admirable small stomatic brick can prevent the osmosis of harmful material of molten iron, K, Na, Zn, Pb effectively to erode. Used lithofacies microscopy to study the small air hole of brick of small hole corundum forms mechanism, in can observe times higher below the electron microscope the resultant of additive, the chemical part that distributes separate out product with electronic bougie, the main field that small air hole forms mechanism is accretion in the small air hole that fused below high temperature, aerification enters a brick, adhere to in corundum on imperceptible pink, and interaction makes new compound, its appearance is acicular, columnar with fiber shape. These new live thing have fill to jam stomatic action, make its become; of small stomatic brick to because many imperceptible white was joined in burden,also expect at the same time, shape pressure is greater, make of the brick send density taller, the hole of itself is very few, the accretion of minim of as a result can be full of small air hole to form small stomatic brick. This is small air hole form mechanism. Content of this kind of new student is having the effect of bond at the same time, increase bricky strength significantly, make brick of small hole corundum has very high strength, element of Al of result of analysis of scanning of face of element of brick of small hole corundum is much, distributing into grain shape in sample, si element is more also in showing the gap that dispersion shape distributings to be surrounded in Al2O3 grain burnt, other have the element such as minim Ca, TuFe, Na, it is contained impurity. Carbolic element and Si element correspondence distributing, explain silicon already made the compound that contains C. Through the research of afore-mentioned many sided, development goes the brick of small hole corundum with function good target, better land was solved fight slag aggressivity, fight alkalescent the difficult problem of 3 old techniques that forms with small air hole. Product sex visibility is expressed 1. Of brick of small hole corundum fight slag aggressivity, fight alkalescent with small stomatic quota, include the sexual target such as cubage of aperture of M of μ of average aperture, <1, air permeability admirable, solved the 3 technologies difficult problem on manufacturing technology. Brick of small hole corundum is assembled beforehand reach examination method the brick checks and accept small Kong Gangyu reach the platform that assembles an examination to use beforehand and buy to provide 1, monomer is small the flat of the 2 class precision that Kong Gangyu brick should get used to in length. 2, check length uses vernier calipers, 0.1mm of scale division value. Check brick seams the rule of a place of strategic importance that uses 2 class precision. Measure radiation to use the flexible cord of φ 1.0mm. 3, undertake on the platform that the brick assembles small Kong Gangyu to not be more than 1mm in flatness deviation beforehand, if platform is small flat goes all out to install and be become, ask deviation of Xiang Linping face is not more than 0.2mm. Brick of full shop hearth is assembled beforehand 1, the external diameter that assembles the diameter of platform to ought to be more than blast furnace crucible beforehand. 2, before be being assembled beforehand, mouth of taphole, broken bits or line of blast tuyere center are drawn on platform, the order that the brick of small Konggang jade that uses qualification of monomer check next asks by the design undertakes front row is assembled of layer brick beforehand. Brick of brick of layer of front row of the requirement in noticing to design seams the included angle with line of iron mouth center. The flank of every brick connects to rectify a platoon to be a group, the length deviation of every groups of bricks is ± 10.0mm. 3, the vertical lap seam of the 2nd brick and the vertical lap seam that front row discharges a brick want to stagger, not be patient of is seamed again. 4, the examination that assembles a brick to seam beforehand, vertical lap seam uses of check of feet of a place of strategic importance, do not be more than 1.0mm, the level is seamed above put 3m to average foot, with feet of a place of strategic importance the examination makes the same score the aperture of feet and bricky face, with the aperture between platform of of check of feet of a place of strategic importance and bricky face, aperture all is not more than 1.0mm. 5, brick of corundum of every small hole assembles the external diameter deviation after finishing to be ± 20.0mm beforehand. 6, after brick of corundum of every small hole assembles examination qualification beforehand, should indicate in its surface number and juncture mark, draw taphole center line and radial of 0 ° , 90 ° , 180 ° , 270 ° . 7, with three-layer bricky brick seams small Kong Gangyu the 2nd to all want to press design requirement and brick of front row layer to seam stagger and proper point of view, seam in order to prevent fluctuation again. 8, the brick assembles every small Kong Gangyu beforehand after checking and accept qualification, can pack. Want to make clear product name, use place and number on the box that pack. Assemble of brick of cup of crucible pottery and porcelain beforehand 1, the external diameter that assembles the diameter of platform to should be more than blast furnace crucible beforehand. 2, the internal diameter of line of brick of Zuo furnace crucible that sets by the design on platform and external diameter picture are round, draw line of center of mouth of taphole, broken bits at the same time, and radial of 0 ° , 90 ° , 180 ° , 270 ° . 3, assemble the structure of crucible brick line that designs by blast furnace and ply to undertake beforehand. Brick of small hole corundum assembles annular layer internal diameter and external diameter deviation to not be more than ± 10.0mm beforehand. 4, wrong stage of the surface inside two bricks is not more than adjacent of photograph of same and annular layer 2.0mm. 5, up and down the vertical lap seam of brick of corundum of two small hole does not allow to be seamed again. 6, the vertical lap seam of annular layer is not more than brick of small hole corundum 1.0mm, two levels between fall to seam on do not be more than 1.0mm, annulus seams deviation to not be more than ± 2.0mm. 7, iron mouth, broken bits mouth and brick of blast tuyere combination can press a design to ask undertake be assemblied beforehand alone. When brick of cup of crucible pottery and porcelain is assembled beforehand, ask by the design the central line of mouth of precise picture taphole, broken bits is mixed two sidetrack. Obligate iron mouth sets bricky position, should undertake iron mouth and combination of broken bits mouth are assembled of the brick beforehand at the same time. 8, brick of blast tuyere combination assembles beforehand: Determine the level of line of bottom crucible brick first, in order to determine the level of the axes in blast tuyere. Press the demand of blueprint paper, line of center of a place with a draught of accurate on platform lay off. Beforehand of a place with a draught when build by laying bricks or stones inside round of the circle outside mixing and a place with a draught in the requirement that axes satisfies blueprint paper. The brick of assorted brick seams blast tuyere to not be more than 3.0mm. 9, after brick of corundum of every small hole assembles qualification beforehand, should indicate in the end outside every brick the juncture earmark of number and fluctuation layer, the central line that draws mouth of taphole, a place with a draught, broken bits and radial of 0 ° , 90 ° , 180 ° , 270 ° reach mark of brick closing the door. 10, the height according to crucible, assemble beforehand can divide 1 paragraph, 2 paragraphs mix 3 paragraphs, cent second undertake be assemblied beforehand. 11, brick of corundum of every paragraphs of small hole is assembled beforehand after checking and accept qualification, just can pack. The two end that packing box should make clear the number of brick of small Konggang jade. 12, after assembling the job to end beforehand entirely, the manufacturer is in charge of be being offerred to the user assemble a data in detail beforehand. Fireproof material occurrence craze, fall off, easy how to wear away to do? Want to solve a problem thoroughly, need to be dug from germ, the analysis gives real reason, flourish Cheng Naicai is engaged in be able to bear or endure service of timber production, research and development is old, can solve all sorts of difficulty problems of liner of furnace of high temperature kiln, welcome broad new old friend to seek advice reach technical communication.