Light qualitative adiabatic firebrick belongs to insulation material, can reduce kiln put oneself in another's position medicinal powder hot sex, save kiln furnace specific power consumption, also can reduce kiln style quality, reduce the integrated cost of kiln. The main use of light simple adiabatic and fireproof stuff is bulk density. Porosity. Coefficient of thermal conductivity. Use temperature and mechanical intensity. Do not have how many insulation material to be able to achieve all sorts of performance demands.
The principle that chooses adiabatic firebrick is passed adopt adiabatic technology measure, abundantly reduced the profitless hot loss of equipment, the heat energy that improved facility thereby uses efficiency, stimulative kiln furnace is light-duty change, improve labor productivity. the common device that heat up labour, work from energy-saving, improvement conditional proceed with, must use heat preservation. However, want to consider the actor weakness after heat preservation integratedly to a few equipment, need not take heat preservation step. So, should from set out actually, on the foundation that masters adiabatic firebrick character, choose ability of firebrick of reasonable use heat insulation correctly to achieve a goal. Adiabatic firebrick basically has: 1. GB/T3994-20052 of firebrick of argillaceous heat insolation. Tall aluminous adiabatic firebrick 3. The principle that chooses adiabatic firebrick is: (After 1) heat is versed in equipment takes adiabatic step, should follow following principle: To integral firebrick the service life of block won't cause an effect; Furnace of kiln of 2) high temperature is general heat preservation of large area ground is reasonable, can reduce hot damage. And a few special place, if make the same score roof, because heat preservation measure affects roof life, unfavorable heat preservation. the kiln furnace that runs to cycle, hot industry loss is losing of its quantity of heat main factor, if make temperature of the chamber of a stove or furnace rises as a result of heat preservation,the damage of accumulation of heat that cause is more than not the hot caustic below heat preservation condition, criterion need not heat preservation. So, the kiln furnace of regular job wants a foundation specific store heat and consideration of heat loss due to radiation will whether adopt heat preservation measure certainly; (3) has taller air hole as a result of adiabatic firebrick, when using heat preservation firebrick, it cannot have borne big negative charge, still should avoid to contact fused metal. The furnace of broken bits and high temperature is grey, (The intensity of firebrick of 4) heat preservation is low. When using build by laying bricks or stones of heat insulating materials to build firebrick, the brick is seamed and expand seam should decorate appropriately, because expand,avoid and push put oneself in another's position of bad build by laying bricks or stones. Adiabatic firebrick won't get sharp machine is oscillatory. Pound and chafe; (Firebrick of 5) heat preservation has the bigger systole that burn a line, the biggest use temperature should be reduced dry burn control to 100 ℃ , do not get overheating to use; (6) heat insulation has very big difference between fireproof material and heavy fireproof stuff, adiabatic firebrick thermal stability is poor. Use adiabatic firebrick when build by laying bricks or stones builds kiln furnace liner, temperature rise speed shoulds not be too fast, otherwise attaint of line system craze. To solve line system outer uses adiabatic firebrick, must take consolidate step. Undertake consolidate through boiler setting armor plate or metallic draw bar for example.
Light qualitative light adiabatic firebrick has a lot of kinds, can classify ① to be microtherm according to using temperature to divide its by different method model be less than 900 ℃ ) , for example diatomite brick. Pearlite brick; In lukewarm model (1000~1200 ℃ ) , be like vermiculite. Silicon acid is calcic. Brick of light qualitative clay. Siliceous aluminous fiber; High temperature (> ) of 1200 ℃ above, be like light qualitative tall aluminous brick. ② basis of bulk density different can divide for second pledge gently (pledge 1.o0~1.39/cm3) , gently (0.4. ~1.Og/cm3) and exceed light (0.49/cm3) . ③ can be divided according to production methods to add foaming and tinderbox law, chemical way. ④ is fiber by configuration cent shape, Kong Zhuang, graininess. ⑤ is by qualitative cent nature and artificial.
The use temperature limits of heat preservation firebrick and major attribute are as follows. <900 uses the diatomite brick that natural and porous raw material produces, heat conduction is small, heat preservation performance is good. Light clay brick 900~1100 is multi-purpose can light material preparation, its application is relatively wide. 1100~1250 of light qualitative tall aluminous brick, can contact with blaze directly, application is wide. Cordierite brick heat bilges rate is low, fight flake capability is strong. 1600 alumina of ≥ of brick of light qualitative corundum content is higher, bases is A-Al2O3, can use at be being used in reducing atmosphere. The weight of 1220~1550 of light silica brick, have good softening point and thermal stability. The bases of bricky stone 1200~1300 is CaO.Al2O3.2SiO2, bulk density is small, have fight goodly burst apart quality. Epispastic aluminium board 1350~i500 epispastic craft, apply to heat preservation of kiln furnace high temperature. The choice of tall aluminous qualitative adiabatic firebrick and purchase main basis GB/T3995-2014 " tall aluminous adiabatic firebrick " , this standard is in domestic each industry wide application. Standard items classifies as follows: Intensity of normal temperature compression. Heat permanent line changes (<2%) . Coefficient of thermal conductivity (350 ℃ ) , adiabatic firebrick basically divides tall aluminium to pledge for low iron tall aluminium adiabatic firebrick and brick of common tall aluminous qualitative heat insolation two big kinds.
Tall aluminous qualitative adiabatic firebrick is breed of a kind of common heat preservation firebrick, its producer goods and common tall aluminous qualitative adiabatic firebrick are identical, what differ with common tall aluminous qualitative firebrick is, impose content standard with burn oneself out or bubble law production is much and distributing even stoma. Tall aluminous qualitative adiabatic brick uses foaming production more. Density of this brick bulk is 0.4~1.0g/cm3/cm3, it is firebrick of a kind of admirable high temperature heat insolation.
Adiabatic brick uses burn oneself out to join content legal system to build, the process that makes tall aluminous qualitative adiabatic firebrick and make brick of light qualitative clay identical, its distinction depends on using grog of tall aluminous aluminous alumina only, and what raise firebrick appropriately is firing temperature (control in 1300 ℃ firing) . Tall aluminous adiabatic firebrick can be contacted with blaze directly, do not get thing of melt of strong high temperature erode, the place that erode and erodes action. Pledge in the light qualitative tall aluminium of 1350 ℃ above adiabatic firebrick surface contacts temperature. At present the country sets: The bulk density cent of tall aluminous qualitative adiabatic firebrick is LG, 1.0.LG, 0.9.LG, 0.8.LG-0.7.LG-0.6.LG-0.5 and LG-0.4 7 kinds of model.
Low iron is qualitative, tall low iron of brick of aluminous qualitative heat preservation - tall aluminium adiabatic brick is my factory basis market demand, develop another kind of new-style light qualitative fireproof material, have stability of high temperature resistant, low heat conduction, low iron, tall compression, high fever to wait for a characteristic, can use as directly the liner of industrial kiln furnace is used. Commodity explains: With tall aluminous alumina fine pink is main raw material, mix into enters combustible data, hit via pounding, pouring or extrusion, after the high temperature of channel kiln is roast, its firing.
Characteristic: Gao Kang presses intensity. Good thermal stability. Can reduce the quantity of heat of boiler setting. Kiln thermal efficiency is tall. Can the design requirement according to the client, finish machining becomes all sorts of abnormity products.
Utility: Use at kiln of path of roller of pottery and porcelain. Petro-chemical reforming heating furnace. Change furnace. Metallurgy soaking furnace. Blast furnace. The thermal insulation of the hot project facilities such as hot-blast stove, lining. With squeeze those who cut new technology production to prevent cementite to pass brick of heat insolation of qualitative tall aluminous low iron, have iron content low, chemical stability is good, heavy the change that burn a line is little wait for a characteristic. It is the fireproof heat insulating materials that machinist job can accuse liner of kiln of mood aura furnace, pottery and porcelain. The build by laying bricks or stones of heat preservation block is built.
The craft of wet build by laying bricks or stones of adiabatic firebrick. 1 process blends oar of build by laying bricks or stones to expect → working procedure examines → curiums cut build by laying bricks or stones of → of brick of heat preservation of treatment → heat preservation to build. 2. Blend the block that make a starch. (1) if build by laying bricks or stones builds slop to use finished product when fireproof mud or diatomite powder and argillaceous slop photograph are united in wedlock, answer to adopt mechanical mix as far as possible, agitate time cannot little at 5min, slop consistency by the control that add water. (2) does not need mechanical agitate, appropriate uses dipping process, be about to mix build slop raw material soggy, permeate naturally, immerse time is not gotten little at 24h, soggy hind dip goes redundant water is blended. 3 examine. (Before 1) diatomite block, whether does the osculatory surface that should examine diatomite brick and kiln furnace case accord with a requirement. (When 2) build by laying bricks or stones builds heavy boiler setting, should before the examination whether does the quality of body of fireproof build by laying bricks or stones accord with a requirement. Accessory installation is correct. 4 it is treatment curiums piece. (1) is used at the brick that fault of body of heat preservation build by laying bricks or stones seams or other treatment brick, applied hand bladed saw or hacksaw curium have cut, do not get cut of the knife that use a brick. (When batch of 2) adiabatic firebrick is machined, with pattern plate control, underline directly with saw blade or steel needle. (3) machines precision to rise, adiabatic firebrick and abnormity steel osculatory place, use embossing law to machine a line certainly. Firebrick of heat preservation of 5 build by laying bricks or stones. (The build by laying bricks or stones of block of 1) heat preservation builds order and build by laying bricks or stones to build height to should decide according to structure of system of build by laying bricks or stones. (Firebrick of 2) heat preservation or light qualitative firebrick should be used pull line, fault to seam build by laying bricks or stones to build. (Appropriate of make level of system of build by laying bricks or stones uses firebrick of 3) heat preservation thick mud. Local out of tolerance or have bury member beforehand. When different brick is cloggy, appropriate uses treatment brick make level. (When 4) build by laying bricks or stones builds adiabatic firebrick, smooth seam of place make the same score the method that seams place appropriate to use shop ash, stand seam place appropriate to make grey crowded step with promotion razor blade and ash. (5) heat insulation shoulds not be inside body of firebrick build by laying bricks or stones the setting expands seam, but the activity when other equipment and component is decorous, adiabatic firebrick and expand value bigger when, should expanding fireproof fiber is used inside value scope or other flexibility heat insulating materials replaces adiabatic brick. (6) is become of body of fireproof build by laying bricks or stones expand seam. Especially direct expand seam be opposite when body of adiabatic build by laying bricks or stones, the adiabatic firebrick of the place must be replaced with firebrick, make the same score build by laying bricks or stones with standard firebrick commonly or establish build by laying bricks or stones, will expand seam cover. (Crowded build by laying bricks or stones of firebrick application hand looks for 7) heat insolation, unsuited with hammer knock, the body of adiabatic build by laying bricks or stones that originallies to working cannot knock, collision or other shake. (Brick of body of build by laying bricks or stones of 8) heat preservation seams width to should be less than 5mm. Oar makings brand and cooperate to ask than must satisfying a design, thermal insulation of body of wet build by laying bricks or stones can under 80% .
The craft of dry build by laying bricks or stones of heat preservation firebrick. 1 general provision (1) does system of build by laying bricks or stones the material of heat insulating materials and filler. Norms book must satisfy design requirement. (The appearance of firebrick of heat insolation of 2) dry build by laying bricks or stones should be in good condition, when be being touched badly, cannot use. (3) build by laying bricks or stones seams fill build material to answer sex of dry, fill is good, if be affected with damp be affected with damp, agglomerate etc, must undertake to its before use dry with sift out. (4) does build by laying bricks or stones heat insulating materials is built with firebrick build by laying bricks or stones. 2, the working procedure before the examination does build by laying bricks or stones. (Installation answers to end before housing of 1) furnace kiln reachs concerned accessory to be built in build by laying bricks or stones, through working procedure certificate of proof. (Firebrick of 2) prevenient build by laying bricks or stones or pouring and fireproof pouring when makings, body of bricky build by laying bricks or stones and pouring the normal execution condition that the construction quality of body should accord with body of adiabatic build by laying bricks or stones, answer highly proper. (3) should be in the slit between canister wall and body of build by laying bricks or stones when undertaking filling building, must reach the brick inside slit, mud other sundry and all clear clean. 3 build by laying bricks or stones build kind. (Firebrick of heat insulation of 1) dry build by laying bricks or stones is the housing with furnace kiln or before body of path build by laying bricks or stones is guide face brick, if have,fraise should make processing. (2) does not accord with a requirement like the design, build conduit liner upside except build by laying bricks or stones (on semicircle) . Outside securing the liner of cylinder equipment to be able to use method of annulus build by laying bricks or stones, others all should use a fault to seam build by laying bricks or stones to build. (3) fault seams processing. Make level treatment. Improve treatment means to should be accorded with curium cut treatment demand. (The adiabatic fill pink with dry fill answers in body of 4) dry build by laying bricks or stones, can go to powder fill when necessary in filling, join a few common cement powder to mix divide evenly. Answer with the filler after cement mixes one-time fill. (Firebrick of heat insolation of 5) dry build by laying bricks or stones is good in build by laying bricks or stones later, fill in time seam, next ability is OK build by laying bricks or stones builds below one.