The property tall aluminium of tall aluminous qualitative firebrick pledges one of main job property of firebrick are the structural intensity below high temperature, this one character is out of shape with loading bate temperature comes normally assess. Also determine in recent years sex of creep of its high temperature will reflect strength of structure of its high temperature. Test result makes clear, loading bate temperature follows Al2O3. The addition of content and rise. Al203 content is in 70% the following firebrick, loading bate temperature depends on the quantitative scale of photograph of Mo Laishi brilliant and fluid alternate with, the measure that follows Molaishi increases and rise. The amount of fluid photograph and property have apparent effect to loading bate temperature. Accordingly, reduce the matter content in raw material, be helpful for improving loading bate temperature and denaturation of high temperature squirm. It is 70% ~ to Al203 content the Molaishi of 90% -- corundum is firebrick, al203 content grow in quantity, of loading bate temperature rise not remarkable. Because the partial bate of stone crystal not comes below high temperature,this is, and with establish the amount of the flux impurity of body happening action has Lai Shijing a bit increase, especially Ti02. Fe203 composition increases along with content of the Al203 in raw material and have a bit increase, change the amount that made appearance of high temperature fluid and character. As a result of the Ti02 in vitreous photograph. A large number of addition of Fe203 composition, make the quantitative increase of vitreous photograph, viscosity drops. This affects loading bate temperature and sex of high temperature creep apparently to raise not big the crux of the problem namely. Transfer to be comprised almost completely by corundum when firebrick only, namely when firebrick Al203 content amounts to 95% above, intensity of high temperature structure just has apparent ground to rise. The heatproof shake sex of tall aluminous firebrick is poorer than argillaceous brick, closely related the mineral composition in this and firebrick. The tall aluminous brick such as I, Ⅱ compares the tall aluminous brick such as Ⅲ (some poorer. Aborning often adopts the grain structure that improves firebrick feature or a certain quantity of synthesis cordierite joins in burden (2Mg0.2AI203.5Si0z) other and mineral the heatproof shake sex that will improve firebrick: Fill introduction of expert of fireproof material factory according to Henan flourish, the function fighting broken bits of tall aluminous firebrick increases along with the addition of Al203 content. But it is right the alkalescent and slaggy ability that fight corrode under alkalescent and fireproof material. Of matter content reduce, be helpful for raising the sex that fight broken bits. In the meantime, increase the density of firebrick: Reduce porosity, also be the significant step that raises its to fight broken bits sex. Tall aluminous brick has taller thermal conductivity than argillaceous brick, photograph of this glass in be the same as tall aluminous firebrick reduces those who reach Mo Laishi crystal or corundum crystal to increase about. Why can tall aluminous qualitative firebrick produce meshy crackle? Why can tall aluminous qualitative firebrick produce meshy crackle? It is reported, the exterior classics regular meeting of tall aluminous qualitative firebrick appears meshy crackle is the blemish when producing tall aluminous brick, the account that this kind of meshy crackle produces often can be compared complex. For instance, the matter content of clinker (especially R2O content) , the humidity of medium of the mixture mass that fine pink joins quantity, critical particle size, pug, body drying and temperature, base substrate is in firing the systole that happens in the process and 2 Molaishi change intention of reaction and corundum recrystallization, the appearance that can cause goods produces reticulation. The agglomeration of tall aluminous brick is fluid photograph agglomeration, the atmosphere condition when the formation of fluid photograph is temperature and fluid photograph quantity, firing also is the main factor that causes exterior network crackle. Degree of agglomeration of tall aluminous qualitative firebrick and firing meshy to surface of high aluminous products crackle has the volatile in atmosphere and consist in gas phase very big impact. The grog with undesirable agglomeration is in goods is firing process relay add is contractive, cause goods craze and generation crackle; In the grog with undesirable at the same time agglomeration, 2 times Molaishi is changed inadequate, in goods firing in the process, 2 Molaishi of clinker itself are changed still be in proceed, this is to cause a goods systole is abhorrent underlying factor, brought about goods of the grow in quantity of meshy crackle amount and craze degree increase. It is reported, the meshy craze degree of surface of goods of tall aluminous qualitative firebrick still uses the bibulous rate of clinker to having affinity with place. The bibulous rate of clinker is older, the craze rate of reticulation is older. When the grog that amounts to with bibulous rate makes a brick, goods is in firing itself of the grog in the process should continue to complete agglomeration process, goods systole is bigger, and inhomogenous, appear easily consequently craze and reticulation. Additional inside kiln firing one of reasons that atmosphere also is crackle of network of generation of high aluminous products, firing when high aluminous products, the atmosphere inside kiln needs weak oxidizing flame, control of excess air coefficient is in 1.1-1.2. Practice makes clear, crackle of goods surface network has excess air coefficient to increase and reductive trend, but air is superfluous coefficient wave motion shoulds not be too big. In addition, crackle of network of surface of goods of tall aluminous qualitative firebrick is born at piling up the bricky surface inside bricky aperture prolifically. Because this can conclude, when coefficient of the excess air inside kiln small, or when producing reducing atmosphere, seam as a result of the brick lesser, CO stops easily in these places, the Fe2O3 that makes goods medium thereby is reductive into FeO; Face the bricky surface of the passageway, air current is more expedite, won't suffer the effect that atmosphere changes so, without the generation of network crackle. What need an attention particularly is, be in firing the frequent change that combustion atmosphere property should avoid as far as possible in the process. Because this kind of alternant change action will make,the surface is injured. The chemical analysis of heart place in be being pledged by tall aluminium the surface of the goods with more crackle of firebrick surface network is mixed can see, the Al2O3 of bricky substance appearance compares central place tall 1%-2% , and SiO2 low 1%-2% , naOb is 10 times taller than the center above. Analyse by substance appearance knowable, content of cuticular Mo Laishi compares central position low 12% , corundum content tall 4%-5% , tall 7%-8% of vitreous appearance content. This specification is in the migratory process of Na2O, na+ volatilizes and adsorption is in tall aluminous brick apparently, it will be promoted make Molaishi is decomposed, make the Molaishi of goods surface decreases, photograph of corundum, glass increases. The grow in quantity of the quantity mixes the fluid photograph as a result of the surface to appear ahead of schedule, make bricky substance appearance contracts prematurely, bring about the generation of reticulation. Practice makes clear, arise to avoid and reduce crackle of network of surface of tall aluminous brick, to 1.2. The bibulous rate of tall aluminous aluminous grog commands stage respectively it is under 4%-5% , also should control to the bibulous rate of canister crocus in 5.5% the following, control of excess air coefficient is advisable between 1.1-1.2, make of tall aluminous brick firing in be in stable weak oxidation atmosphere. Fireproof material occurrence craze, fall off, easy how to wear away to do? Want to solve a problem thoroughly, need to be dug from germ, the analysis gives real reason, flourish Cheng Naicai is engaged in be able to bear or endure service of timber production, research and development is old, can solve all sorts of difficulty problems of liner of furnace of high temperature kiln, welcome broad new old friend to seek advice reach technical communication.