Hot-blast stove uses fireproof data

March 15, 2024Nov 23, 2024

Our country's existing hot-blast stove has 4 kinds of forms:

1, internal combustion engine
2, outside light type
3, the top lights type
4, ball type hot-blast stove.

Advantage of type hot-blast stove lights outside: Field of the temperature inside regenerator distributings evener, the combustion inside firebox is complete, the structure is stable.

Defect: Investment tall, structure is complex and cover an area of an area big.


1, hot-blast stove lining mars mechanism


 Because the configuration of hot-blast stove is different, of lining mar a circumstance to also have difference, the place that hot-blast stove of internal combustion engine mars the most easily is partition; The join that the vault that type hot-blast stove is firebox and regenerator, two rooms light outside crosses the high temperature place such as the bridge. Mar a reason integratedly to basically have the following at 3 o'clock:


Action of 1. thermal stress: Hot-blast stove lining and checker brick always are in cold heat to hand in the condition that change to fall, suffer the effect of thermal stress, bring about body of build by laying bricks or stones extremely easily to produce crackle, flake, body of build by laying bricks or stones becomes loose etc destroy an element.


2. chemistry erodes: Because combustion is used gas with the alkalescent oxide with be contained certain in combustion air (ferric oxide, zinc oxide) , these material adhere to at appearance of substance of build by laying bricks or stones, inward ministry is permeated, produce chemical reaction with fireproof material gradually, make low frit thing, reduced the high temperature performance characteristics of fireproof material.


Action of 3. mechanical load: Hot-blast stove is a kind of taller building, susceptive of regenerator bottom checker brick is the biggest load is as high as 0.8MPa, load of susceptive of system of firebox bottom line also amounts to 0.5MPa left and right sides, below the condition of long-term be heated, body of build by laying bricks or stones produces bigger systole easily to be out of shape, affect the service life of hot-blast stove badly.


2, hot-blast stove is fireproof the performance demand of material


1, loading softening point is high


2, impact resistance is good


3, porosity is low


4, bulk density is big


5, the denaturation that fight squirm can be good


Basically have with fireproof material: Brick of tall aluminium of argillaceous brick, tall aluminous brick, low creep, silica brick.

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