Brick of light qualitative heat preservation and clay brick are two concepts, both have each other across, brick of light qualitative heat preservation is an a general designation, include the light qualitative brick with all sorts of qualitative material, want to add material to pledge ability decides a product, this included product of heat preservation of light qualitative clay among them, clay brick is divided attach most importance to pledge and pledge gently.

What is brick of light qualitative heat preservation? Weigh adiabatic brick again, it is the firebrick that shows density is less than 1.3x103kg/m3. Because brick of light qualitative heat preservation has density small, porosity tall, thermal conductance sex of small, heat preservation is good and the characteristic such as the compression strength with have particular.
Sort of brick of light qualitative heat preservation presses density of use temperature, bulk and product figure cent to be two kinds commonly. (1) presses classification of density of body trifoliate orange. Bulk density is in of 0.4~1.3g/cm3 for; of light qualitative brick under 0.4g/cm3 to exceed light qualitative brick. (2) presses use temperature classification. ℃ of use temperature 600~900 pledges for microtherm;900~120 ℃ is the brick gently in; of lukewarm light qualitative brick exceeds 1200 ℃ pledge gently for high temperature brick.
What is clay brick? Clay brick calls clay the brick again. Clay brick is common firebrick, appearance is shallow palm yellow or yellow, use extensively at build by laying bricks or stones to build all sorts of metallurgy furnace etc industrial furnace, use at build by laying bricks or stones to build the furnace such as chimney, flue to assist device. Clay brick price is cheaper.
Is brick of light qualitative heat preservation clay brick? Brick of light qualitative heat preservation just included brick of light qualitative clay, not be clay brick. Heat preservation product uses material to differ character by place, basically light qualitative clay pledges silica brick is waited a moment brick, light qualitative tall aluminous brick, gently.
The production methods of light qualitative firebrick basically has 3 kinds: (1) can light accretion way, it is easy to join wood chip or anxious pink and so on in burden namely the combustible of burn-up, when the brick firing burn-up of the combustible in the process, leave a large number of hole inside the brick. This is commonly used method; (2) bubble law, add person colophony black to wait for blowing agent in burden namely, next firing and poriferous goods; (3) chemical law, some kind of substance is added in burden, can produce bubbly chemical reaction. For example dolomite or square magnesian stone add gesso, with rare vitriolic make foaming agent, generation is many from, instantly mould shapes, dry hind firing.
Characteristic of brick of light qualitative heat preservation uses thermal conductance the brick of light qualitative heat preservation with low, small thermal capacity makes material of construction of body of heater, can save; of specific fuel consumption to be able to raise equipment to produce efficiency; to still can reduce weight of body of heater, simplify kiln furnace is tectonic, improve product quality, drop environmental temperature, improve labor condition. Brick of light qualitative heat preservation is used to do the thermal insulation of kiln furnace, liner or heat-insulation layer more.
Firebrick factory offers flourish Cheng Naicai the fireproof material production such as brick of light qualitative heat preservation, clay brick, sale, offer kiln furnace construction, transform, maintenance, be able to bear or endure material chooses instructor, wait for hot project facilities for smelt of furnace of high temperature kiln, utility boiler, metal, offer one-stop service.