Firebrick uses Mo Laishi to synthesize Molaishi artificially, press product demand proportion, join organic and compound filler, via vacuum extrusion, high temperature burns the product of light qualitative Mo Laishi that combines. Pledge gently by right of its and the characteristic with heat preservation superior performance, the hot side that Mo Laishi pledges firebrick applies extensively at a variety of hot project facilities gently is fireproof line or heat-insulation layer, create a condition to raise the energy utilization rate of equipment.
Mo Laishi pledges gently firebrick with not coming the tall aluminium of Shi Zhujing photograph pledges fireproof material, general alumina content is between 65%-75% . Mo Laishi pledges fireproof temperature can achieve firebrick gently 1790 ℃ above. Loading bate begins temperature 1600-1700 ℃ . Heatproof shake sex is good.

What does Mo Laishi firebrick have?
Mo Laishi pledges the brick is JM23, JM26, JM28, JM30 according to brand cent gently, according to using temperature different and main component is: 1350 light qualitative Molaishi bricks of brick, 1450 Mo Laishi heat preservation, 1550 Molaishi pledges gently the brick.
Manage changes target
Brand | Light qualitative Molaishi bricky function index |
JM-23 | JM-23 | JM-26 | JM-28 | JM-30 |
Classify temperature, ℃ | 1260 | 1350 | 1430 | 1540 | 1650 |
Bulk density, g/cm3 | 0.6 | 0.8 | 0.8 | 1 | 1 |
Intensity of normal temperature compression, MPa | 1.3 | 2 | 3 | 3.5 | 3.5 |
Weigh the change that burn a line, % | 1250x12h | 1320x12h | 1400x12h | 1510x12h | 1600x12h |
- 0.5 | - 0.5 | - 0.5 | - 0.9 | - 0.9 |
Mo Laishi pledges gently firebrick characteristic 1. Low heat conduction is led, have effect of very good adiabatic heat preservation; 2. Low hot frit, because low heat conduction is led, mo Laishi series pledges gently the heat energy with adiabatic brick very few save up, energy-saving in intermittent operation effect is apparent; 3. Matter content is low have the oxide content such as alkali metal of low-down iron box, accordingly, fireproof degree tall; The higher volume that contain aluminium makes its still maintain good performance below reducing atmosphere; 4. Intensity of hot condition compression is high; 5. Exterior dimension, accelerate build by laying bricks or stones to build career, reduce fireproof mud to use an amount, assured the intensity of body of build by laying bricks or stones and stability, prolong the life of liner thereby; 6. Can process special form. Seam in order to reduce number of brick of build by laying bricks or stones and build by laying bricks or stones. Product use Mo Laishi pledges heat preservation brick can regard hot side as fireproof liner or other gently ammonia of the furnace of ethylene splitting decomposition of industry of oil of the thermal insulation back line of fireproof material, application Yu Shi, chemical industry, heating furnace tubal form, synthesis changes furnace, gas happening furnace, .
Mo Laishi brick passes zirconium in A12O3, the constituent structure that ZrO2 introduces to improve Molaishi in SiO2 department brick, can raise Molaishi fight sex of shake of chemical aggressivity, heat-resisting to reduce coefficient of expansion, this kind contains the Mo Laishi brick of ZrO2, the appellative Molaishi that it is zirconium brick, get by electric frit legal system commonly, law of useful also agglomeration produces. Agglomeration zirconium not comes stone brick is to use industrial alumina and zirconium stone concentrate to serve as raw material, adopt reaction agglomeration technology, the special type that introduces zirconia to Molaishi to be made in matrix is fireproof material. In introducing zirconia Mo Laishi brick, the photograph that uses zirconia changes the high temperature that adds pliable but strong to be able to improve Mo Laishi data substantially is mechanical function. Zirconia has stimulative effect to the agglomeration of Mo Laishi material, the affiliation of ZrO2, what because the generation of content of low melting point is mixed,the formation of room can quicken ZTM material is compact change agglomeration course. When the quality mark of ZrO2 is 30 % , in 1530 ℃ the relatively theoretical density of firing base substrate achieves 98 % , intensity amounts to 378MPa, tenacity amounts to 4.3MPa · M1/2.
It is raw material with industrial alumina and zirconium stone, the zirconium that becomes through reacting agglomeration is made Mo Laishi brick, because reaction and agglomeration undertake at the same time, process control is more difficult. Normally, be in firing when preexistence 1450 ℃ heat preservation, make its compact change, warm up to have reaction to 1600 ℃ again next, zrSiO4 is in be more than 1535 ℃ to decompose ZrO2 and SiO2, among them SiO2 and Al2O3 reaction generate Molaishi, because ZrSiO4 is decomposed from time to tome photograph of one part fluid appears, and of ZrSiO4 decompose can make grain is refined, raise the area that compare a list, promote agglomeration thereby. Consider to make clear, in the affiliation of zirconium stone the quantity is less than 54.7 % when, join the addition of the quantity as zirconium stone, the microstructure of agglomeration sample by columnar the network that corundum forms transfers gradually by columnar the network structure that Molaishi makes. The high temperature of sample is fought lose strength (1400. C) also increases along with the addition of zirconia content, appear when zirconia content is 23.7 % one greater value, after that intensity drops. The affiliation of zirconium stone conduces to those who fight thermal shock sex rising.
Agglomeration of Mo Laishi brick not comes to agglomeration stone brick is the oxide that uses aluminium and silicon or other compound and aluminous silicate mineral for raw material, the synthetic Mo Laishi that deserves to become agglomeration of compound classics high temperature than making by chemistry, shape via smashing again, dry, formed firebrick is burned below high temperature. In good in quality synthesis Mo Laishi, mo Laishi content should achieve 95 % , this controlled the demand of chemical to raw material purity. When agglomeration condition is certain, raw material purity heals tall, it is difficult that brilliant body length heals greatly, dimension of Mo Laishi crystal heals petty; Should contain 5 % ~ among them when photograph of 10 % glass, not come Shi Zeke development is become columnar from form any crystalline substance, length can amount to 10μm left and right sides. Contain the synthesis that 90 % control Molaishi Molaishi, mo Laishi has glass between brilliant amiable aperture; Increase when vitreous appearance content (if occupy 20 % ) when, growth of Mo Laishi crystal is good, mo Laishi by vitreous photograph cementation.
Electric frit not comes Shi Zhuantong crosses melt - caky crystallization process and the Mo Laishi brick of preparation, call electric frit Mo Laishi brick. Crystal of Mo Laishi of shape of bricky center pillar can amount to millimeter class, through changing craft system, controallable Mo Laishi crystal shows lesser measure. The analysis makes clear, although design the Al2O3 / SiO2 when,be 3: 2, the scale of Al2O3 / SiO2 in composition of electric frit Mo Laishi often still is close to at 2: 1, because 10 % ~ is contained in melt crystallization brick,this is of 15 % vitreous photograph, if burden comprises prep above 3: 2, or adjacent at 2: 1 person, photograph of the glass between brilliant decreases to 5 % the following, so, using the electric frit that contains Al2O3 72 % to control compound to be made always is to contain photograph of a lot of glass in Mo Laishi brick, affect what comprise to return as amiable as melt system atmosphere to concern at the same time.
Corundum of Mo Laishi brick not comes to corundum stone brick is namely by corundum and Molaishi advocate the tall aluminous firebrick that brilliant photograph comprises, corundum not comes the firebrick that stone brick department points to to high pure or purer raw material is made. Among them the existence of impurity of oxide of low melting point, can reduce its high temperature capability. Mo Laishi brick should compare corundum common price of tall aluminous brick is a lot of higher. Function: The high temperature strength with be had better, fight high temperature creep gender, heatproof shake sex and fight aggressivity. The manage of Mo Laishi brick changes a kind of typical corundum function is: Al2O3 ≥ 85% , fe2O3 0.45% , apparent pore is led 19% , intensity of normal temperature compression is more than temperature of 55MPa loading bate to be more than 1700 ℃ , add a hot line to change (1600 ℃ , 3h) ﹣ 0.1% , heatproof shake sex (1100 ℃ water-cooling) be more than 30 times.
About Molaishi firebrick sort and characteristic introduce here, hope to be helped somewhat to everybody, if have other doubt, greeting incoming telegram seeks advice.