Reverberator by furnace base, hearth, boiler setting, roof, into makings mouth, product exit and flue are comprised. Its are accessary equipment includes to take makings device, blast device, smoke evacuation device and unit of utilization of waste heat. In addition, still set on reverberator wall into door of makings mouth, job and cuttings pick-up mouth, furnace end sets perpendicular flue or inclined flue, reverberator front is firebox.

The main drawback that reverberator produces is specific fuel consumption big, thermal efficiency is low (have 15%-30%) only commonly. Density of sulfur of the 2 oxidation in building arenaceous fusion reverberator to return existence to decoke to lead low, flue gas is low, cover an area of a face to accumulate big, fireproof material to use up wait for defect greatly. Come for years, our country undertook a lot of improvement to old reverberator, if large reverberator is used,stop push hang sintering furnace of whole of bronze mirror of roof, siphon, magnesian iron bottom; Fine reverberator is used punch a hole put steel; Use water to cool to makings mouth and arched girder, give makings system automata, more than heat boiler is popularized stage by stage.
To enhance the fusion process of steel fusion reverberator further, the chemistry in raising raw material heats up the utilization rate with sulfur, reduce environmental pollution, a lot of foreign L factories undertook technical reformation to having reverberator, its basically transform a method is to use oxygen boosting to air fuses and use hot air. Because the requirement to environmental protection is stricter and stricter, the reverberator fusion craft that predicting future is built and rebuilds will be mixed to environmental protection energy-saving according to hearth with the relation of furnace radical, the configuration cent of hearth is hearth of built on stilts and solid hearth; According to hearth structure, can divide the build by laying bricks or stones that it is a brick to turn over arch hearth and agglomeration whole hearth. Most fine reverberator and reverberator of fusion of a few seasonal work use hearth of built on stilts, prevent a metal to be mixed to hearth furnace radical leak. The natrium with the casting iron plate with hearth laid thick 30mm or thick 10~20mm board, prop up by bricky mound or profiled bar. Height of built on stilts is normally under 0.35m. Build by laying bricks or stones goes up to build in heat-resisting concrete foundation directly by reverberator of successive copper fusion, heat-resisting concrete foundation asks to be able to bear or endure lukewarm 850C above.
The fine reverberator that moves regularly and fusion reverberator use firebrick build by laying bricks or stones to build the hearth that turn over arch more, it is 700~900mm commonly. From bottom to top is ordinal for: Hearth casting iron plate or armor plate, asbestine board (10~2mm) saggar brick (230~345mm) pounds dozen of makings layer (50~100mm) and superstratum magnalium brick turn over arch (230~380mm) . When hearth turns over arch center part to decide fuse-element density and deepness according to fuse-element density and deepness, turn over arch center part to answer bigger, if be the wide lead of 1.3~1.4m to bath deepness successive finery, use part of the 180 centers that turn over arch commonly. Other circumstance falls to use ° of 20 ° ~45 more.
Material of plumbic dross furnace configures: Hearth of built on stilts, dimension of the chamber of a stove or furnace: 4265*2413mm, magnesia brick 230mm, fireproof concrete (fireproof and pouring expect) 210-300mm, argillaceous brick 180mm, asbestine board 20mm, the brick that turn over arch 1, ply 230mm, from above to below of material of the brick that turn over arch uses magnesia brick, turn over arch arrow tall 318mm. The housetop structure of reverberator divides the vault that it is a brick and condole top. Condole can be divided very for simple and easy condole the top, type that press bridge stops the top that push condole stops with type establishing lever the top that push condole. Bricky vault is used at home normally periodic reverberator and furnace are wide lesser reverberator. Reverberator of large copper fusion uses the type that press bridge to stop to push condole to support or establish lever type to stop more structure of the top that push condole.
Hearth build by laying bricks or stones builds construction 1. Measure the central line of furnace with altazimuth above all, remeasure foundation elevation; In the meantime, the elevation of ground floor brick is tagged on furnace column or furnace casing, every 5m left and right sides is tagged a bit. Next, what along perpendicular direction tall line of ordinal scale layer serves as build by laying bricks or stones to build hearth and boiler setting is fiducial. Before reflexing hearth construction without furnace casing fusion, use enclosing wall of hearth of argillaceous brick wet build by laying bricks or stones. When build by laying bricks or stones is built, the elevation that goes up by column draws a line. After hearth enclosure step is good, in line of layer of brick of scale of the surface inside hearth, corresponding control layer is tall. Hearth all bricks are dry. Above all, in fireproof and pouring the fundamental upper berth of makings sets asbestine board, juncture should orderly rigor. Next, laid quartz is arenaceous. Spreading the effect that assembles data basically is ground floor of make level hearth brick (firebrick of argillaceous heat insolation) . Accordingly, shop outfit material should be built with the build by laying bricks or stones of ground floor brick undertake at the same time. The shop installs a ply to make an appointment with 40mm. To reduce the moisture content in body of hearth build by laying bricks or stones as far as possible, quartz is arenaceous the dry data that should use granuality to be less than 2mm.
Hearth brick is build by laying bricks or stones (113mm thick) . Of ground floor brick go up the surface must level off. When build by laying bricks or stones is built, freely pulls a line to answer from which undertake to two end, expand seam part of one's job paragraph reservation. In dolly layer is set below arch instead, in order to form the dambered surface that build by laying bricks or stones builds place of the brick that turn over arch to need. Accordingly, radian should accurate. After dolly, with arc example examination, the clearance between dolly layer surface and example must not be more than 3mm. Dolly is general from which undertake to two end, sunken form pattern plate should press 2m paragraph setting. When pattern plate is propped up, should strict decide definitely according to the elevation line of hearth enclosure scale. Dolly of nature of every paragraphs of juncture. Because isolated dolly layer is thinner, ply is abhorrent, need to be hit with wooden clappers only solid can. The surface blows feet to be pushed along dambered surface of sunken form pattern plate with wood blow, the edge hits makings edge strickle. After dolly layer construction is finished, should dry or nature is dry, enclothe with asphalt felt next, prevent bilge and destroy. The vertical center line that the brick that turn over arch carries from furnace begins, build to two side build by laying bricks or stones at the same time. In construction process, first build by laying bricks or stones an annulus, it is a standard with this annulus next ordinal build by laying bricks or stones is built. The bricky annulus of brick of the first annulus must level off is perpendicular, rely on furnace end wall. Fore-and-aft and transverse expand seam should disperse by the design, stay. When there is reflection arched door on copper, when answering to be linked together in two side and arch, should stay concentration expands seam and arch, should stay. Reflector should stay concentration expands seam. The deepness on reflection wall should stay. Reflection is seamed should when fill quartz is arenaceous, should fill is on reflection wall.
When build by laying bricks or stones of 2. boiler setting builds straight wall, should mix from 4 horn at the same time of the wall among begin, chase a layer to draw a line. Intermediate brick layer should accord with the corresponding layer tall line of the mark on column, in order to ensure wall water is gentle and perpendicular. Expand seamed dimension and position should accurate, exchange of amlposition of the aperture in preventing framework of stress place, furnace and system of build by laying bricks or stones, inside and outside, fluctuation, keep even and straight. Juncture Ying Qingjie, must not drop slop and other and sundry, the well should press formulary fill cardboard. The body of build by laying bricks or stones of the place such as the mouth that answer broken bits, matte mouth, siphon copper mouth should beforehand build by laying bricks or stones is built. Part of the poriferous in body of build by laying bricks or stones should be built to two side build by laying bricks or stones from the position of aperture. The dimension of aperture should accurate.
3. roof build by laying bricks or stones builds roof span bigger, arch embryo is propped up must firm. Before embryo of the arch that prop up, applied sruveyor's level measures a setting slightly the horizontal level under arch foot, because this should return the design elevation line that responds to the embryo that raise arch, answer to locate strictly according to this line when the arch that prop up. Arch piece span 450? 500mm, bearing Liang Bi must be propped up wear in arch piece on node. The fore-and-aft distance between column must not be more than 800mm, the Ying Ding of freely diagonal brace between column is firm, wedge of chock of column bottom application is close, can stay between arch embryo and boiler setting have the space with wide 30mm. Arch embryo is propped up after ending, two luck should be added prop up fixed. Above all, in roof two end install bricks of two corresponding foot of fixed position arch at the same time, make its angle and position accord with design requirement, draw a line along brim of fluctuation of big foot surface next, thereby the arch foot brick that build by laying bricks or stones builds two side. The suspension between arch foot brick and arch foot bridge must be gotten with bricky build by laying bricks or stones very close. Of body of build by laying bricks or stones of arch foot brick expand seam should center reservation, its position is in the contact place of arch foot bridge commonly. Fault of body of build by laying bricks or stones of roof of area of mouth of feed a machine seams wet build by laying bricks or stones. Mouth of feed a machine is located in between two column, layer of sealed mouth brick should begin build by laying bricks or stones to build from sealed mouth brick. In addition, a side of sealed mouth brick must embed seam continuously.
Body of build by laying bricks or stones of area of mouth of feed a machine expands seamed reservation can expand with body of arch brick build by laying bricks or stones seam consistent. Build by laying bricks or stones of annulus of condole arch brick. A string of 1 wet build by laying bricks or stones answers between last brick of the ground floor brick of vault and mouth of feed a machine, must not wear pin. Notice flank maintains 1.1.5mm brick to seam, unfavorable lean too closely, concentration expands seam should install by design section, seam aluminous beaverboard of silicon acid of fill of a person operating from within in coordination with outside forces. When condole vault build by laying bricks or stones is built, general from which begin, from semmetry of foot of two side arch build by laying bricks or stones builds a center. Foretaste tries, adjust bricky annulus strictly by the regulation, it is fiducial and ordinal build by laying bricks or stones with this other brick annulus. Aluminous pin is appeared between brick and brick, the steel spacer with sandwich thick 0.5mm, sandwich 1mm answers between every two bricks blast chipboard. Locking of annulus of condole vault part of one's job, the locking degree of every annulus should agree. Lock brick closes after tightening, answer to wear good revoke instantly. Roof build by laying bricks or stones is built after finishing, install condole steel only after be being adjusted with the pull rod between pillar, ability demolishs arch embryo.
Build by laying bricks or stones of 4. inclined flue is built. Inclined flue wall and furnace advocate the joint of the wall should stay concentration expands seam, juncture should aluminous beaverboard of fill silicon acid. Vault of water-cooling gate around paragraph expand seam part of one's job to come loose setting. The body of build by laying bricks or stones that is linked together with water-cooling frame must be stood by. Pensile brick group must felt is firm, exterior level off. When pensile vault construction, answer to pull a line to chase a build by laying bricks or stones to build by elevation. The brick closing the door of brick of perpendicular and pensile vault and joint of pensile vault brick must with suspension of as identical as pensile vault brick the means that prop up. Build by laying bricks or stones of perpendicular and pensile vault is built after finishing, use magnesian slop stuff.