Corundum brick is the firebrick of the corundum brilliant photograph that points to white commonly, bases is alumina, have electric frit and agglomeration according to manufacturing technology, detailed introduction looks please below.

Producing corundum brick place to use raw material is will high pure after industrial alumina passes to calcine fine grind (also add a few MgO additive sometimes, in order to improve) of its crystal structure, suppress becomes base substrate, in to calcine of 1850 ℃ above. High temperature to calcine makes the stoma in base substrate structure decreases, grain increases about 25 ~ 40 times. Good agglomeration corundum crystal shows compact board shape structure.
Bai Gangyu is now the main raw material of brick of corundum of high-grade and fireproof material, basically use at large steel the bag is pouring expect high-grade iron channel is pouring in mixing fireproof material and corundum brick, corundum reachs the makings, gush filling makings, indeterminate form such as prefabricated component character body of simple a small case of Mo Laishi corundum, fine. By the industry such as iron of extensive applied Yu Gang, cement, pottery and porcelain, abrasive, petrifaction.
And the making craft of white corundum brick is quite complex and accurate however, the content of alumina is in hundred 90 what basically be main brilliant photograph with corundum is high quality be able to bear or endure material goods, the advantage is 340MPa of compression intensity Gao Keda, loading bate temperature is more than 1700 degrees, have very good chemical stability, but thermal shock stability is relative at for poorer.
The heatproof shake sex of corundum brick is poorer, because of the compact structure with connect finer between big grain and fine pink, make the stretch model amount of corundum brick quite large. Corundum goods has the very strong sex that fight broken bits. Slaggy to blast furnace puddling, fuel broken bits, and the fuse-element of steel and iron is very stable. Property: Have below high temperature fight carbon very well reductive stability. The porosity that drops product and reduce SiO2 matter content, this function rises significantly.
Because corundum brick has very good high temperature capability, apply to various use condition: Not only can build by laying bricks or stones builds chest of blast furnace furnace, return the hot-blast stove that can be used at blast furnace and other kiln furnace, the boiler setting of 1500-1700 ℃ , roof and checker brick
Corundum brick cent is agglomeration corundum brick and brick of electric frit corundum two kinds. Can use agglomeration alumina and electric frit corundum to make raw material or Al2O3/SiO2 compare tall aluminous grog and agglomeration alumina to cooperate respectively, use agglomeration legal system to become. The agent makes usable also phosphoric acid or other cohere do not burn corundum brick. Change index and relevant technology quote to contact Zhengzhou flourish please to the relevant manage of corundum brick Cheng Naicai limited company, we will offer professional corundum brick product for you.