Tall aluminous brick is a kind of fireproof material, its bases is AL2O3. If AL2O3 content prep above 90% , call corundum brick. Because resource is different, the standard of different country agrees not completely also. For example, european country is to the AL2O3 content floor level of expensive aluminous fireproof stuff 42% . Be in our country, AL2O3 content presses component of expensive aluminous fireproof product to be third class commonly: First-class - AL2O3 content > 75% ; Second-class - AL2O3 content is 60-75% ; Third class - AL2O3 content is 48-60% . 75% ; Second-class - AL2O3 content is 60-75% ; Third class - AL2O3 content is 48-60% .

Raise the method of firebrick tenacity, take certain step, make firebrick forms microstructure, produce mechanism of specific power consumption, block up crackle is patulous, raise firebrick tenacity, firebrick structure blemish, inherent aperture and crackle, below outside force action, crackle is started easily, lack mechanism of specific power consumption, easy brittleness ruptures, firebrick tenacity is controallable microstructure, reduce crack size, the amount that controls foreign matter and aperture and distributing. It is OK still will prevent crackle to expand through increasing orgnaization of specific power consumption and setting fraise. Change tenacity. Show micro-crack tenacity to be able to produce orgnaization of specific power consumption, diffuse grain of the 2nd photograph, can make crackle patulous encounter an obstacle, produce crackle deflexion tenacity. These measure are OK of block up crackle expand further, raise the tenacity of firebrick, raise the heatproof shake sex of firebrick thereby.
Tall aluminous brick has compression strength the characteristic with fireproof tall, tall sex. Impact resistance is good, corrosion resistance is strong, be able to bear or endure broken bits sex is good, service life is long, the key is 3 alumina (Al2O3) content is high, load temperature is high, intensity of the structure below high temperature is high. Basically use at build by laying bricks or stones to build liner of roof of blast furnace, hot-blast stove, electric stove, blast furnace, reverberator, rotary kiln; In addition, checker brick of regenerator of furnace of wide application Yu Ping, irrigate build brick of mouth of head of systematic a place of strategic importance, water to wait.
Characteristic: 1. Thermal stability is good; 2. Fireproof sex and load bate temperature are high; 3. Cent is abnormity of standard form, general, abnormity and distinctive form brick.
How is tall aluminous brick formed lead to reduce the hole of tall aluminous brick, improve the quality of aluminous brick, must rise shape pressure. To common tall aluminous brick, shape pressure should achieve 137MPa; High density spends tall aluminous brick shape pressure should be inside 176~215MPa limits. That is to say, with the attrition of 250t above only the machine that press a brick shapes, ability achieves such result. Should the hole rate of tall aluminous brick satisfy: of the following requirement? Suffer from steep phosphorous ?1% ; ≤ of brick of 2 class tall aluminium 23% ; ≤ of brick of 3 class tall aluminium 22% . Before shaping, examine model dimension. Common dimension of model of tall aluminous brick: Upside 1.5% , in bottom pressure area 3.0% ; Blame pressure area 1.5% .
Raise the method of tenacity of expensive aluminous fireproof product, take certain step, make expensive aluminous fireproof product forms certain microstructure, produce mechanism of specific power consumption, block up crackle is patulous, raise the tenacity of aluminous fireproof product.
The following problem is the tenacity analysis of expensive aluminous fireproof product. 1. Sampling of tall aluminous brick. Check and accept undertake by GB10325. 2. The other blemish of place of edge of expensive aluminous fireproof product. Vertex damage of domestic edge damage allows atmosphere, undertake assessment by relevant blemish no longer. 3. Examination product standards, dimension and protuberant when, must trim bricky edge and bricky range, attachment of cleared brick face and flash. 4. The inspection man of all and fireproof product is provided must pass examine. Must use the precision that corrective inspection man implements the standard rule that accords with national level regularly. 5. In standard of expensive aluminous product same examine the law of proved recipe of two kinds of check of the project has same place. But applicable when, should ask to decide way of check proved recipe according to the technology of expensive aluminous fireproof product. 6. The working face that the working face on expensive aluminous fireproof product should set by the standard undertakes checking demonstrate working face, press non-working surface examination. The edges and corners that is linked together with working surface should set an inspection by working surface.
Expensive aluminous fireproof product is OK still will prevent crackle to expand through increasing orgnaization of specific power consumption and setting fraise. Change tenacity. Show micro-crack tenacity to be able to produce orgnaization of specific power consumption, diffuse grain of the 2nd photograph, can make crackle patulous encounter an obstacle, produce crackle deflexion tenacity. Expensive aluminous fireproof product is put in structural blemish, inherent aperture and crackle, below outside force action, crackle Yi Qi is moved, lack mechanism of specific power consumption, easy brittleness ruptures, tenacity of expensive aluminous fireproof product is controallable microstructure, reduce crack size, the amount that controls foreign matter and aperture and distributing.
Tall aluminous brick is a kind of neuter and fireproof material. By earthy mine or other alumina content tall raw material shapes to calcine and into. Thermal stability is tall, fireproof sex is in 1770 ℃ above. Be able to bear or endure broken bits sex is good, use at build by laying bricks or stones to build the forge of steel-making electric stove, glass, liner such as cement converter coming back. Closely related the heatproof shake sex of the tenacity of tall aluminous brick and tall aluminous brick, also supplement each other. Raise the methodological: of tenacity of tall aluminous brick? Does of of Long of fan ∫ joyous ù dirty is of act of Xiong of of of of stalk of dizzy ⒔ Mao exhausted south joyous ǖ of tip of phosphorous ┬ abb does salt of of a jade tablet judge Gou of ┱ stalk is phosphorous ┑ graceful hold bath in the palm?
Blemish of structure of existence of tall aluminous brick, inherent stoma and crackle. Below outside force action, crackle is started easily, lack mechanism of specific power consumption, easy happening brittleness ruptures. The tenacity of tall aluminous brick can control microstructure, reduce the size of crackle, control impurity and stomatic amount and distributing. OK still will prevent crackle to expand through increasing orgnaization of specific power consumption and setting fraise. Change tenacity. Show micro-crack tenacity to be able to produce orgnaization of specific power consumption, diffuse grain of the 2nd photograph, can make crackle patulous encounter an obstacle, produce crackle deflexion tenacity. These measure are OK of block up crackle expand further, raise the tenacity of aluminous brick, raise the heatproof shake sex of aluminous brick thereby.