Brick of roof of high aluminous electric furnace

March 15, 2024Nov 25, 2024

Firing brick of roof of high aluminous electric furnace is to use join clay to combine clay to the middle of agglomeration alumina stock) and of production. Accordingly, their structure basically is decided by agglomeration alumina grain, so the bulk of agglomeration alumina grain changes, the macroscopical bulk that wants to be able to cause firebrick like that changes, the dimension accuracy of this pair of firebrick, density and fireproof function, can produce adverse effect. Of this kind of fireproof material firing, it is agglomeration alumina grain and combinative clay are together actually agglomeration. In this one process, because compact corundum photograph can press,type reaction change becomes the Molaishi with inferior density and generation expands.

Brick of tall aluminous roof

In all sorts of expensive aluminous fireproof stuff, of the fireproof material of Al2O3≈70 % expand the amount is large. This chemical composition of usable Molaishi will explain, because of its composition is close to 3: 2 model Molaishi's composition. The key that solves this one problem is to control its chemical composition in order to change expensive aluminous fireproof stuff medium mineral structure and make chemical composition tends change equably, achieve the expands overly goal that controls expensive aluminous fireproof stuff thereby.
Expensive aluminous fireproof stuff (brick) firing the little Mo Laishi grain that the Molaishi when changes process place to arise, reach grain interior to form in periphery of agglomeration alumina grain, it not only incline to departs at driving grain, and can cause grain rupture, make material interior produces weak structure thereby. The result that studies through numerous experiment reachs: The flux in using agglomeration alumina grain with place concerns this kind of fragile construction that interior of expensive aluminous fireproof stuff produces.
What reduced this kinds of fireproof material because of flux is fireproof degree, make in firing when forms fluid photograph increases greatly. Below this kind of circumstance, because agglomeration is aluminous photograph of the glass in grain is overmuch bearing framework is not worth and make with Molaishi fireproof function drops badly. Conclude not hard from this, when content of appearance of the glass in expensive aluminous fireproof stuff is high, its Al2O3 content is high also may become not matter and lose a sense.
Solve the adverse effect of flux, stirrup amounts to a proposal to be able to enter purer synthesis through mix into the dosage that fine pink of expensive aluminous stock perhaps reduces combinative clay as far as possible, with making the adverse effect of flux drops low limit. Use these arrange to come back can reduce Molaishi make an amount, reduce firebrick to be in thereby firing when expand. All these measure conduce to the high temperature capability that improves expensive aluminous fireproof stuff, boycott deformation of its high temperature.
The mine photograph structure in changing agglomeration alumina stock is characteristic, can bring about obtain the agglomeration alumina grain with more steady volume and a certain quantity of glass photograph. Because this is planted,vitreous photograph is fluid photograph namely below high temperature, it diffused to offer a channel to agglomeration alumina surface for flux, react with matrix, a slippery film is formed in grain surface, this kind of slippery film is to bring about this material premature metabolic reason.
Accordingly, when the generation when be being made when expensive aluminous fireproof stuff and be being used expands greatly too, want to be able to bring about its like that fireproof function drops, be out of shape easily when high temperature, system of build by laying bricks or stones can be caused in use process loose, lower their service life thereby.
Nevertheless, right amount flux has effect to improving the density of agglomeration alumina, have main effect to porosity and intensity of normal temperature compression especially. Because it can make the bulk density of agglomeration alumina grain higher, have good geometrical figure. We understand already, stock of decision agglomeration alumina whether a when use as advanced raw material main factor, the influence of the chemistry that is agglomeration alumina and mineral composition to the fireproof function of firebrick degree, content of the flux in be being comprised because of raw material increases appropriately, can bring about the matrix that forms bracket of rich Mo Laishi in agglomeration alumina. The distinct effect of this respect is the fireproof material that chooses production of this kind of raw material, as a result of density content of Al2O3 of part of tall, matrix distributings even, fight ability of high temperature loading consequently tall. In addition, the thermal stability of this kind of fireproof material is tall also.
Use synthesize expensive aluminous stock to make matrix beforehand, can raise expensive aluminous fireproof stuff apparently deliver density and fireproof performance. Because,this is, when joining synthetic raw material, its expand decreased.
Expand reductive reason is them than alumina one clay comprises content purity to rise. Normally, firing expensive aluminous fireproof stuff (brick) in solute increases appropriately, can make in firing when those who quicken Molaishi form. Because solute is having the effect of flux, they quickened the reaction of solid condition as activation center, the vitreous photograph that forms below this kind of condition especially is promotional catalysis, make reactant more close together contact. Use join the expensive aluminous fireproof stuff that synthesizes raw material production beforehand (bricky) , stick brick of earthy expensive aluminous fireproof stuff with alumina) photograph comparing, the temperature that its begin to cave in is higher, and settlement amount is less also. Numerous research makes clear as a result, the improvement of quality of expensive aluminous fireproof stuff, with its porosity did not concern. Apparent, logical explanation is, application expands small synthesize raw material and purer matrix beforehand, can apparent land improves the quality of expensive aluminous fireproof stuff.
Should use when synthesizing tall aluminous qualitative raw material to make grain beforehand, what because be in,happen is mineral the change that goes up with the structure, make this grain makings becomes more stable, be in so firing when although add new combinative clay again, its expand to also be met small, be helpful for the formation of compact structure consequently.
Can reach by the discussion of above, this kind of bulk stability that synthesizes grain beforehand is tall, can make tall aluminous firebrick more compact, al2O3 distributings in matrix even, formed framework of rich Mo Laishi. The expensive aluminous fireproof stuff that consequently this kind of fireproof material is the ideal with a kind of high performance that fight corrode.
Use synthesize expensive aluminous qualitative stock beforehand, can offer ideal of a kind of structure to make a brick (of main dispute regulation) the grain with steady volume, be not regulation synthesize appearance of grain of expensive aluminous qualitative stock beforehand, can bring about the compact structure that forms lock of crisscross each other. In the meantime, content of the Al2O3 in grain and expensive aluminous fireproof stuff (brick) the Al2O3 content in matrix distributings reasonable, improved this loading performance that fireproof material issues in high temperature thereby (tall) of loading bate temperature.
Annals of fireproof data limited company is in furnace of kiln of Zhengzhou Rong Cheng industrial dedicate oneself to the service of one's motherland, industry of service high temperature is oneself, we bear tens of year the technology is accumulated, active and before look up ground is high temperature industry will make tomorrow make brand-newly, become hard " boiler and expert of liner of furnace of hot project kiln " .

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