Is firebrick build by laying bricks or stones built with how many fireproof slop?

March 15, 2024Nov 23, 2024

Firebrick is built in the build by laying bricks or stones on industrial furnace is to cannot leave binder of fireproof slop, answer to had allocated place with slop first before build by laying bricks or stones builds firebrick, the largest size of slop looks several should not exceed 20% what build by laying bricks or stones builds a brick to seam, the firebrick breed material that uses the manage of slop to change function index to want to be built with build by laying bricks or stones matchs character, had better be the fireproof slop that asks when buying firebrick manufacturer form a complete set is corresponding, use with avoiding to mix.

In choose argillaceous firebrick before furnace of build by laying bricks or stones, the manufacturer can be needed to be purchased probably in cipher out of the nucleus in plan of furnace of build by laying bricks or stones amount,


When build by laying bricks or stones builds argillaceous brick, if be made up by oneself,stick earthy and fireproof mud, desirable clinker: Give birth to makings =70% : 30% .


Clinker is horniness saggar is gotten via high temperature to calcine, also can use useless brick, after classics is molar can. Raw material is light qualitative saggar.


If want calculation all sorts of composition of fireproof mud, want to want foregone place the weight of fireproof mud only, era enters formula (1) formulary (2) can.


(1) X 70% of weight of fireproof mud of clinker weight =


(2) X 30% of weight of fireproof mud of = of raw material weight


Should use T- - 3 mark brick (230x114x65mm) when undertaking build by laying bricks or stones is built. Should memorize following number:


1, every saggar brick weighs 3.7kg


Brick of every tons of 2. , saggar is 270 about


3. , build by laying bricks or stones builds brick of every tons of clay to need fireproof mud 76kg about


4, build by laying bricks or stones builds every stere body of build by laying bricks or stones needs 594 bricks about


5, build by laying bricks or stones builds every stere body of build by laying bricks or stones needs 2.2 tons of bricks about


One: Of fireproof slop allocate a requirement

The general provision of fireproof slop modulation should according to category of body of build by laying bricks or stones, the consistency that decides slop through the experiment and liquid add a capacity, the step that inspects slop at the same time builds property (felt time) whether contented build by laying bricks or stones builds a demand. The material that the felt time of slop inspects refractory products is qualitative, the size of over all dimension and calm, appropriate is to not be more than 2min appropriate. The item that different slop chooses is counted and consistency should press according to the category of body of build by laying bricks or stones watch make choice of.

Determine the consistency of slop, should press active national level " method of experiment of fireproof slop consistency " the regulation undertakes. Determine the felt time of slop, should press active national level " method of experiment of time of fireproof slop felt " the regulation undertakes.

The method of modulation slop has water nature union, chemistry to combine two kinds of methods build by laying bricks or stones of active industry furnace is built in use chemistry to combine a method to allocate mostly, mix into coagulates into corresponding hurried inside agent, its characteristic is to condense rate is rapid, bonding strength is high, use in high temperature after falling not to produce agglomeration fragile the appearance that change, and after the slop build by laying bricks or stones that use water combines is built, kiln furnace high temperature enters the water evaporate, body of slop build by laying bricks or stones appears easily fragile change a phenomenon to cause system of build by laying bricks or stones not firm. Additional the fireproof slop that allocated that day should be used that day.


2: The method of use quantity calculation of fireproof slop

Firebrick is built to go up with the use quantity of fireproof mud in build by laying bricks or stones of whole industry furnace, all the time the metric method with very good neither one, because,this is the furnace of industrial furnace different, the brick that build by laying bricks or stones builds different also, what possible place build by laying bricks or stones builds is different firebrick nonstandard firebrick or the position that build by laying bricks or stones builds is different, the use capacity that build by laying bricks or stones of boiler setting, roof, hearth builds single block brick to use fireproof sludge is different. The use amount that uses fireproof sludge in industrial furnace cost or budget at present basically is the use capacity that builds boiler setting to use firebrick of standard type date with build by laying bricks or stones for reference. Still need additionally to consult build by laying bricks or stones builds ash to seam, ash is seamed is computation the basic parameter that firebrick of a standard uses fireproof sludge, should locating build by laying bricks or stones builds ash to seam first is to use I class ash to seam ash of class of < 1mm, II to seam ash of class of < 2mm, III to seam < 3mm. One kind that when 3 kinds of ash seam, what common step builds argillaceous firebrick or tall aluminous firebrick uses is II class ash is seamed.

For example: ? Solemn  of  of heart of ひ of crucian carp  uncovers  to attack door  Bao?000 piece the computational method that altogether of tall aluminous firebrick needs to use how many fireproof sludge needs prophetic way: A= build by laying bricks or stones builds ash to seam (2mm) B= place build by laying bricks or stones builds area of brick dimension monolayer (T-3 dimension 230*114*65)


C= place uses fireproof slop quality (2300Kg/m³ of quality of tall aluminous slop) every brick place needs D= slop dosage. Dosage of slop of final cipher out D=230*114*2*2500=0.13Kg (every dosage) . So be informed dosage of altogether of 1000 tall aluminous firebrick to be in about 130Kg is fireproof slop. This calculation method is theoretical calculation method, make dosage should be more than academic data actually 10% the left and right sides.


Fireproof mud weighs fireclay again or juncture expects () of powdery outfit content. Use as the build by laying bricks or stones of body of refractory products build by laying bricks or stones seams material. Can divide character by material for sticky earthy, tall aluminium qualitative, silicon pledges and magnesian qualitative fireproof mud. By fireproof pink makings, bond and additive composition. Almost all fireproof raw material can be made expect with the pink that will make up fireproof mud place to use. Add with fireproof grog pink right amount model clay makes bond and plasticizer and can make weigh common and fireproof mud, intensity of its normal temperature is inferior, pottery and porcelain is formed to combine ability to have below high temperature relatively high strenth. Serve as bond with water rigid, gas rigid or material of hot rigid union call chemical union fireproof mud, in under the chemical response with before forming pottery and porcelain to combine temperature, arise proper namely sclerosis.

The granuality basis of fireproof mud uses a requirement and different, its maximum size is less than 1mm commonly, some is less than 0.5mm or finer.

The capable person that chooses fireproof slop is qualitative, the material of the refractory products of Lv of take an examination and body of build by laying bricks or stones agrees character.

Fireproof mud sort is various, by chemical character cent is acidity and fireproof material, neuter and fireproof material and alkalescent and fireproof material. In addition, useful still the fireproof mud at special situation.

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