Circular fluid-bed incinerator is design of technology of combustion of applied loop fluid-bed. Burn with what wait for litter at rubbish, mud, waste liquid have very huge advantage. Circular fluid-bed incinerator accords with standard of economy of our country countryman, suit to handle litter of low calorific value, it is environmental protection model incinerator.

Graph 1: Fluid-bed burns systematic sketch map the characteristic of incinerator of · loop fluid-bed: 1. Suit to burn most because fuel of rubbish of low calorific value contains the furnace charge of certain amount inside incinerator furnace, fluid of the gas inside furnace, solid mixes strongly, rubbish enters the quartz that heats up with ablaze namely inside furnace arenaceous mix quickly, adequately, rubbish from heat, dry to combustion whole process is finished rapid, incinerator harbour quantity of heat is big, catch fire the condition is good, combustion stability is good. 2. Control of temperature of combustion of boiler of fluid-bed of good loop of environmental protection function is in 850 - between 950 ℃ , the platoon lowers azotic oxide. Rubbish burns the chloridize hydrogen that the another serious problem that tackles kind is the generation when burning and 2 flower wait for toxic gas, according to the scientific test research of foreign scientist, rubbish burns produce 2 flower the condition is: Combustion temperature under 850 ℃ , temperature of the combustion inside furnace is inhomogenous, rubbish incomplete combustion brings about a lot of 2 flower before body (CP, of CBs) generate, flue gas is inside furnace retention period is brief with metallic catalysis. Temperature of combustion of incinerator of circular fluid-bed rubbish is stable and even, in furnace model make flue gas is inside furnace on the design retention period lengthen, because this destroyed the generation environment of poisonous, harmful gas, from go up at all reduced harmful gas to produce an amount. 3. Rubbish is decreased quantify degree highest, grey broken bits can use circular fluid-bed incinerator integratedly highest to the rate burning ashes of rubbish, machine content and combustible are not contained in grey broken bits, flavour of as good as can fill grey broken bits to bury or be used integratedly directly, the metal in grey broken bits can reclaim.
4.Economic benefits is good, construction of incinerator of fluid-bed of tall loop of investment return rate invests to be entrance incinerator only 1/5 the left and right sides, maintenance of indigenous technology later period has safeguard, its charge is far under entrance equipment. Circular fluid-bed incinerator burns the need when rubbish of low calorific value is additional fuel is little (coal and rubbish weight compare be less than 1: 4) , moving charge is so far under other incinerator.

Graph 2: Circular fluid-bed burns process sketch map
·Fluid-bed rubbish incinerator uses fireproof data: The application of fireproof wear-resisting material basically divides incinerator of circular fluid-bed rubbish for the following area: Area of close look of bottom of air compartment, the chamber of a stove or furnace, combustion area, mix to segregator of tornado of makings mouth, high temperature a makings canal, different area should choose reasonable fireproof wear-resisting material according to atmosphere condition. Generally speaking, regular area uses firebrick had better, be hard to the irregular area of construction is used pouring makings may plastic. Water-cooling air compartment designs those who be monolayer liner to prevent commonly grind a structure, material can be used in qualitative wear-resisting but plastic, cloth wind board use corundum of type of do as one pleases pouring makings or corundum wear-resisting but plastic. To fluid-bed rubbish incinerator, bed makings and rubbish density differ bigger, rubbish basically is centered in combustion of rare appearance area, the temperature of close look area is relatively inferior, wear away more intense, use corundum commonly pouring makings or wear-resisting but plastic, owe oxygen combustion here, reducing atmosphere is intense, answer to control the Fe₂O₃ content of material strictly, in order to increase the capacity that this material fights CO to erode. Rubbish falls makings mouth and fall coal mouth is in close look area and rare appearance area to have sex place, these two place are belonged to easy wear away area, can use more what the corundum of wear-resisting combines carborundum is pouring expect or use Molaishi and corundum to mix pouring makings. Combustion area, cast makings mouth above namely, temperature of here flue gas is higher, be in commonly 850 ℃ above, can be use carborundum wear-resisting fireproof and pouring makings or corundum wear-resisting are pouring makings. Exit of the chamber of a stove or furnace and segregator entrance are easy wear away component, especially segregator entrance, can use high strenth wear-resisting pouring makings or carborundum brick, because be blame regulation district here, the method of construction and experience are attached most importance to especially should. Answering makings canal also is the crucial part of circular fluid-bed, general design is multilayer of liner prevent grind a structure, material uses excel in wear-resisting fireproof and pouring brick of wear-resisting of makings, corundum, decide according to providing the bulk of diameter its are specific construction means.

Graph sketch map of incinerator of rubbish of 3 loops fluid-bed