The action of hot-blast stove lining is heat insolation is mixed bear high temperature load, the capable person that reason defines firebrick of each place lining pledges and when ply, should mix according to temperature of susceptive of place of body of build by laying bricks or stones, bear adiabatic requirement, and flue gas is decided to the condition such as the physics of body of build by laying bricks or stones, chemistry. Upside 30% ? The firebrick that the high temperature area on 40% height uses, should have fight goodly creep and fight aggressivity, home uses the tall aluminous firebrick that contains Al2O3 to be more than 65^ more, is abroad used contain SiO294? The silicon qualitative firebrick of 96% or contain Al2O372% ? The Mo Laishi firebrick of 76% . According to the experiment, below condition of 0.2MPa, 1550 ℃ , 50h, former creep rate is 0% ? 0.5% , latter is 0.1% ? 0.3% . It is good that reason fights creep sex. The firebrick of arch be of use fights thermal shock sex to be close friends, lest flake,mix chap. To in lower firebrick should consider compression strength, use argillaceous brick and tall aluminous firebrick commonly. The hot side temperature that special attention works answers when choosing heat-insulating material not its allow prep above use temperature. The heat-insulating material of big wall of vault and upside uses diatomite firebrick or brick of light qualitative clay commonly. Big wall namely enclosure of hot-blast stove body of heater, its lining includes build by laying bricks or stones to build firebrick layer, filling layer, adiabatic layer. Become by the firebrick build by laying bricks or stones with large 345mm commonly. The brick is seamed should be less than 2mm. Between hot-blast stove big wall and furnace casing, what contact with furnace casing is the adiabatic layer of the diatomite firebrick with thick 65mm, be between adiabatic layer and big wall 60? 145mm does layer of filling of water broken bits thickly. Heat up a loss to decrease, the brick of light qualitative clay with a 113mm or thick 230mm adds outside firebrick of area of upside high temperature, in order to strengthen heat insulation. Fill between two kinds of adiabatic bricks with 50? The adiabatic filling layer with thick 90mm, or the broken bits that use water 70% with asbestine 30% composition, or the broken bits that use water, diatomite pink, vermiculite pink. Adiabatic layer of the part uses the diatomite firebrick of 113mm under high temperature area, filling layer uses water broken bits or pink mixes diatomite of water broken bits, also can use vermiculite noodles or vermicelli made from bean or sweet potato starch. Vault is the space of join firebox and regenerator, it should maintain structural stability below the action of high temperature air current, air current of smoke of the high temperature when wanting to satisfy combustion enters the requirement of regenerator equably. Vault appearance is hemisphere form more, it can make furnace casing is avoided suffer side direction thrust, roof weight is being pressed on big wall through arch foot, in order to maintain structural stability. Strengthened the adiabatic protection of hot-blast stove upside and vault of late. Raise in view of vault go up in big wall, big wall be heated expands, the result of press press damages easily, reason general vault and big wall are detached, dawdle shape vault is in annular Liang Shangcheng. The brick of layer of bottom front row of vault is arch foot firebrick, commonly used one steel encircles consolidate, make furnace casing suffers horizontal strength effect less. The bricklaying of globose roof needs different firebrick, brick too much, make custodial inconvenience cost is high also, but different firebrick sort is too little, build by laying bricks or stones builds firebrick to process a volume too big, cause construction difficulty. In vault in the middle of build firebrick for tailor-made roof, there is the opening of 480mm on, use with what equipment inserts thermocouple. The term of service that hot-blast stove uses hot-blast stove of all sorts of function of firebrick loading creep is very long, ask those who achieve 10 ~ 20 years is long commonly, firebrick bears the loading of self-prossessed generation is very big, consequently the requirement fights the phosphate with creep good performance to combine tall aluminium below loading of use high temperature fireproof. Pass function of long to all sorts of firebrick high temperature creep to compare. Silica brick is fastened in 0. LMPa loading and heat determine below the condition of 1550 ℃ ; The loading that siliceous aluminous qualitative firebrick brings to bear on is 0. 2MPa, heat temperature is mixed for 1350 ℃ respectively 1300 ℃ . Silica brick is had fight function of high temperature creep primely, high temperature creep leads minimum; It is tall aluminous qualitative firebrick next, include to use tall aluminous aluminous grog and silicon line stone kind mineral the brick of tall aluminium of electric stove be of use that makes for raw material, their fight function of high temperature creep very good also, and the compositive composition of firebrick approachs Mo Laishi part more, the denaturation of the brick that fight squirm can be better. But, density of silica brick bulk is lesser, ability of accumulation of heat is poorer, when 600'C is the following, easy happening brilliant change, destroy integral sex. Accordingly, set the low use temperature of silica brick, should be more than 600 ℃ commonly, additional, want to undertake cautiously when microtherm phase drying-out, in order to assure brilliant model slow change and do not injure body of build by laying bricks or stones. Hot-blast stove of importance of firebrick bulk stability uses firebrick to ask to have very excellent bulk stability. Because the temperature of hot-blast stove produces periodic frequent change, consequently use firebrick should have good bulk stability and even heat to expand, in order to assure large firebrick the integral stability of structure of system of build by laying bricks or stones. Watch Glenn gave silicon qualitative firebrick below, stick earthy firebrick, all sorts of hot-blast stove checker brick such as qualitative firebrick of tall aluminous qualitative firebrick and andalusite material heat below different temperature the bulk after 2h changes. The bulk stability of firebrick is the main function of the stable reliability that affects fireproof material build by laying bricks or stones to build system. Fireproof material occurrence craze, fall off, easy how to wear away to do? Want to solve a problem thoroughly, need to be dug from germ, the analysis gives real reason, flourish Cheng Naicai is engaged in be able to bear or endure service of timber production, research and development is old, can solve all sorts of difficulty problems of liner of furnace of high temperature kiln, welcome broad new old friend to seek advice reach technical communication.