The conductibility of air temperature of air temperature conductibility of firebrick is material is in the flow with cooling perhaps refine of prepare Chinese medicine by roasting it in a panbig gun, each part enrages the ability with lukewarm consistent deflection, namely the transmission capacity of air temperature. Air temperature conductibility uses emissivity (perhaps guide Wen Can counts) will express: а = λ / (the а in ρ Cp) type -- emissivity, m2s-1; λ -- thermal conductance, wm-1K-1; ρ -- the apparent density of firebrick, gcm-3;Cp -- the constant voltage thermal capacitance of firebrick, . Flourish Cheng Naicai thinks: The а cost of firebrick is higher, it is below premise of same refrigeration of fall after a rise of refine of explicit artillery piece, the rate of air temperature disseminate inside firebrick is rapidder, everywhere difference in temperature is smaller also, so it decides firebrick is urgent when cold urgent heat inside the size of air temperature shave one's head to be a monk or nun. а dispute stable state passes thermal current Cheng to heat up analyse, metric crucial coefficient. The quantity of heat of kiln car harbour that air temperature of boiler setting of furnace of intermittent type kiln distributings to measure metric, pure kiln with accumulation of heat is metric the emissivity that uses firebrick. The mapping of emissivity cites law of blame stable state, idiomatic is laser pulse law. The manufacturer of firebrick of wearability brief introduction of firebrick thinks firebrick is below constant temperature commonly, temperature heals tall wearability heals low, can think to become what after temperature rises, measure as stretch model to increase, wearability is reduced somewhat. Clay puts those who be in to want between qualitative firebrick temperature and wearability like that associated. Lift when temperature, after the very great value that reachs stretch model capacity, reduce along with what stretch model measures, wearability rises somewhat instead. If stick earthy firebrick to be in 1200 ~ when 1350 ℃ , wearability of argillaceous qualitative firebrick even excel normal temperature person, rise further when temperature, when amounting to 1400 ℃ above + because stick earthy firebrick,medium fluid photograph viscosity is reduced quickly, wearability is reduced subsequently. If contain chromic simple product,some sticks earthy firebrick, lift along with temperature, wearability increases. How does firebrick undertake raw material is debugged 1, firebrick manufacturer introduces, all sorts of fireproof slop raw material are answered to undertake before sticking earthy firebrick bricklaying beforehand experiment and beforehand build by laying bricks or stones is built, the felt time that decides different slop raw material, time, consistency and water consumption coagulate first; 2, different slop raw material should use modulation different appliance, clean in time; 3, not coessential slop should use modulation of argillaceous qualitative firebrick clean water, water quantity wants metage accurate, harmonic want even, follow along with tone with. Already amiable rigid slop does not get the water rigid with good modulation to add water to use again, the slop that has coagulated first must not continue to use; 4, the tired makings time that when modulation combines slop, should assure to set, along with with along with tone, already the slop with good modulation must not add water dilute arbitrarily. Because this kind of slop is provided caustic, do not get as direct as metallic housing contact. The creep that the creep of firebrick leads influencing factor to analyse firebrick is temperature, stress, time and function of material composition literary composition. The temperature with located firebrick heals tall, bear stress heals big, time grows more, creep rate heals big. When firebrick is formed completely by crystal, beyond the key powerful effect that creep removes the crystal that is concerned with crystal flexibility, basically suffer crystal to diffuse by room, the control of combinative state institute between bead of He Jing of slippage of wrong shift, crystal boundary. Crystal blemish heals crystal boundary is little, less and grain asks thrust deep into the enemy forces union is stronger, produce serious creep all not easily. Contain vitreous photograph when firebrick, it is successive photograph when vitreous photograph especially when, the creep of firebrick gets vitreous photograph control. The quantity of vitreous photograph heals with viscosity more more low, firebrick can generate stickiness flow below low stress, reason heals in the creep below high temperature serious. When the impurity that forms fluid photograph possibly below high temperature should be being contained in firebrick, the fluid photograph quantity that foreign matter forms heals much, if the creep of argillaceous brick is bigger. Still its viscosity lifts along with temperature reduce more fast, criterion creep heals serious. The stoma that border of the grain in firebrick is in or crackle can cause the slippage of grain border directly. Additional, the fluid photograph in the firebrick below high temperature can be permeated to the middle of the stoma that is the same as alternate with, permeate to the medium, persnickety aperture under 25 μ M especially, exist stomaticly consequently, through crossing of the photograph migratory also affect creep. So, the air hole of firebrick is very large to creep influence. Raise the porosity of firebrick, can raise its creep rate actually. Fireproof material occurrence craze, fall off, easy how to wear away to do? Want to solve a problem thoroughly, need to be dug from germ, the analysis gives real reason, flourish Cheng Naicai is engaged in be able to bear or endure service of timber production, research and development is old, can solve all sorts of difficulty problems of liner of furnace of high temperature kiln, welcome broad new old friend to seek advice reach technical communication.