What does level of state of firebrick of brick of LZ-75 tall aluminium have?

March 15, 2024Nov 23, 2024

Brick of LZ-75 tall aluminium and the close of manufacturing technological process of many clinker clay brick, differentia depends on the grog in condiment is occupied taller, can achieve 90 ~ 95 % , clinker needs grade to classify choose and residue on sieve to remove iron equipment before smash, fire is spent taller, if the tall aluminous brick such as Ⅰ , Ⅱ uses channel pit,1500 ~ are normally when fire 1600 ℃ . Brick of LZ-75 tall aluminium is fireproof degree for 1790, soft of carry on one's shoulder is spent 1460, opposite density 2.65, function of tall physics does not depend on the Al2O3 water content inside the brick thoroughly, more the crystallization model that consists generation and gross of sandwich glass photograph, form with viscosity. Flabby to the stress that tall aluminous brick develops experiment or stiffness model quantity and the scientific research that burst model measures explain, performance of physics of tall of Mo Laishi qualitative brick is good the brick at tall Al2O3 water content.

The tall aluminous brick of LZ-75 steel grade, although arise very much tall fireproof spent α- is fireproof and crystal, show bead, pillar, its are exterior economy is tectonic and firm the gender does not construct under Molaishi, but the sandwich glass fluid that leaves the particle between brilliant in crustal stress effect makes its cause slippage, cause tectonic deformation, compressive strength to reduce. Mo Laishi qualitative brick, be like steel grade of LZ-65, LZ-55, the key is Mo Laishi crystallization, submit fiber form, produce framework of network of report to the superior after accomplishing a task, during fill of sandwich glass photograph, can assume crustal stress, not easy deformation, have admirable tall compressive strength, using silicon line especially the brick that raw material of stone a group of things with common features makes, raw material is pure degree tall, the SiO2 that fire of all previous classics changes into Molaishi and SiO2 to divide grain and infinitesimal analysis are residual outside producing sandwich glass photograph, other SiO2 change Yu Mo of fill of set prescription calcite between Lai Shijing, permanent splash is caused to go up after water is cooling.


The regulation that this standard gives out according to GB/T 1.1-2009 is drafted.


This standard replaces GB/T 2988—2004 " tall aluminous brick " , compare with GB/T 2988—2004 photograph, main technique changes as follows:


—— is opposite YB/T 5015—1993 " Zuo furnace uses tall aluminous brick " , YB/T 5016—2000 " hot-blast stove uses tall aluminous brick " , YB/T 5017—2000 " brick of tall aluminium of be of use of steel-making electric stove " , YB/T 5020—2002 " Cheng Gang bucket uses tall aluminous brick " with YB/T 2988—2004 " tall aluminous brick "


—— increased; of index of series of low creep checker brick


Brand of tall aluminous brick unites —— for LZ;


—— increased; of brand of LZ-70, LZ-75G, LZ-65G, LZ-55G


Revised apparent pore one by one rate, heat the index; such as intensity of compression of temperature of bate of permanent line change, loading, normal temperature


Increased the permissible variation in dimension of checker brick and exterior requirement; one by one


Edited one by one partial dimension and exterior requirement;


Limitted product manage to change the statistical meaning of quality character index one by one, fetching acceptable quality is approved all be worth and standard deviation.


This standard place replaces all previous version of the standard to release a circumstance:


One by one GB/T 2988—1982, GB/T 2988—1987, GB/T 2988—2004.


Tall aluminous brick


1 limits


Program of assess of method of requirement of size of the classification that this standard provided tall aluminous brick, shape, technology, experiment, quality, pack, mark, carry, store reach quality certificate.


This standard applies to furnace of business lukewarm kiln to use common tall aluminous brick and low steal become tall aluminous brick.


Citation of 2 compasses plasticity


The following file application to this file is indispensable. The citation that always fixes date, the version that records date only applies to this file. The citation that always does not fix date, its are newest version (include all modification sheet > apply to this file.


Size of shape of GB/T 2992.1 firebrick the 1st share is current brick


Density of refractory products volume, apparent pore leads GB/T 2997 compact figuration and method of true porosity experiment


Method of pressure test of compression of normal temperature of GB/T 5072 fireproof material


GB/T 5073 fireproof material presses creep experiment method


GB/T 5988 fireproof material heats method of experiment of permanent line change


GB/T 6900 aluminous silicon fastens method of fireproof data chemical analysis


GB/T 7321 figuration is fireproof method of goods sample preparation


Refractory products checks and accept GB/T 10325 figuration sampling inspection is regular


Refractory products measure, exterior reachs GB/T 10326 figuration the examination method of section


Refractory products packs GB/T 16546 figuration, mark, carry and store


Component of GB/T 20511 refractory products regulation


Method of experiment of temperature of bate of loading of YB/T 370 refractory products (blame show difference - warm up law)


YB/T 376.1 refractory products fights method of experiment of thermal shock sex (water is urgent cold law)


YB/T 2217 electric stove carries bricky shape size on the head with the ball


Bag of YB/T 4198 steel uses firebrick appearance measure


YB/T 5012 blast furnace and hot-blast stove use firebrick appearance measure


Roof of report of YB/T 5018 steel-making uses bricky appearance measure


3 term and definition


GB/T 10325 limits and following term and definition apply to this file.




Common tall aluminous brick


It is to show with to calcine alumina is the common high aluminous products with main firing raw material.




Brick of low creep tall aluminium


It is creep rate inferior firing high aluminous products.


4 classification reach shape size


Cent of 4.1 tall aluminous bricks is common brick of tall aluminium of tall aluminous brick and low creep two kinds big.


4.2 common tall aluminous brick changes index cent to be normally: Brand of nine of LZ-48, LZ-55, LZ-65, LZ-70, LZ-75, LZ-80, LZ-55G, LZ-65G, LZ-75G. The L in the brand, Z is the initial of Chinese Phonetic Alphabet of aluminous, brick, the number is alumina quality mark, ever since G uses firebrick on behalf of blast furnace.


Brick of tall aluminium of 4.3 low creep changes index cent to be normally: DRL-155, DRL-150, DRL-145, DRL-140, DRL-135, DRL-130, DRL-127 7 brands. The D in the brand, R, L is initial of low, squirm, aluminous Chinese Phonetic Alphabet, the number leads the 1/10 of experiment temperature for creep.


The shape size of 4.4 firebrick should accord with the regulation of GB/T 2992.1, GB/T 20511, YB/T 2217, YB/T 4198, YB/T 5012 and YB/T 5018, the blueprint that Yi Ke just provides by Qian has production.


5 technologies ask


5.1 common the manage of tall aluminous brick changes index to should accord with a watch the regulation of 1.


The manage of aluminous brick of Zuo of 5.2 low creep changes index to should accord with a watch the regulation of 2


The permissible variation in dimension of 5.3 firebrick and exterior should accord with a watch the regulation of 3


6 experiments method


Of 6.1 firebrick examine make appearance undertake by GB/T 7321.


Of 6.2 chemical composition determine to undertake by GB/T 6900.


6.3 bulk density, apparent pore leads examine to undertake by GB/T 2997.


Of intensity of compression of 6.4 normal temperature examine to undertake by GB/T 5072.


6.5 loading bate begins temperature examine to undertake by GB/T 370.


6.6 heat permanent line changes examine to undertake by GB/T 5988.


6.7 creep lead examine to undertake by GB/T 5073.


Of sex of 6.8 heatproof shake examine to undertake by GB/T 376.1.


Of the dimension of 6.9 firebrick, exterior examine to undertake by GB/T 10326.


Program of 7 quality assess


7.1 groups are approved


The product is made up by same brand batch, every batches are not more than 500t.


7.2 sample reach regulation of decision of acceptance


Sample, check and accept undertake by GB/T 10325. Manage changes quality to check and accept sampling inspection characteristicly, common tall aluminous brick: Temperature of bate of intensity of apparent pore rate, compression, loading is check and accept project; low creep tall aluminous brick: Intensity of apparent pore rate, compression, Chi changes rate to check and accept a project. Should heat permanent line change serves as when checking and accept index, its sentence shape form to be: Only cost is inside maximum and scope of the least value, sentence for qualification, it is otherwise unqualified.


8 pack, mark, carry, store reach quality certificate


8.1 firebrick use tray or according to the user the requirement undertakes packing.


Of 8.2 firebrick pack, mark, carry, store by GB/T 16546 the regulation undertakes,


When 8.3 firebrick are given out, answer with the quality certificate that signs and issue for square quality branch, carry bright offer square name or emblem mark, want square name, deliver goods date of name of number of size of date, contract, level, product, brand, brick, lot number and corresponding manage are changed examine result.

Manage changes target:


Brick of one class tall aluminium



Al2O3 % ≥


FeO2 % ≤


Bulk density G/cm3 ≥


MPa ≥ of intensity of normal temperature compression


℃ of loading bate temperature


The fireproof ≥ that spend ℃


Apparent pore leads %≤


Line change is led %

- 0.3

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