What tall aluminous brick points to LZ55 commonly is heavy qualitative brick, coefficient of thermal conductivity is in at 1 o'clock K of · of a few W/m, light qualitative tall aluminous brick (tall aluminium gets together brick of light heat preservation) 25 ℃ of ± of W/m.k(350 of coefficient of thermal conductivity) differ according to density in 0.25-0.45W/m.k.

The thermal conductivity coefficient of firebrick, it is to point to the coefficient of hot velocity of flow that passes bricky unit area below condition of unit temperature gradient namely, stomatic coefficient heals big, criterion thermal conductivity coefficient is smaller.
Producing actual in, common hot project device needs to consider the loss amount after quantity of heat passes firebrick, need the heat preservation effect of firebrick of computational heat insolation, in some the heating furnace that lie between blaze is like Jiao Lu to wait, the partition that still needs firebrick has taller thermal conductivity coefficient, because this is in hot project design,the thermal conductivity coefficient of firebrick is one of target that consider mainly.
The thermal conductivity of firebrick (coefficient of thermal conductivity) (Thermal Conductivity) , namely its deliver caloric capacity, express normally with coefficient of thermal conductivity. Thermal conductance expresses to transfer a process in energy in, inside unit time, below unit temperature gradient, the quantity of heat that unit area place passes.
The firebrick thermal conductance with different qualitative capable person often the difference is very big. Below normal temperature, the thermal conductance of all sorts of firebrick is OK from hundred arrive tens of (W/m · K) , high cost and low cost differ a lot of times. Lift as temperature, although the thermal conductance poor value of all sorts of firebrick tends reduce, but the difference is very big still. When be like 1000 ℃ , the thermal conductance of light qualitative silica is ℃ of 0.35W/(m · K only) the left and right sides; Recrystallization carborundum goods is left and right sides of 17.5W/m · K; Black lead can be as high as 35W/m · K.
The thermal conductance of firebrick is divided outside sufferring temperature to affect, closely related as chemical as its still mineral composition and constituent structure. When firebrick is formed by crystal, the property of crystal has apparent effect to thermal conductance. Well-known, the thermal conductance of inorganic metalloid material compares a metal commonly a lot of lower. Because inorganic metalloid material and the metal that have metallic key are different,this is, have few free electron only. The heat conduction that causes by free electron in this kind of material is very finite, basically is degree of resonance of deviate of vibration of You Jing case and calm. Deviate resonance degree heals big, thermal conductance heals small. And degree of deviate of crystal lattice vibration is followed again make each constituent material rub the difference of Er quality increases and increase, the thermal conductance of simple substance is so big (the thermal conductance of black lead is bigger depend on this) namely.
Brick of LZ55 tall aluminium how much is coefficient of thermal conductivity? Brick of LZ55 tall aluminium is heavy qualitative brick, coefficient of thermal conductivity is in at 1 o'clock K of · of a few W/m, light qualitative tall aluminous brick (tall aluminium gets together brick of light heat preservation) 25 ℃ of ± of W/m.k(350 of coefficient of thermal conductivity) differ according to density in 0.25-0.45W/m.k.
Fireproof material coefficient of thermal conductivity wraps the influence steel that temperature distributings to wrap liner to have different fireproof stuff to steel, its coefficient of thermal conductivity is endless also and identical, what the size of coefficient of thermal conductivity affects steel to include temperature field directly is reasonable distributing, so, include the effect of temperature field to steel through analysing different coefficient of thermal conductivity, can choose liner material reasonably, the loss of quantity of heat that reduces steel bag and temperature stress are destroyed to what steel wraps. It is 1600 ℃ when temperature of set steel fluid, the coefficient of thermal conductivity of of bag of working layer, intermediate layer, heat-insulation layer, steel is) of 1.15\V/(m · ℃ respectively, ) of 0.5W/(m · ℃ , 0.157W/(m · ℃ : ) with) of 50W/(m · ℃ , when the ambient air temperature that wrap a wall is 35 ℃ , when the high temperature by lid of Bao Bi, bag, bag achieves 221.96 ℃ , 223.81 ℃ , 195.87 ℃ basic stability, loss of quantity of heat is 49969.2W, wrap a wall to occupy among them 74.87% , bag lid is occupied 17.32% , occupy by the bag 7.81% , visible Bao Bi is place of main loss of quantity of heat, the smooth soaking flux that steel wraps is 2435.15W/m2.
Affect the temperature of environment of explicit element 1) of insulation material coefficient of thermal conductivity. Lift as environmental temperature, the heat of material solid element conducts motion to increase. At the same time the motion of thermal convection current of the gas in material hole also increases, bring about insulation material coefficient of thermal conductivity to increase gradually. 2) environment humidity. Lift as environmental humidity, material contains wet rate to greaten gradually, of the vapor in hole diffuse and the motion of thermal convection current of water element has main effect in conduct heat, bring about material coefficient of thermal conductivity to greaten. Because of moisture absorption of capacity of data of starting a hole, lift as environmental humidity so, coefficient of thermal conductivity of material of starting a hole greatens apparently. Direction of 3) thermal current. In the construction on each direction different dawn concerns the material that property changes along with direction to call anisotropy material, call isotropy material conversely. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of anisotropy fiber material and cloth of thermal current direction close. From arrange condition to look, fiber material cent is thermal current direction and fiber direction parallel and perpendicular 2 kinds of circumstances. When parallel of thermal current direction at fiber direction, the obstruction that thermal current gets is lesser, the heat conduction of insulation material function history is good, coefficient of thermal conductivity is bigger: And when thermal current direction perpendicular at fiber direction, the resistance that thermal current gets is greater, the heat proof quality of insulation material is better, coefficient of thermal conductivity is smaller.
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