The manufactures craft and tall aluminous brick production technology of sleeve brick is same, alumina content is in a kind of neuter and fireproof material of 48% above, by content of alumina of etc of tall aluminous aluminous grog maximum pressure of higher raw material classics shapes to be become with to calcine.

Sleeve brick sheds steel brick
Item characteristics (1) high temperature wear well. (2) good heatproof shake sex. (3) good wear-resisting damage and anti-corrosive ability. (4) good thermal shock and heat are fought flake. (5) higher mechanical intensity. (6) stability of high temperature bulk is good.

Sleeve brick sheds steel brick
The design of sleeve brick and brick of sleeve of applied tapping mouth are the channel that steel of flow direction of converter molten steel includes, say again to shed steel brick, it is contacted with molten steel directly, its life affects the steel-making rhythm of converter directly. From the structure, cent of brick of tapping mouth sleeve is brick of integral type sleeve (also call tapping mouth to be in charge of a brick) use commonly with brick of sleeve of type of whole of; of brick of fission type sleeve etc static pressure shape, brick of fission type sleeve uses machine pressing to shape. Go up to converter for convenient installation, after commonly used steel tube assembles an organic whole with flange, brick of tapping mouth sleeve is used.
No matter be whole form of characters or letters, still divide brick of sleeve of form of characters or letters, brick of tapping mouth sleeve is general the appearance is a circle, kong Jun is the circular structure of via inside, hole size decides according to tapping time inside, the wall is large it is 50~ commonly 100mm, the appearance cent of aperture is direct form and horn form. The experiment proves, horn inside the rate of tapping mouth tapping that Kong Ju is a circle into shape of degree of lip-rounding is older, this means the interference between molten steel and tapping mouth abate, flow is smoother, the circular entrance of tapping mouth shortened tapping time.