How does hot-blast stove change ball of fireproof accumulation of heat, what does need notice?

March 15, 2024Nov 25, 2024

Change the ball of fireproof accumulation of heat of hot-blast stove needs careful operation, how to mix in order to ensure completely effectiveness. It is the move that a few need note and item below:
Preparation works: Ensure to hot-blast stove is shut before beginning to change, ensure equipment refrigeration comes enough low temperature, in order to avoid scald or other and safe risk.
Safety equips: Changing a proper people's air defense is used to protect equipment in the process, include high temperature resistant glove, blinkers, face guard, get hurt in order to prevent.
Clear working area: Before beginning the work, clear work area, ensure all round not sundry, in order to prevent an accident.
Of ball of accumulation of heat disassemble: According to the design of hot-blast stove, disassemble carefully ball of old fireproof accumulation of heat. The likelihood needs to use appropriate tool, but should not want attaint furnace wall or other part carefully.
Examine furnace wall: Disassembling after ball of accumulation of heat, whether examination furnace wall has damage or wear away. If discover a problem, the likelihood needs to undertake maintain or be repairinged.
Prepare new ball: Prepare ball of new fireproof accumulation of heat, ensure the design specifications photograph of they and hot-blast stove matchs. Caution wants when handling ball of accumulation of heat, avoid to collide or damage.
Install new ball: Ball of will new fireproof accumulation of heat installs hot-blast stove interior carefully. Ensure ball and furnace wall are complete joint, and do not have space.
Sealed and fixed: According to the design of hot-blast stove, use proper high temperature resistant sealed data will secure with ball of sealed accumulation of heat, go up in order to ensure its install buy of v/arc be on the throne firm.
Restart equipment: Finishing after changing, ensure everything already after perch, start hot-blast stove carefully afresh. Its run monitoring circumstance, ensure not unusual.
Maintain and safeguard: Ball of new fireproof accumulation of heat needs to maintain regularly and be safeguarded, in order to prolong its service life. Be checked regularly and clear can ensure the function of hot-blast stove and efficiency.
Ask an attention, this is a run-of-mill guidance only, operate a likelihood actually to the model because of hot-blast stove, design and manufacturer suggest and differ somewhat. Before undertaking changing, be sure to consult the user manual of hot-blast stove or the proposal that explore professional technology personnel. Should keep careful in unit process of cargo bandling, ensure security and effect.

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