Zirconium not comes stone brick is the founding that is raw material with Molaishi and zirconia refractory products. Structure of crystal of brick of founding of zirconium Mo Laishi is compact, loading bate temperature is high, thermal stability is good, mechanical intensity is high below normal temperature and high temperature, wearability is good, thermal conductivity is good, and have the capacity that admirable resistance erodes.

Agglomeration zirconium not comes stone brick is to use industrial alumina and zirconium stone concentrate to serve as raw material, adopt reaction agglomeration technology, introduce ZrO2 the advanced firebrick that Molaishi makes in matrix, its react equation is: Pottery and porcelain of Mo Laishi of 2SiO2+2ZrO2 of · of 3 A12O3 of 10 2ZrSiO4 → has 3A12O3 a lot of good character, be like high temperature resistant, fight thermal shock sex, it is good to fight high temperature creep and chemical stability function of fine waiting for actor.
In introducing ZrO2 Mo Laishi pottery and porcelain, the photograph that uses ZrO2 changes it is OK to add pliable but strong relatively the high temperature that raises Mo Laishi material substantially is mechanical function. ZrO2 has stimulative agglomeration effect to Mo Laishi material, the affiliation of ZrO2, because its are low what the formation of the generation of frit content or room can quicken ZrO2 material is compact change agglomeration course, when ZrO2 rub when Er mark is 30 % , in the base substrate with 1530 firing ℃ its amount to 98 % relative to bulk density, intensity achieves 378MPa tenacity to achieve 4.3MPa · M1/2. The ZrO2 material of different composition, its Jiang Ren changes a mechanism to differ.
The bulk mark of ZrO2 is 15 %- - when 30 % , zrO2 material with stress revulsive photograph changes add pliable but strong to give priority to; When the bulk mark of ZrO2 is more than 30 % , ZTM material adds pliable but strong to give priority to with micro-crack. The bead diameter of ZrO2 powder has very big effect to the mechanical function of ZrO2 material.
ZrO2 bead way is older, fen of the Z in ZTM material matrix is major with M, ZrO2 form exists, material adds pliable but strong to give priority to with micro-crack. When ZrO2 bead diameter is lesser, the opposite content of the T-ZrO3 in ZTM material is higher, material is mechanical of function rise to basically result from the photograph of T-ZrO3 changes add pliable but strong. Mo Laishi brick has manufacturing agglomeration zirconium technology of two kinds of production: It is firstly reaction agglomeration is finished in controlling firebrick process, get the microstructure that becomes complete; It is the photograph combination that partial photograph changes and maintains blame balance secondly. Technology of two kinds of production has distinguishing feature each, can produce the firebrick with a good performance. In industrial production, to lower firebrick price, often use tall aluminous alumina to replace industrial alumina, production contains the Mo Laishi brick of zirconium.
Pass in A12O3, the constituent structure that ZrO2 introduces to improve Molaishi in SiO2 department brick, can raise Molaishi fight sex of shake of chemical aggressivity, heat-resisting to reduce coefficient of expansion, this kind contains the Mo Laishi brick of ZrO2, the appellative Molaishi that it is zirconium brick, get by electric frit legal system commonly, law of useful also agglomeration produces. Agglomeration zirconium not comes stone brick is to use industrial alumina and zirconium stone concentrate to serve as raw material, adopt reaction agglomeration technology, the special type that introduces zirconia to Molaishi to be made in matrix is fireproof material.
It is raw material with industrial alumina and zirconium stone, the zirconium that becomes through reacting agglomeration is made Mo Laishi brick, because reaction and agglomeration undertake at the same time, process control is more difficult. Normally, be in firing when preexistence 1450 ℃ heat preservation, make its compact change, warm up to have reaction to 1600 ℃ again next, zrSiO4 is in be more than 1535 ℃ to decompose ZrO2 and SiO2, among them SiO2 and Al2O3 reaction generate Molaishi, because ZrSiO4 is decomposed from time to tome photograph of one part fluid appears, and of ZrSiO4 decompose can make grain is refined, raise the area that compare a list, promote agglomeration thereby.
Consider to make clear, in the affiliation of zirconium stone the quantity is less than 54.7 % when, join the addition of the quantity as zirconium stone, the microstructure of agglomeration sample by columnar the network that corundum forms transfers gradually by columnar the network structure that Molaishi makes. The high temperature of sample is fought lose strength (1400. C) also increases along with the addition of zirconia content, appear when zirconia content is 23.7 % one greater value, after that intensity drops. The affiliation of zirconium stone conduces to those who fight thermal shock sex rising.