Firebrick construction note and expand seam dimension

March 15, 2024Nov 23, 2024

Firebrick beforehand job of build by laying bricks or stones is kiln furnace firebrick build by laying bricks or stones builds the main job in the job,
Industrial furnace uses firebrick, the influence of the thermal stress action that because get,temperature change and temperature gradient form, be out of shape those who bring about liner structure, destroy, because this should build the setting in the process in firebrick build by laying bricks or stones,expand seam. Firebrick differs because of its chemistry, mineral composition, of the generation after be heated expand the amount is different also. Seamed dimension expands in body of build by laying bricks or stones, basically answer to decide according to using bricky property and place susceptive temperature. Usually, range of person extraction the home is top the theory when temperature expands the 50% ~ of the quantity 100% as fiducial.

Be liner of commonly used firebrick below expand the average and numeric Mm/m that seams dimension:
1, argillaceous firebrick body of build by laying bricks or stones 5 ~ 6
2, body of build by laying bricks or stones of tall aluminous brick 7 ~ 8
3, body of corundum brick build by laying bricks or stones 9 ~ 10
4, body of magnalium brick build by laying bricks or stones 10 ~ 11
5, body of silica brick build by laying bricks or stones 12 ~ 13
6, body of magnesia brick build by laying bricks or stones 10 ~ 14
7, clay is qualitative fireproof and pouring expect 4 ~ 6
8, silicate cement is fireproof and pouring expect 5 ~ 8
9, tall aluminous cement is fireproof and pouring expect 6 ~ 8
10, water glass is fireproof and pouring expect 4 ~ 6
11, phosphate is fireproof and pouring expect 6 ~ 8
Working temperature under the argillaceous firebrick of 800 ℃ firebrick of body of build by laying bricks or stones, common clay and diatomite brick need not stay set expand seam. But too long clay firebrick and body of build by laying bricks or stones of common clay brick, should stay appropriately by particular case set expand seam.

Above all we should understand beforehand what does the purpose that build by laying bricks or stones builds have, basically have the following at 5 o'clock:

1.Beforehand build by laying bricks or stones builds a course in, whether does the design that can check firebrick have by accident;

2.Can check the effect that the brick requirement that whether accords with build by laying bricks or stones to build and build by laying bricks or stones build;

3.Whether are the dimension that can examine firebrick and public errand inside reasonable range, whether can affect somewhat to body of build by laying bricks or stones;

4.The build by laying bricks or stones of body of affirmatory build by laying bricks or stones builds a form;

5.The aspect of build by laying bricks or stones in understanding build by laying bricks or stones to build a course is crucial, master build by laying bricks or stones to build point and significant position;

Pass understanding beforehand the purpose that build by laying bricks or stones builds, we understand build by laying bricks or stones to build a note again more clear step builds line system course. Firebrick is in beforehand build by laying bricks or stones builds the note in the process to have:

1.Above all beforehand build by laying bricks or stones builds field to want level clean, avoid an effect beforehand build by laying bricks or stones builds the effect;

2.Beforehand build by laying bricks or stones builds body of firebrick build by laying bricks or stones to want to be mixed strictly according to blueprint GB beforehand build by laying bricks or stones of standard of build by laying bricks or stones is built;

3.Beforehand the requirement that the job that build by laying bricks or stones builds wants to accord with official step to build;

4.Beforehand build by laying bricks or stones builds the quota that wants to control each quality strictly in the process, build for official step do sufficient preparation work;

5.Beforehand the firebrick that build by laying bricks or stones builds should print grade, need to be built according to grade build by laying bricks or stones when build by laying bricks or stones is built,

6.Beforehand after build by laying bricks or stones has been built, the measure that wants system of pair of build by laying bricks or stones, expand wait for the job to make record and inspection, when facilitating formal construction build by laying bricks or stones is built, use;

7.Beforehand in process of build by laying bricks or stones, answer to take put down gently gently, qing Dynasty tears open Qing Dynasty to put, be absent to according with dimension to reach the firebrick inside tolerancepublic errand limits should be handled in time, avoid to affect normal step to build.

Beforehand the job that build by laying bricks or stones builds is looked at simple, build actually with formal construction build by laying bricks or stones having important correlation, beforehand build by laying bricks or stones basically is to check firebrick to whether accord with build by laying bricks or stones to build requirement and build by laying bricks or stones to build a standard, return the mistake that can avoid to design.

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