Begin lecturing of technology of brick of TOP fireproof heat preservation, is what share to everybody today about furnace of high temperature kiln how to choose insulation material?

The main function of kiln basically depends on the technical economic performance of fireproof material, affect the investment cost of kiln directly. Character of service. Thermal efficiency. Cost of moving specific power consumption. Choose the general principle of fireproof insulation material: 1. The function of kiln furnace and hot project are characteristic. To the kiln furnace that clearance works, should choose the material with small thermal capacity. 2. The safety of material uses temperature. Heat conduction system. High temperature intensity. Chemical stability. 3. Service life. 4. Investment cost and operation maintain cost. Generally speaking, weigh index of specifications of some of overweight of side of simple fireproof stuff, be like high temperature stability, . Chemical stability; The investment that is able to bear or endure to pledge insulation material pays attention to integrated technology economic norms more gently and move. When choosing light qualitative insulation material, the coefficient of thermal conductivity that uses insulation material commonly (λ ) the cost of insulation material of every unit volume (Ρ ) will decide, "λ Ρ " it is good that product is worth Yue Xiaoyue. Value of coefficient of thermal conductivity is little, explain effect of insulation material heat preservation is good, the specific power consumption when moving is low. Cost of unit volume insulation material is low, explain investment cost is low, investment economic benefits is good. Can use coordinate graph to choose, the abscissa is working temperature, ordinate is (λ Ρ ) a bit better, the intercept of safe use temperature that uses data the curve of all sorts of material, choose the stuff with technical good economy.
Project of heat preservation of method of construction of brick of kiln heat preservation is a painstaking work, want to make each link in construction process achieves quality requirement, must notice careful construction strictly. Often check. According to my construction experience, I am below in kiln wall and job of kiln top heat preservation talk about relevant construction method, offer everybody study. 1. Build by laying bricks or stones of heat preservation brick is built. The height of heat preservation wall. Ply and total length must accord with the regulation of blueprint paper. Build by laying bricks or stones builds method and argillaceous firebrick identical, use fireproof slop build by laying bricks or stones to build. Body of build by laying bricks or stones should assure the integrality of mortar, of mortar full degree should achieve 95% above. When bricklaying, forbidden with hammer knock brick, with rubber hammer watch of brick of light light knock is faced neat. Forbidden the knife that use ash is direct cut brick. Need the applied cut machine of treatment to answer trimly cut. To avoid heat preservation bright fire is contacted directly inside brick and kiln, can be all round observation hole build with firebrick build by laying bricks or stones, cotton of heat preservation wall, heat preservation, outside the wall is built receive a brick to also use argillaceous firebrick build by laying bricks or stones is built. 2. Shop of heat preservation cotton is installed. Heat preservation cotton board order dimension should satisfy design requirement not only, satisfy the real need with convenient installation even. In installing a process, should notice: Cotton board must tighten intimate contact, narrow as far as possible contact clearance. Be in place of cotton board connect, had better use high temperature adhesive, make its sealed and close, in order to ensure effect of its heat preservation. Additional, the cotton that wants treatment board, should use cutting tool cut orderly, forbidden with the hand direct tear at.