When kiln furnace uses insulation material, the choice needs to consider the following factor:
Be able to bear or endure lukewarm function: Insulation material beard can bear the working temperature that kiln furnace place requires. Decide what what need to be able to bear or endure lukewarm limits is the first consideration element that chooses proper insulation material.
Density and thermal conductance: The insulation material of density Xiaohe low thermal conductance can offer better heat proof quality, reduce caloric to conduct a loss.
Heat is expansile: The hot coefficient of expansion of insulation material should match with phase of material of kiln furnace construction, the craze that with because heat up,avoiding to expand difference causes and stress are centered.
Be able to bear or endure chemical aggressivity: The likelihood inside kiln furnace is put in acidity, alkalescent or other caustic atmosphere, insulation material should be had be able to bear or endure certainly chemical aggressivity, in order to assure the use of long-term stability.
Physical function: The mechanical function of insulation material, wearability, be able to bear or endure the element that shake sex also is need consideration, with ensuring data can support kiln furnace runs medium vibration, concussion and mechanical stress.
Security: Insulation material should accord with relevant safe level, do not produce harmful gas or dust, and not easy below requirement of kiln furnace work combustion or generation danger react.
Cost and usability: Choose the insulation material that suit a budget and obtains easily, the price that considers data, supply the element such as stability and service life.
Above element is the crucial factor that needs integrated consideration when choice kiln furnace uses insulation material, ask according to specific kiln furnace type, craft and operate an environment, the insulation material that can choose to suit will satisfy a requirement. In the meantime, the proposal seeks advice from professional fireproof data vendor or engineer, in order to get more accurate proposal and technical support.