Kiln furnace is energy-saving with lighter than brick of 0.6 clay heat preservation 0.25 new-style brick of small hole heat preservation

March 15, 2024Nov 25, 2024
Of 0.25 density new-style use temperature of brick of small hole heat preservation is spent in 600-1400, the brick of argillaceous heat preservation that compares 0.6 density (1050 degrees can be out of shape 3 hours) temperature is higher, lighter, more energy-saving.

Main advantage reachs a characteristic
1, rate of low heat conduction of heat conduction rate is low, have favorable adiabatic effect, below coequal temperature condition, can make boiler setting ply thinner, thereby more province cost.
2, thermal capacitance is low because its exceed small system,lead closely with low heat conduction, the quantity of heat that makes bricky interior is accumulated is little, thereby more energy-saving.
3, stability has low-down ferric oxide and alkali metal content very much, inside use temperature of the regulation, stability is better.
4, intensity is the same as bulk density high, no matter be intensity of normal temperature compression, still be intensity of high temperature compression, exceed the other product below coequal temperature.
5, dimension is neat over all dimension is neat, the error is in ± 0.05mm less than; In the meantime, OK still according to client demand custom-built dimension.
Application can carry lining on the back as the heat insolation of fireproof material, applied object includes: Conduit of furnace of of all kinds industry, hot-blast stove, heating furnace, smelting furnace, flue, sirocco heat and send shrinkage fitting buy. Roller path kiln, channel kiln uses the position: Heat-insulation layer of boiler setting of kiln of path of roller of pottery and porcelain, bottom heat-insulation layer. Can use at replacing: Brick of light qualitative clay, tall aluminium gets together light brick, Molaishi gets together light brick. Advantage: Not easy systole, not easy pulverization, function is not easy damply, sexual price is compared taller.
What heat preservation of kiln furnace heat insolation uses 0.25 density is new-style brick of small hole heat preservation can reduce prediction of a person's luck in a given year of quantity of heat, energy-saving environmental protection, reduce specific power consumption,

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