Build by laying bricks or stones builds chimney general interior is argillaceous brick, mid use diatomite brick or diatomite concrete, also can use brick of light qualitative clay, basically see the type of chimney and demand, choose right product to achieve economy, heat preservation, energy-saving result.

Diatomite brick
Brick of common diatomite heat insolation is raw ore is cut by the appearance of firebrick, be in 800, below the temperature of 850 ℃ firing, or the person is added in diatomite a few but model clay and curium wood chip mixes practice, shape and firing, can produce a brick of diatomite heat insolation. But want to produce low density; (0.4, 0.5g/cm3) firebrick, the diatomite that should use high grade (SiO2>80% ; Diatomite SiO2 96%~97% ) . Have the medium that make hole even. Because use the natural diatomite firebrick that make directly,achieve low density hard.
Firebrick of diatomite heat insolation is a kind when belong to light qualitative firebrick, its should use as only thermal insulation. GB3996 of active state level, the cent of dimension of 83 pairs of firebrick and norms, firebrick, manage changed index tolerance to make following provisions. Firebrick of diatomite heat insolation is GG by bulk density cent, 0.7a, GG, 0.7b, GG, 0.6, GG, 0.5a, GG, 0.5b, GG, 0.4a 6 kinds of brands. The norms of firebrick of diatomite heat insolation and dimension pursue as follows. Firebrick cent is diatomite heat insolation mark, general, different and special model adiabatic firebrick. Mark TZ, 3 mark (65mm) of × of 230mm × 114mm. General, different, special model the person that every has one of undermentioned cent features and bulk is inside formulary limits, it is general respectively namely model, different, special model. 1, firebrick of general diatomite heat insolation. Not 4 over gage, appearance feet small proportion is not more than 1: 4, do not take reentrant (include reentrant of circular arc shape, below) , groove, circular arc and eyelet, bulk is in L400 ~ 2000cm3. Firebrick of heat insolation of 2 different diatomite. Scale of over all dimension not person at 1: 5. Not a over groove, do not take reentrant and eyelet, arc shape piece big chord is not more than 150mm, bulk is in L400 ~ 2000cm3. 3 special model firebrick of diatomite heat insolation. Scale of over all dimension not person at 1: 6, not two over groove, a reentrant, an eyelet, arc shape piece big chord is not more than 160mm, bulk is in L400 ~ 3000cm3. Dimension is more than 300mm, bulk is less than 1400 Cm3 and be more than 3000 Cm3, or exceed special model adiabatic firebrick goods of the condition, its technology condition is decided by agreement of both sides of supply and demand.
The method making hole that diatomite brick uses generally is as follows (1) bleb law, blowing agent is added in burden namely, the bulk density of average production is 0.4, O.5g/cm3 firebrick, multi-purpose this law. (2) material of aperture of mix into man-made, if curium small pink of wood chip or polystyrene. Add curium wood chip law is compared general, general sieve goes of > 3mm curium wood chip. Curium the affiliation of wood chip measures by undertake estimation below: Curium suppose 250kg/m3 of wood chip unit weight, solid Mu Rong weighs 750kg/m3, curium real wood content is 250/750 = in wood chip namely 33.3% . What use 1200kg/m3 of the unit weight after diatomite is burned directly suppose again, when the firebrick that is about to make 600kg/m3, need to make hole (1.2, 0.6) / 1.2 = 50% . Produce 1 M3 firebrick apparently, need diatomite (dry basis) 600Kg, curium wood chip is 750*50% = 375kg. If the plasticity of diatomite is insufficient, want to add combinative clay, wet those who curium wood chip wants to have 100d is stale period. Still have join float bead the unit weight that controls firebrick, make the use temperature of firebrick raises 1000 ℃ . (3) mix into is entered with light simple stuff, if expand pearlite, float bead etc. Float bead with diatomite cooperating to compare is gotten more easily. Float bead the quantity that add a person but slightly under seek an amount. If use,expand pearlite, its unit weight is 40, 300kg/mS, yi Ke uses computational burden. Diatomite pledges gently the manufacturing technological process of firebrick. The moisture when crowded mud shapes 30% the left and right sides is advisable, squeeze pug into mud, make unfired brick with steel wire cut. General and natural dry 15d, hydrous in dividing 15% the following outfit to enter pit firing, average contractive 3.6%~8.5% . Be in firing in the process, shui Yi of stoma of the hairiness when 150 ℃ goes out, 300 ℃ above is crystal water dehydrate, 800, 900 ℃ agglomeration. When using pure diatomite raw material, also can join lime to do bond and mineralizer, promote firing when of scale quartz change, the heat-resisting function that is helpful for raising firebrick and those who reduce high temperature to fall is heavy burn systole. A lot of manufacturer use half dry process.

Brick of light qualitative clay
Brick of argillaceous heat preservation is everybody's more familiar kind of fireproof material, what use normally is bulk density 1.3 with 1 grams / centimeter two kinds 3, the brick with bulk again light density is differred as a result of intensity, regard hot side as firebrick rarely, use as mostly the insulation material of high temperature furnace. This product characteristic is porosity tall, general 40%-85% ; Bulk density is low under 1.5g/cm3; thermal conductance low, general under 1.0W (M.K) . The heat-insulating material of furnace of kiln of its action industry, can reduce furnace kiln heat loss due to radiation, save the sources of energy, can reduce the quality of hot project facilities. Sex of caustic of intensity of machinery of adiabatic and fireproof material, wear-resisting and the aggressivity that fight broken bits is poorer, unfavorable at kiln furnace bearing structure and direct contact the place such as metal of slaggy, charging, melt.
Brick of light qualitative clay is the small qualitative refractory products of AL2O3 content 30%-46% , belong to firebrick of adiabatic heat preservation. Use clay grog or pledge argillaceous grog is mixed gently but model clay is main raw material, use combustible law production. Burden and water mix make but model pug or slop, with extrusion or pouring shape, dry hind in 1250 ℃ - in atmosphere of 1350 ℃ oxidation firing.
The superior performance of brick of light qualitative clay: (1) economy: Can reduce fundamental cost, those who reduce frame is sectional, managing ferroconcrete can be remarkable the integrated cost of spare building. The design uses brick of light qualitative clay to weigh qualitative clay brick than using, integrated cost can reduce 5%~15% above. (2) practical: Use brick of light qualitative clay to be able to increase usable floor area, at the same time good as a result of effect of heat preservation of brick of light qualitative clay, reduce n to use up. (3) application property: Brick of light qualitative clay has good machinability, construction is convenient and simple, as a result of piece big, qualitative light, can reduce labor
Intensity, improve construction efficiency, shorten construction time limit for a project.
The standard that chimney of furnace of kiln of potter course of study and flue place build by laying bricks or stones build one, advocate charge an item 1, the breed of fireproof material and goods, brand, should accord with the regulation that designs requirement and active relevant specification. Law of check proved recipe: Observation examination, examine quality certificate or examine report. 2, the breed of fireproof slop, brand should accord with a design to ask. The consistency of slop should suit with photograph of category of body of build by laying bricks or stones, the slop of different consistency and category of its applicable body of build by laying bricks or stones should accord with relevant provision. Law of check proved recipe: Observation examination, examine quality certificate or examine report, examination slop tries match a record. 3, the slop that brick of body of fireproof build by laying bricks or stones seams is full degree should be more than 90%; the mortar that brick of body of build by laying bricks or stones of brick of exterior and common clay seams is full degree should be more than 80% . Examine a quantity: Chimney every 1.25m is tall check 1 times, selective examination every time 2 place? Every 5m checks total flue of 4 place; 1 times, selective examination every time 2 place - 4 place. : of law of check proved recipe? of of Biao of Yan of celestial bodies of of toot of peptide of Shan of ┟ of goblet of Hu of of the Lian that risk tomb figure sees ο ? piece brick, take its average. 2, average project 1, the tolerance of foundation of flue of kiln furnace underground and law of check proved recipe should accord with relevant provision. 2, the tolerance of body of flue build by laying bricks or stones and law of check proved recipe should accord with relevant provision. 3, the tolerance of the total flue, opposite level that raises aperture of flue, smoke evacuation and chimney should be ± 5mm. Examine a quantity: Every divide a project to selective examination each 1 aperture. : of law of check proved recipe? Does Bi of of Liang of Hu of Home Qiang take an examination of Hu Luo?
Build by laying bricks or stones builds chimney liner firebrick the person make up build by laying bricks or stones to build liner to be half brick like ply that reachs fireproof slop, build with suitable brick build by laying bricks or stones, crisscross is built receive 1/2 brick, the person that be more than half brick, with suitable brick, top brick alternant build by laying bricks or stones is built, crisscross is built receive 1/4 brick. Ash seams ply, the person that use argillaceous brick does not exceed 8 millimeter, the person that use firebrick does not exceed 4 millimeter. When build by laying bricks or stones is built, inside the air thermal insulation of chimney body and liner, do not allow to fall into mortar and bricky bits, chimney body build by laying bricks or stones arrives when liner end face, the brim inside winkle, obscure the able to read aloud fluently of air thermal insulation, lest dirt falls, liner must not be contacted with chimney body very. When needing fill heat-insulating material like the design, should be in liner every build by laying bricks or stones 4, fill of 5 skins firebrick, pound gently solid. Shrink to reduce the body keep long in stock of heat-insulating material, normally every other of edge liner height 2, set circuit 2.5 meters to reduce tape of carry on one's shoulder. To maintain liner firm, be in commonly perpendicular direction every other 50 centimeters or the height of 8 skins firebrick, press in horizontal way circumferential every grow about 1 meter of point, fluctuation crisscross ground installs a brick outward wall winkle, raise outer wall to go up. When build by laying bricks or stones builds the liner of firebrick, want to beat brick with young timber hammer, level and perpendicular ash are seamed should assure close-grained. Firebrick liner build by laying bricks or stones is built after ending, just still fizzled out for a time normally slop, if the head is seamed, long seam not fine point, should add embed close. Chimney bottom is the liner with one thick brick normally, liner build by laying bricks or stones arrives when flue mouth, want with flue the side wall of two side, at the same time alternate build by laying bricks or stones is built. Build by laying bricks or stones arrives after design elevation, seek good center clue, put vault bottom pattern plate, begin to build bricky vault from build by laying bricks or stones of center of two side direction next. The vault with one thick brick, grow by the brick establish build by laying bricks or stones, even crisscross is built between brick and brick receive 1/4 brick, ash is seamed be in commonly 2, inside 3 millimeter, with not be more than 4 millimeter advisable. The fireproof mortar that build by laying bricks or stones builds liner to use cooperates to compare it is commonly 1: 1: 3(cement: Fireproof mud: Arenaceous) or 1: 1.5, 1: 2(fireproof mud: Firebrick arenaceous) , usable also saggar 30, 35 % and argillaceous grog 70, water of 65 % air matchs.
Does build by laying bricks or stones build chimney to use diatomite brick or brick of light qualitative clay? Basically see the type of chimney and demand, select right product, achieve economy, heat preservation, energy-saving result. Manufacturer did not deliver goods on time, how does influence construction schedule do? In the choose and buy fireproof material produces manufacturer when, broad client knows, once appear to did not get goods in time, with respect to meeting influence or time limit for a project of incur loss through delay, cannot on time put into production, because this meeting causes pecuniary loss, so, must order ahead of schedule, decide the manufacturing cycle of the product and the time to the spot, lest cause,compare the pecuniary loss that does not want.