Fireproof cement
Function and its chemistry composition introduce
Fireproof cement
Often show aluminous acerbity calcium is the cement of bases.
Fireproof cement
Indeterminate form is fireproof material
, especially the basic bond of pouring and fireproof material. Its chemistry is comprised basically is
With CaO, some still contains quite a few
. Mineral composition has the following 5 kinds mineral: Aluminous acid one calcic CaO·
(CA) , 2 aluminous acerbity calcic CaO·2
(CA2) , 7 aluminium are acerbity 12 calcic 12CaO·7Al2O3 (C12A7) 3 kinds of compound and the 2CaO·Al2O3· of calcic Huang Changshi that contain field trash
(C2AS) , iron aluminium is acerbity 4 calcic 4CaO·Al2O3·
(C4AF) etc form. According to its normally part of chemical and mineral series is 3 kinds
The property of fireproof cement basically depends on its are mineral composition. The aluminium of main and mineral composition of fireproof cement is acerbity one calcium (CA) have very tall water hard active to although,condense very not fast but sclerotic and rapid (curing time does not exceed a day) , yes
Tall aluminous cement
intensity especially the main source of inchoate intensity. 2 aluminous acid are calcic (CA2) to hydrate sclerosis is slower, inchoate intensity is inferior and later period intensity is higher. 7 aluminium are acerbity 12 calcium (C12A7) , have to hydrate fast condense rapid character, but intensity is not high. In contain field trash (aluminium of C2AS of calcic Huang Changshi, iron is acerbity 4 calcic C4AF) common
Tall aluminous cement
In, the move since C4AS makes cement as early as possible sclerotic action, and be in advanced
Tall aluminous cement
Action of the sclerosis since C12A7 is in. Basically do not arise as to C2AS
Hydration action
, also cannot show its strength.
Fireproof cement contains 5 kinds of calcic aluminous acid mineral, these calcic aluminous acerbity salt are met as
Hydration reaction
undertake and show intense calorific phenomenon. Common tall aluminous cement (53—55%Al2O3) in 5—8h thick temperature reachs peak value, be as high as 80- - 90oC; Contain 70%Al2O3 advanced tall aluminous concrete is in 10—12h is thick and contain 80%Al2O3 advanced tall aluminous concrete reachs peak value in the temperature after 8—10h, it is 80 OC, 70 OC respectively.
The sheet of tall aluminous cement of different sort is planted pouring the calorific character that the calorific temperature of body and the time that reach highest temperature contain salt of calcic aluminous acid by place and content decision.
The calorific volume of the C12A7 of fast rigid and C4AF is higher. The calorific quantity of because this is tall aluminous cement because contain this aluminium,acerbity salt differs and also will change. If had been joined in pouring and fireproof material,contain more (the tall aluminous cement that C12A7 or C4AF give priority to composition, will because of concentrative give out heat and make pouring the moisture content in makings sclerosis body is intense evaporate and cause crackle and surface to flake etc. So, the dosage that chooses cement and quality are very important.
Fireproof cement is a kind of bond that all can have combinative effect below normal temperature and high temperature (permanent bond) . Its are fireproof the actor bad of function is right
Indeterminate form is fireproof material
the effect is very main. General and theory, contain in cement
More tall, its are fireproof the gender heals low. Cement of influence of sort of acerbity salt of the aluminium that contain calcium, content is fireproof quality. Practice makes clear, common tall aluminous cement is being used under 1300 OC, tall aluminous cement is being used under 1500oC, low calcic tall aluminous cement (advanced tall aluminous concrete) use in temperature of prep above 1600 OC.
Always be raw material with high grade aluminous alumina and high grade lime, cooperate the raw material of right amount composition by certain proportion, the earning after passing agglomeration is the grog of bases with aluminous acerbity salt, again wear fine pink, make the material of water rigid gel that has fireproof sex, call fireproof cement. Of fireproof cement fireproof degree not under 1580 Celsius. Differ by composition can divide salt of the acid that it is aluminium salt of fireproof cement, low calcic aluminous acid is fireproof cement, calcic mud of magnalium acerbity brine and dolomite are fireproof cement.
Fireproof mud weighs fireclay again or juncture expects () of powdery outfit content. Use as the build by laying bricks or stones of body of refractory products build by laying bricks or stones seams material. By fireproof pink makings and additive composition. Almost all fireproof raw material can be made expect with the pink that will make up fireproof mud place to use. Add right amount bond with fireproof grog pink and make weigh common and fireproof mud, intensity of its normal temperature is inferior, pottery and porcelain is formed to combine ability to have below high temperature relatively high strenth. Call chemical union in order to enrage what rigid or material of hot rigid union serve as bond fireproof mud, in under the chemical response with before forming pottery and porcelain to combine temperature, arise proper namely sclerosis. The granuality basis of fireproof mud uses a requirement and different, its maximum size is less than 1mm commonly, some is less than 0.5mm or finer. The capable person that chooses fireproof slop is qualitative, the material of the refractory products of Lv of take an examination and body of build by laying bricks or stones agrees character. Fireproof mud divides build by laying bricks or stones to seam material outside, also can use daub law or eject law to use as the protective coating of line system. Main characteristic 1, plasticity is good, construction is convenient;2, bonding strength is great, the index of fireproof mud of strong; of the ability that fight corrode is as follows
Fireproof mudPhyletic and various, press normally fireproof spend cent of on any account to be common and fireproof pug (580 ~ 1250 ℃ ) , intermediate and fireproof pug (℃ of 1300 ℃ ~1770) advanced and fireproof material (2000 ℃ of 1770 ~ ) with fancy and fireproof material (2000 ℃ above) ; By chemical character cent is acidity and fireproof material, neuter and fireproof material and alkalescent and fireproof material. In addition, useful still the fireproof mud at special situation.
Fireproof cement also calls aluminous acerbity brine mud. Mud of aluminous acerbity brine is with aluminium alumina and limestone are raw material, make via to calcine it is content of bases, alumina to make an appointment with the grog of 50% with aluminous acerbity calcium, grind the material of water rigid gel that makes again. Mud of aluminous acerbity brine often is Huanghuo Brown, also have grizzly. Of mud of aluminous acerbity brine main and mineral make aluminous acid one calcium (CaO·Al2O3, logogram CA) the aluminous acerbity salt of etc, and a few siliceous 2 calcium (2CaO·SiO2) wait. Use at cementation all sorts of fireproof collect expect (if corundum, to calcine is tall aluminous alumina) , make fireproof and pouring makings or fireproof concrete, use at industrial kiln furnace to make liner.
The distinction with two kinds of the oldest stuff is in with one kind is to serve as finished product to be used directly, and fireproof cement is as raw material cementation all sorts of fireproof collect makings are made fireproof and pouring expect the data that is used at kiln furnace liner. The use attribute of two kinds of material is so different also formed the effect on different use method.
Build by laying bricks or stones builds firebrick to have appropriative juncture material or felt stuff is fireproof mud.
Firebrick can use a kind of binder when undertaking kiln furnace build by laying bricks or stones is built, and this kind of binder calls fireproof mud or juncture expects (fireproof slop) is called after adding water to mediate, it is the material of main and auxiliary profile that firebrick build by laying bricks or stones builds, also be the juncture inserts of firebrick and firebrick felt, the felt of body of heater that can remove earlier build by laying bricks or stones to build is firm the action that does not drop. Fireproof mud should build used firebrick material to choose to cannot be used in order to mix mix into character according to place build by laying bricks or stones, fireproof mud pledges according to material cent is: Clay pledges tall aluminium pledges silicon pledges Zuo pledges carbon pledges corundum pledges Molaishi pledges wait for finished product binder. If build by laying bricks or stones builds tall aluminous brick to use tall aluminous fireproof sludge, build by laying bricks or stones builds magnesium of magnesia brick sampling qualitative fireproof mud, build by laying bricks or stones builds silica brick to use silicon qualitative fireproof mud.
The means offerring money of fireproof mud is supplied with powder shape, when using, adscititious liquid gelling agent mixes agitate to form the slop of ropy moderate equably, a general designation of this kind of slop is able to bear or endure for high temperature fireclay, high temperature is fireproof slop or high temperature binder. According to the union of liquid gelling agent means cent is: Water glass combines fireproof mud, phosphoric acid to combine aluminium of fireproof mud, phosphoric acid to combine fireproof mud to wait.
Fireproof mud is by fireproof pink makings and additive are comprised. Almost all fireproof raw material can be made expect with the pink that will make up fireproof mud place to use. Add right amount bond with fireproof grog pink and make weigh common and fireproof mud, intensity of its normal temperature is inferior, pottery and porcelain is formed to combine ability to have below high temperature relatively high strenth. Call chemical union in order to enrage what rigid or material of hot rigid union serve as bond fireproof mud, in under the chemical response with before forming pottery and porcelain to combine temperature, arise proper namely sclerosis. The granuality basis of fireproof mud uses a requirement and different, its maximum size is less than 1mm commonly, some is less than 0.5mm or finer. The capable person that chooses fireproof slop is qualitative, the material of the refractory products of Lv of take an examination and body of build by laying bricks or stones agrees character. Fireproof mud divides build by laying bricks or stones to seam material outside, also can use daub law or eject law to use as the protective coating of line system. Main characteristic [plasticity is good, construction is convenient] [bonding strength is great] [the capability that fight corrode is strong] . By chemical character cent is neuter and acidity and fireproof mud, fireproof mud and alkalescent mud. In addition, useful still the fireproof mud at special situation.
Fireproof cement also calls aluminous acerbity brine mud or tall aluminous cement. Mud of aluminous acerbity brine is with aluminium alumina and limestone are raw material, make via to calcine it is content of bases, alumina to make an appointment with the grog of 50% with aluminous acerbity calcium, grind the material of water rigid gel that makes again. Mud of aluminous acerbity brine often is Huanghuo Brown, also have grizzly. Of mud of aluminous acerbity brine main and mineral make aluminous acid one calcium (CaO·Al2O3, the aluminous acerbity salt of logogram CA) etc, and a few siliceous 2 calcium (2CaO·SiO2) . Use at cementation all sorts of fireproof collect expect (the) such as if corundum, to calcine is tall aluminous alumina, make fireproof mortar or concrete, use at industrial kiln furnace to make liner. Fireproof cement is formed below high temperature action low in all frit content, in configuration fireproof and pouring when makings, join a quantity to be able to be reduced too much pouring the high temperature capability of makings, produce can use oxidation silicon small pink to replace place fireproof cement.
The biggest distinction of fireproof mud and fireproof cement depends on: One kind is to serve as build by laying bricks or stones to build firebrick (add water or other liquid to mediate) use, and fireproof cement is the cementing agent material that expects as all sorts of fireproof collect, those who make is fireproof and pouring expect the data that is used at kiln furnace liner.