Clinker refrigeration machine is to will give grog of kiln high temperature to be cooled gradually by 1400 ℃ to the wind cold equipment under 100 ℃ , around difference in temperature is consequently bigger. Working layer is the hottest the working temperature that carries fireproof data does not exceed 1200 ℃ commonly, microtherm place does not exceed 1000 ℃ .

The heat inside condenser carries easy suspension of back wall matrix " snowman " , wall of two sides line is rebounded easily when high temperature falls concussion. The alkaline vulcanization in high temperature air adds up to content constituent to also can be corroded by chemistry. As a result of tip line self-prossessed bigger, seam inside easy generation, high temperature contains the grog of fine grained to cross aperture very easily, with metallic crust the contact can cause heat to be out of shape, make body sends line to give birth to mechanical stress and damage. Condenser sidewall suffers high temperature grog (include red river grog) wear away for a long time, easy the abrasion that creates line material and attaint. Inside the cold region inside refrigerant area, clinker and the cooling air current of the gas that contain dirt wear away badly. The heat of cooling machine carries department position, in contented high temperature the premise of working environment temperature falls, should have corrode of good high temperature wearability, alkaline sulfur and heat-resisting shake sex. Cooling to two sides wall asks fireproof material has better mechanical strength and thermal shock sex. Cooling aircrew low temperature is local line wall, the requirement has better mechanical strength and wear-resisting corrode property when contented job temperature asks. Furnace platoon condenser wears away as a result of clinker grain grinding serious, back and construction course match in its in, should consider its intensity and hardness. The high temperature area of machine of refrigeration of type of comb with a double-edged fine-toothed comb uses 60%~65%Al2O3 or 80%~85% tall aluminium makes a brick, microtherm area uses those who contain 35%~40%Al2O3 to stick person brick (cannot do exterior layer. Mobile grid part uses Gao Kang to grind tall aluminous brick (Al2O3 content 80%~85%) or corundum brick (Al2O3 content 85%~90%) builds line. Perhaps use high strength fireproof and pouring makings as wear-resisting layer, siliceous calcareous plate serves as insulation material.
To prolong the roof life of cooling machine, the proposal uses condole flat. To facilitate local maintenance, the proposal uses prefabricated component to set a structure in cooling machine sidewall. Condenser of only barrel type of small-sized cement plant, the proposal heats up end to use steel fiber to enhance wear-resisting brick combined-type to promote a brick in condenser of only barrel type; In condenser of only barrel type metallic raise expects - fireproof mixture belt, the proposal uses steel fiber to enhance wear-resisting brick and steel fiber pouring makings mixture configuration.
Condenser is how build (if 1) is in what comb with a double-edged fine-toothed comb uses on cold plane chance to extricateoneself from an awkward position is pouring expecting is steel fiber increases fireproof and pouring makings, answer to pledge the steel inside bag fiber is scattered into beater to have mix equably. (When construction of cold chance of 2) comb with a double-edged fine-toothed comb, when raising a standard, answer to be raised closely set, cannot leak oar, because comb with a double-edged fine-toothed comb is cold machine attrition sex is bigger, cannot many aggregate reveals outer layer. (Cold machine of 3) comb with a double-edged fine-toothed comb is statified and pouring more, in construction obligate answers to expand accordingly after the layer seam, assure every the layer is pouring expect pouring end, assure every the layer is pouring makings finish.
Inside condenser. Does microtherm disconnect is the wall pouring how do expecting change a brick? (1) uses a kind of frame structure that can irrigate; (2) becomes firebrick with fireclay build by laying bricks or stones; (3) firebrick is wrong seamed wet block, block should accord with the general provision of firebrick construction; (4) casing uses high strenth alkali resistance pouring makings is pouring, should accord with pouring the general provision of makings construction; Anchorage firmware is made by original design; (5) thermal insulation asks according to original design build by laying bricks or stones is built. Want to abide by the general provision of heat-insulation layer structure; (6) has those who take place outside leakage metal, the splint that be like a brick, should use pouring makings seal, cannot expose directly in sirocco, covering layer ply should achieve anchorage firmware the covering layer ply of same position.
The construction of high temperature area that introduces cooling machine rear cover (requirement of work of division of a paragraph of high temperature differs 1) , its steel compose should recover from an illness thoroughly before construction, especially the norms of girder I-steel should ask to make by the design; (The silicon calcareous plate below 2) laryngeal beam must be secured before raising a standard, its ply cannot under 200mm, before raising a standard new old pouring the interface place of makings sticks obligate of felt of aluminous fiber of 10mm silicon acid to expand; (3) is pouring expect the construction that raise a standard, deserve to have intelligent stencil, without go up modular phenomenon. Pouring expect strict in agitate process control increases water amount, its ply is not gotten under 250mm.
In cooling machine the problem 1) gush that the attention answers when each part build by laying bricks or stones is built drenchs type cools machine wall area is larger, and the straight wall that has larger area, must press in front what narrate a principle, in proper place the setting expands accordingly seam. To the straight wall of large area, should prevent to because surface of firebrick inside and outside expands,appear inhomogenous and the dent that causes appearance bosomy a bag. To strengthen the whole of bedding face wooden partition to stabilize, the anchorage solid brick that should adopt proper measure on large area straight wall, in order to reinforce the integral stability of bedding face wooden partition, the amount of anchorage solid brick should not less than 6. 2) is pouring makings build by laying bricks or stones builds place to must install corresponding cramp, expand to seam or be controlled seam, below the condition of contented requirement, setting control is seamed, increase the distributinging density of cramp appropriately, lest be in,should not appear interstitial place appears bigger break, perhaps pass as a result of temperature stress big, bring about pouring makings attaint. When 3) is maintaining condenser liner, should make sure the go ahead of the rest of tall aluminous brick in attaint place upside is secured reliably. Can replace the comb with a double-edged fine-toothed comb that already damaged alone so board the component that go up. If damaged place is used fireproof and pouring when makings, the beard is right sufficient whether can proceed is overhauled 2 times. If cannot maintain overhaul 2 times, should keep clear of of this place pouring material, the cramp that checks this place is in good condition ' , undertake updating when necessary. Besides the principle that seams a setting according to expanding, mend itself wants a setting to expand outside seaming, repair place and former pouring the setting still answers to expand between material seam.
Machine of refrigeration of type of comb with a double-edged fine-toothed comb is fireproof material is dry machine of refrigeration of type of comb with a double-edged fine-toothed comb is fireproof of material dry and OK of grog of have the aid of medicinal powder, do not need alone and dry, set special dry plant for this, but should consider integratedly in dry process firing moving circumstance of the system. ① uses long-term and ventilated means to undertake as far as possible dry; ② to prevent refrigerator fireproof material temperature rises quickly, kiln furnace low yield runs should not under 48h, operation but tertiary air of give attention to two or morethings provides fireproof data dry undertake at the same time; ③ if kiln furnace moving bear is casting makings initial stage taller, the wind force of before still can be being opened a few cooling fan or all of water system of spray of machine of the refrigeration that start, lower dry rate; Before movement, should affirm to be necessary to undertake enforcing to furnace inside condenser roast, also can use the method that burns firewood, but must have spread cold grog or firebrick on cooking range beforehand, cause furnace in order to prevent local overheat to be out of shape.