Mo Laishi brick and tall aluminous brick basically distinguish corundum is brilliant photograph, surface color has some of distinction, still basically see raw material deserve to compare, detailed introduction looks please below.

Corundum not comes stone brick corundum - Mo Laishi brick is to point to by corundum and Molaishi advocate the tall aluminium that crystallization makes is fireproof product, introduce tall purity or the fireproof product that compare pure raw material to be made. Among them the existence of impurity of oxide of low melting point can reduce its high temperature capability. With industrial alumina pink and pure clay, aluminous vitriol or silicon are raw material complex raw material of pure Mo Laishi, especially the content of basic metal oxide should as far as possible low. With Molaishi suitable grain expects the product that makes for aggregate has very good heatproof shake sex, but fight aggressivity to be differred a bit, with corundum arenaceous the product that is aggregate has very good corrosion resistance, but heatproof shake sex is a bit poor.
Body of adobe of corundum Mo Laishi uses 300t attrition compressor shape, base substrate density is 2.7g/cm3. Base substrate is dry inside channel desiccator. Entrance temperature is 40~50 ℃ , temperature of senior officer dry is 130 ℃ , dry time is 48 hours, base substrate moisture does not exceed 1.5% . The product is inside channel kiln fire, fire temperature is 1550 ℃ , heat preservation time is 10h.
The high temperature strength with be had better, high temperature resistant creep sex, heat-resisting shake sex and be able to bear or endure aggressivity. The manage of Mo Laishi brick changes typical corundum function is led for Al2O3>85% , Fe2O30.45% , apparent pore 19% , temperature of bate of load of 55MPa of normal temperature compressive strength 1700 ℃ above, add a hot line to change (1600 ℃ , 3h)-0.1% .

Tall aluminous brick 3 oxidation 2 aluminous content are 48% to 85% , can divide wait for special, one class, 2 class, 3 class, fe2O30.45% , apparent pore rate is 19% , normal temperature compressive strength exceeds temperature of 55MPa load bate to exceed 1700 ℃ , add a hot line to change (1600 ℃ , 3h)-0.1% , heat-resisting shake sex (1100 ℃ water-cooling) more than 30. This product is main raw material with tall aluminous aluminous grog, soft clay and fluid of useless oar paper are bond, the pug that multistage particle cooperates shapes by high pressure, fire of dry, high temperature and into.
The preform height of brick of one class tall aluminium and brick of 2 class tall aluminium - do not exceed 750mm commonly, kiln pouring smoke is firing temperature is between 1440~1460 ℃ , heat preservation 40~48h, channel kiln is firing temperature - it is 1540~1580 ℃ commonly. Tall 1000mm of adobe of third class tall aluminium, kiln pouring smoke burns lukewarm 1380~1420 ℃ , heat preservation 24~32h, channel kiln burns lukewarm 1430~1460 ℃ . 85% , Fe2O30.45% , apparent pore is led 19% , normal temperature compressive strength exceeds temperature of 55MPa load bate more than 1700 ℃ , add a hot line to change (1600 ℃ , 3h)-0.1% .
Tall aluminous brick and argillaceous firebrick compare the performance of tall aluminous brick, have the advantage of fireproof sex and load bate temperature, as the addition of Al2O3 content, be able to bear or endure broken bits function is being shown rise. Specific for, tall aluminous brick has the following property. 1. Fireproof sex. Tall aluminium alloy saggar firebrick of the brick and the fireproof sex of half silica brick are tall, achieve 1750~1790 ℃ , belong to advanced and fireproof material. Fireproof sex basically suffers the effect of Al2O3 content and sort and amount, fireproof sex as content increase and rise. 2. Loading bate temperature. The Al2O3 in tall aluminous brick is tall, foreign matter is little, the vitreous body that fuses easily is little, brick of clay of prep above of load bate temperature, but because Molaishi crystallizes to did not form meshwork, load bate temperature is not high still. 3. Heat up conductibility. Tall aluminous brick has better heat to conduct function than argillaceous brick. The reason is ability of the heat conduction in tall aluminous brick low glass is less, the Molaishi with heat conduction good ability and corundum crystal amount increase, ability of product heat conduction rises. 4. The stability of heat-resisting vibration. The interpose of heat-resisting shake sex of tall aluminous brick is mixed at argillaceous firebrick between silica brick. The water-cooling of 850 ℃ has 3~5 only circularly second. This basically is the stone of hot expansile prep above because of corundum, without brilliant state transition. Current, from improvement product particle structure, reduce the content of fine pink material, enhance ripe ability critical size dimensions and particle grade, the heat-resisting vibration that improves a product stabilizes function. 5. Be able to bear or endure broken bits sex. The A1203 in tall aluminous brick is much, be close to neuter and fireproof material, of broken bits of can counteractive acid and alkaline broken bits erode, contain SiO2 among them, because the ability of broken bits of this alkali resistance compares the ability of acid-proof broken bits,lose. Additional, fireproof of tall aluminous brick be able to bear or endure broken bits sex and product are in fecal medium stability is concerned. Generally speaking, shape through high pressure and high temperature is firing, the product with low porosity is had taller be able to bear or endure broken bits sex.
Does corundum not come the distinction of stone brick and tall aluminous brick? Manage of Mo Laishi brick changes corundum manage of brick of index tall aluminium changes target
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