The sort of goods of Mo Laishi qualitative firebrick

March 15, 2024Nov 25, 2024

What is Molaishi 1924 British Bao article (L of · of Bowen · N) a kind when discover composition is 3Al203 · 2Si02 new mineral. Subsequently, the Mo Er that is in England (Mull) discover this is planted on the island mineral. Bao Wen plants this mineral name for Molaishi.
Mo Laishi pledges fireproof material divides agglomeration Mo Laishi and electric frit Mo Laishi brick two kinds. It is raw material in order to synthesize Mo Laishi grog, fancy tall aluminous aluminous grog, add a share additionally high pure quartz and additive, can make low creep Mo Laishi brick.
Serve as aggregate with andalusite additionally, brick of silicon line stone makes intermediate grain, the collective fine crocus of pink, clay pink makes alumina of pink of silicon line stone, aluminous alumina, industry matrix makings can make agglomeration Mo Laishi brick. The firing temperature of Mo Laishi brick is in agglomeration normally above of 1600 ° C, So high firing temperature makes agglomeration not comes stone brick be hard to mass production. Use the live charcoal of active Si02, right amount active Si02 is joined in burden, can make Mo Laishi brick is in agglomeration agglomeration of 1550 ° C.
And with synthesizing Molaishi and electric frit artificially Baigang jade is far raw material, it is bond with Suzhou earth, can illuminate use brick of Mo Laishi corundum by electric roof.

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