Firebrick is boarding a general designation of fireproof material, include clay, tall aluminium, Molaishi, silica brick to wait a moment, aluminous content is less than of 48 is argillaceous brick, aluminous content is more than of 48 is tall aluminous brick.

Firebrick is boarding a general designation of fireproof material, this kind of fireproof material is mixed by clay mineral composition, the course has taller fireproof sex and strength after high temperature agglomeration. The heat exchanger of kiln of the fireproof separator that firebrick basically uses at building a structure, hot separator of furnace kiln, furnace, flue.

Argillaceous brick and tall aluminous brick are the bricky material of two kinds of different types, their main distinction is as follows:
Material differs character: Firebrick basically is mixed by clay mineral composition, tall aluminous brick basically is mixed by bauxite content other mineral composition.
Thermal stability is different: The thermal stability of firebrick is poorer than tall aluminous brick, but tall aluminous brick has better hear resistance, can bear higher temperature.
Thermal conductivity is different: The thermal conductivity of firebrick is poorer, but tall aluminous brick has taller thermal conductivity.
Corrosion resistance is different: The corrosion resistance of firebrick is poorer, and tall aluminous brick has very tall corrosion resistance.
The price is different: Because the manufacturing cost of tall aluminous brick is higher, because this is tall the price of aluminium brick is higher than firebrick.
Utility is different: Firebrick basically is used at building and heating power industry, and tall aluminous brick basically is used at the high temperature industry such as puddling, metallurgy, oil refining, chemistry.
According to effective demand, choosing proper firebrick or tall aluminous brick is very important.