The mortar that when firebrick build by laying bricks or stones is built, uses is called normally fireproof mortar, it and common structure mortar are different, use technically at the build by laying bricks or stones below high temperature environment to build a project. The fireproof mortar with right choice is very important, in order to ensure the integral structure stability of body of build by laying bricks or stones is mixed high temperature resistant function. It is type of a few commonly used kinds of fireproof mortar when firebrick build by laying bricks or stones builds below:
1.Clay is fireproof mortar composition: Main by saggar, fine aggregate (if silicon is arenaceous) with bond (be like clay or mud of aluminous acerbity brine) make. Utility: The common step that applies to firebrick is built, the kiln that does not exceed 1350 ° C in temperature especially is used in furnace or boiler liner construction. Characteristic: Clay is fireproof mortar is fireproof degree taller, can be in in lukewarm environment middleman and guarantor maintains stability, and have better plasticity, facilitating construction.

2.Composition of tall aluminous fireproof mortar: By the fine powder that tall aluminous alumina or other tall aluminous data make, bond is mud of aluminous acerbity brine or phosphate normally. Utility: The build by laying bricks or stones that applies to tall aluminous brick is built, be in especially the area with higher temperature, if rotary kiln is firing,the build by laying bricks or stones of belt or high temperature smelting furnace is built. Characteristic: Tall aluminous fireproof mortar is fireproof degree taller, can use below the high temperature of above of 1500 ° C, have stronger fight aggressivity and high temperature resistant function.
3.Composition of siliceous aluminous fireproof mortar: Bases is siliceous aluminous simple stuff, wait like tall aluminous alumina, Molaishi, bond is mud of aluminous acerbity brine normally. Utility: Apply to siliceous aluminium to pledge the build by laying bricks or stones of firebrick is built, commonly used at liner of furnace of high temperature kiln, it is especially in the high temperature environment of ° C of 1200 ° C-1600. Characteristic: Siliceous aluminous fireproof mortar has better heat-resisting shake gender and fight chemistry to erode ability, fit environment of high temperature high pressure.
4.Composition of magnesian qualitative fireproof mortar: It is main material with magnesia or electric frit magnesia, bond is phosphate or magnesian qualitative bond more. Utility: Use at magnesian qualitative brick (brick of if magnesium is chromic brick, magnesian carbon) build by laying bricks or stones is built, the kiln of high temperature furnace such as furnace of the converter that applies extensively at steely smelt industry, electric arc. Characteristic: Magnesian qualitative fireproof mortar is fireproof degree tall, apply to the high temperature environment of above of 1800 ° C, can resist alkalescent and slaggy erode.
5.Phosphate combines fireproof mortar part: Main by fireproof aggregate (like tall aluminium, magnesian simple stuff) comprise with phosphatic bond. Utility: The liner build by laying bricks or stones that applies to furnace of high temperature kiln is built, build in the firebrick build by laying bricks or stones of area of metallurgy industry high temperature especially in use. Characteristic: Phosphatic union mortar is fireproof degree tall, can use below the high temperature of above of 1500 ° C, and have more expensive machine intensity and fight aggressivity.
6.Special type is fireproof mortar composition: According to specific application demand, may add the particular kind such as alumina, carborundum fireproof material, bond chooses a basis particular use environment, wait like bond of mud of aluminous acerbity brine, silicate. Utility: Apply to special high temperature or aggressivity environment, the build by laying bricks or stones that waits for kiln of special industry furnace like vitreous kiln, charcoal element kiln is built. Characteristic: Fireproof mortar has particular kind specific aim is able to bear or endure by force lukewarm, be able to bear or endure erode character, can satisfy the slashing requirement of specific technology.
The build by laying bricks or stones that sums up firebrick builds mortar to choose to answer the material according to condition of specific working temperature, craft and firebrick decides character. Normally, clay-bonded sand oar is applied to in lukewarm environment, tall aluminous mortar applies to high temperature environment, and the build by laying bricks or stones that magnesium pledges mortar applies to very high high temperature or basic requirement to fall is built. Choose appropriate fireproof mortar, can assure the structural stability of body of firebrick build by laying bricks or stones and wear, ensure the safety of furnace kiln is efficient thereby move.