The density of firebrick and stoma are concerned, air hole occupies the 0-90% of fireproof material total volume, density suffers porosity and stomatic dimension size to reach distributinging influence, the thermal shock stability that this also affected firebrick, fight erode function, air permeability and intensity to wait.

Stomatic formation produces stomatic and interstitial heat treatment to produce eduction of contractive and dry vapor to produce stoma of itself of raw material of stoma of stomatic and amalgamative wool in the manufacturing process such as extruding
Stomatic importance stoma is fireproof material impartible cut one share, have beneficial effect already to fireproof material function, also have adverse effect. Porosity and stomatic dimension size reach distributinging influence goods: Thermal shock stability; Fight aggressivity can; Air permeability; Intensity.
Bulk density is fireproof the quality of bulk of products unit apparent, express with G/cm 3 normally.
The quality of true density and true proportion firebrick is as true as its bulk (do not include stomatic volume namely) than, call true density, also express normally with G/cm 3. The concept of true proportion: Unit volume is fireproof the ratio of the weight of the weight of material and water of volume of unit of 4 ℃ . Come from numerical value say, true density and true proportion are equal. = apparent pore leads true porosity + closed pore rate
What does firebrick density have to the influence of function? Density affected function of the intensity of firebrick, weight, thermal shock, coefficient of thermal conductivity to wait a moment.
Flourish Cheng Naicai produces manufacturer as old fireproof stuff, have rich manufacturing experience and practice base, pay attention to innovation of science and technology, increase the development strength to new product ceaselessly, in ensuring fireproof material can apply to more furnace kiln projects, bring good news for more projects.