Firebrick and heat preservation brick are the product of two kinds of types, from each level relatively of heat preservation brick and firebrick different what to have, normally fireproof material liner has below the circumstance " inside China and foreign countries " composition, and heat preservation brick decorates material as metope and certain building and character suits more, following the statistical data that is each domains relatively, the following: Following about " the distinction of firebrick and heat preservation brick " detailed introduction.

Heat preservation brick
How to distinguish heat preservation brick and firebrick?
One, are heat preservation brick and firebrick what? The effect of key of heat preservation brick is to be used at the adiabatic heat preservation, outflow that reduces calorific amount, heat preservation brick stands not easily normally namely flame of lay a finger on, and firebrick normally instantly flame of lay a finger on. Firebrick key is to be used at bearing the broil of flame is baked, normally cent becomes 2 kinds, namely mud installs fireproof insulation material and figuration fireproof insulation material. Mud installs fireproof insulation material, also cry fireproof and pouring makings, be be planted by varied stone or bitumen compound and this or varied stick and the mix up that the agent forms is pulverous shape Zuo bead, applied current affairs wants and this is planted or varied fluid Zuo cooperates to blend each other well-balanced, have extremely strong negotiability. Boarding is fireproof insulation material, make firebrick normally, its appearance has normative level, OK still the basis builds the provisionality when cutting to produce treatment.
2, what do heat preservation brick and firebrick key difference have? Firebrick: Concussion tenacity is tall, applied period is long, and organic chemistry dependability is good, it is good to do not produce exothermic reaction and heat-resisting character with raw material, big high temperature resistant is spent can exceed 1900 ℃ . Chamfer of to decoke of converter of furnace of changeover of lukewarm experiment of discretion of plant of very applicable fertilizer, changeover furnace, hydrogenation, flue gas and methane aerification in furnace, steam juice is turned dispersedly since, and strong point, cover and the action that defend activator. Usable also the hot-blast stove with steely enterprise and in adding equipment of lukewarm changeover machine. Heat preservation brick: Heat preservation of this kind of heat insolation of new-style and energy-saving building with raw material of dominant of material of mineral high polymer is technical, be heat preservation of the wall outside replacing traditional pattern metope is Utopian technical. Heat preservation brick is in of metope of wall of build by laying bricks or stones additional high quality adiabatic heat preservation practical effect be in harmony enters metope in. The difference of firebrick and heat preservation brick is quite big, their applied environment, category, effect is not same also.

What do firebrick and advantage of contrast of both of heat preservation brick have one, fireproof those who spend heat preservation brick is fireproof degree be in 1400 degrees normally following, and of firebrick fireproof degree control in 1400 degrees. 2, of brick of heat preservation of character of adiabatic heat preservation conduct heat coefficient spends 350 ± in 0.2-0.4(well-balanced normally 25 ℃ ) W/m.k, and of firebrick conduct heat coefficient spends 25 ℃ of 350 ± in 1.0(well-balanced ) W/m.k left and right sides, thereby but many the function of adiabatic heat preservation that the function of adiabatic heat preservation of brick of cipher out heat preservation wants to compare firebrick is good. 3, brick of opposite density heat preservation is heat-insulating material of heat preservation of light qualitative concrete completely normally, opposite density is in normally 0.8-1.0g/cm3, and metropolis 2.0g/cm3 controls the opposite density base of firebrick. The advantage of heat preservation brick and firebrick is brick of heat preservation of brick of what heat preservation it is this heat preservation of kind of heat insolation of new-style and energy-saving building with raw material of dominant of material of mineral high polymer is technical, be heat preservation of the wall outside replacing traditional pattern metope is Utopian technical. Heat preservation brick is in of metope of wall of build by laying bricks or stones additional high quality adiabatic heat preservation practical effect be in harmony enters metope in. Firebrick adds up to lukewarm experiment of discretion of plant of fertilizer of in order to to change aerification of chamfer of to decoke of converter of furnace, changeover furnace, hydrogenation, flue gas and firedamp very much in furnace, steam juice is turned dispersedly since, and strong point, basket lid and the action that defend activator. Usable also the hot-blast stove with steely enterprise and in adding equipment of lukewarm changeover machine. The concussion tenacity of firebrick is tall, applied period is long, and organic chemistry is not random the gender is good, it is good to do not produce exothermic reaction and heat-resisting function with raw material, high temperature resistant is spent can exceed 1900 ℃ .
Both characteristic has heat preservation brick and firebrick the characteristic that what differs to be aimed at firebrick and heat preservation brick from people, can feel firebrick is without doubt to fireproof, and heat preservation brick is to take seriously more at character of adiabatic heat preservation. And actualer people Zuo is begin from following main parameter master. Actor choosing is on character of adiabatic heat preservation, of the heat preservation brick of heat preservation brick conduct heat coefficient is in normally 0.2-0.4 (average air temperature 25 ℃ of 350 ± ) W/m.k, and of firebrick conduct heat coefficient is in 1 (average air temperature 25 ℃ of 350 ± ) W/m.k left and right sides, thereby but many the character of adiabatic heat preservation that the character of adiabatic heat preservation of brick of cipher out heat preservation wants to compare firebrick is good. And in fireproof degree on fireproof those who spend heat preservation brick is fireproof degree be in 1400 degrees normally following, and of firebrick fireproof degree control in 1400 degrees. Go up in opposite density heat preservation brick is heat-insulating material of heat preservation of light qualitative concrete completely normally, normally relative to density metropolis 2.0g/cm3 controls the opposite density base of in 0.8-1.0g/cm3 firebrick. The effect of key of heat preservation brick is to be used at the adiabatic heat preservation, outflow that reduces calorific amount, firebrick key is to be used at bearing the broil of flame is baked. Heat preservation brick stands not easily normally namely flame of lay a finger on, and firebrick normally instantly flame of lay a finger on. No matter be firebrick Zuo ,be heat preservation brick, often have individual advantage, different position can use different raw material.