Kiln furnace heat preservation is for managing the sources of energy, the colleague reduced kiln furnace body of heater bearing, heat preservation cotton and heat preservation brick have each characteristic each, these two kinds of products can be used at heat preservation thermal insulation alone, also can combine use, want to combine actual condition to select right heat preservation product.

The main body function of industrial kiln furnace basically is decided by the technical economic performance of fireproof material, the investment cost that affecting kiln furnace directly, character of service, thermal efficiency, the sources of energy that run uses up charge to wait.
The choice principle of the fireproof insulation material such as heat preservation brick 1, the function of kiln furnace and hot project characteristic. The kiln furnace that works like clearance sex should choose the material with small thermal capacity. 2, intensity of system of the safe use temperature of material, heat conduction, high temperature, chemical stability. 3, use life. 4, investment expenses upholds charge with what move. Generally speaking, the fireproof material that pledges again emphasizes particularly on quite some specifications index, wait like high temperature stability, chemical stability; Be able to bear or endure to pledge insulation material pays attention to investment and the integrated technology economic norms that move more gently
Project of kiln furnace heat preservation is a painstaking work, each link should let achieve quality to ask to pay attention to essence of life strictly to be checked construction, frequently in construction process.

Is cotton of kiln furnace heat preservation still heat preservation brick very good? Kiln furnace heat preservation differs according to place and ask to differ, introduce different product, or use heat preservation brick and combination of heat preservation brick to use, can make effect of heat preservation heat insolation better so.
The heat preservation job of wall of kiln of furnace of kiln of insulation material construction centers kiln furnace in part of probe brick above, its construction program can divide for two paces: Build by laying bricks or stones of heat preservation brick is built reach heat preservation cotton to spread felt. 1, build by laying bricks or stones of heat preservation brick is built. The height of heat preservation wall, ply and overall length accord with the regulation of blueprint paper. Its build by laying bricks or stones builds method and clay qualitative firebrick is identical, use fireproof slop build by laying bricks or stones to build. System of build by laying bricks or stones should make sure grey full oar is solid, its plaster is full degree should achieve 95% above. Forbidden use hammer knocks a brick when bricklaying, the face that uses rubber hammer light clap to hit a brick looks for his. Forbidden the knife that use ash chops a brick directly, the cut of applied cut machine that needs treatment is orderly. To avoid heat preservation brick direct with bright fire is contacted inside kiln, of observation hole all around build by laying bricks or stones builds usable firebrick, heat preservation wall and heat preservation cotton and outside of the wall build receive a brick to also apply clay to pledge firebrick build by laying bricks or stones is built. 2, shop of heat preservation cotton is stuck. Heat preservation cotton board the requirement that orders goods dimension wants to accord with a design already, want to satisfy the real need of convenient installation again. Tall aluminous brick is small make up the attention answers in reminding installation process: The contact is close together between cotton board, narrow as far as possible its connect clearance, be in place of cotton board connect, good with adhesion of high temperature binder, make its sealed tight, ensure effect of its heat preservation. Additional, the cotton that machines to need board, cut of applied cutting tool is orderly, forbidden with the hand direct tear at.
Major of flourish Cheng Naicai produces the liner material such as cotton of heat preservation brick, heat preservation to expect, what ensured kiln furnace effectively is normal move, reduced prediction of a person's luck in a given year of quantity of heat, reduce prediction of a person's luck in a given year of quantity of heat to be able to be achieved compared to the same period 25% , raised utilization rate effectively, promote a product quality at the same time. Welcome everybody the incoming telegram seeks advice and choose and buy, flourish Cheng Naicai is dedicated be able to bear or endure material territory is old,