Characteristic of light qualitative silica brick

March 15, 2024Nov 25, 2024

Metropolis experience is in like light qualitative silica brick and heavy qualitative silica brick firing during quartz transforms every phase that is Fang Shiying and scale quartz. A few methods can make quartz transforms completely under, if adjust firing the time of the system, equably makings piece, use mineralizer (it is oxide Fe2O3 and CaO commonly usedly) , or be united in wedlock with the methodological photograph previously. Hot conductivity is the main function of heat-insulating material, it showed the heat proof quality of material and bulk density. Light qualitative silica brick is a kind of very special material, there is use potential in two industry domain only actually. Below major case, adiabatic silica brick and compact silica brick are used as the adiabatic part of structural layer. Commonly used is the heat insolation of vitreous kiln, basically be the heat insolation of kiln vault, reduce hot loss thereby, increase the efficiency of melt craft.
Advantage of light qualitative silica brick1. pledges brick of light qualitative clay cannot be likened to silica brick gently. Porosity makes an appointment with the light qualitative silica brick of 50% , rate of its heat conduction is minorrer than brick of light qualitative clay. 2. Loading is out of shape temperature amounts to 1620 one 1640 ℃ , and brick of light qualitative clay has 1200 only, 1300 ℃ , do not contract below high temperature. Expand instead at 1450 ℃ (0.2%) agreement < , volume is steady, and clay pledges the brick contracts gently big, make lining annihilate is cracked easily. 3. The furnace kiln that can work below 1550~1600 ℃ temperature is used for a long time; And but the hot side that immediate step enrages at contacting furnace, also can use at the roof of big span; In the high temperature that cannot use brick of light qualitative clay the place can use light qualitative silica brick. 4. Light qualitative silica brick is used in heating furnace lining, with use brick of light qualitative clay to compare, can shorten heat period, reduce the amount of specific fuel consumption of 35 % . In firing kiln (kiln pouring blaze) kiln top uses light qualitative silica brick, can prolong the service life of roof.
The application of light qualitative silica brickLight qualitative silica brick is a kind of very special material, there is use potential in two industry domain only actually. Below major case, light qualitative silica brick and compact silica brick are used as the small qualitative part of structural layer. Commonly used is vitreous kiln is light qualitative, basically be the heat insolation of kiln vault, reduce hot loss thereby, increase the efficiency of melt craft. The 2nd domain is to use in steel-making industry, in this domain, light qualitative silica brick is used at He Qiong of body of hot-blast stove wall to pledge very gently. 1, the heat insolation that pledges silica brick is used at vault of furnace of vitreous industry — gently is in vitreous melt craft, very high temperature was reached in the raised bottom of vault. According to vitreous breed, temperature is controlled in 1600 ℃ . Light qualitative layer connects standing plan to be layer or two more layer. Light qualitative silica brick basically is exposed fall in these temperature bear. Expectation vault (structure and light qualitative layer) monolayer is had identical or likeness is expansile can. Bulk density is 1250kg·m-3 or the silica brick of 1000kg·m-3 can satisfy the requirement of compact layer. Density of an use bulk is the silica brick of 800Kg·m-3 or 600kg·m-3. Light qualitative silica brick can be piled up freely in furnace arch on, perhaps use agglutinate of silicon qualitative fireclay. In furnace battle period (a few years) inside without chemical bear. Basically use light qualitative silica brick, because chemistry and the compact silica brick that line of mineral composition job uses are similar,this is. 2, light qualitative silica brick is used at hot-blast stove hot-blast stove commonly used at sirocco (call blast furnace blast) , the air pump of this and blast furnace is interlinked, differ according to the appearance of hot-blast stove and place, temperature limits is between 1300 ℃ of 1000 ~ , hot air is in the limits of 2300 ~ 6500m3·min-1. This need computation goes out to leave hot-blast stove with all sorts of bear in different level (package dimension differs with use place) with vitreous kiln vault between put the emphasis in quite thermomechanical on function. To light qualitative layer, uses bulk density is 1250kg·m-3 or 1050kg·m-3 (because they have higher strength,basically be) . With likeness of compact silica brick, light qualitative silica brick also is to use fireclay agglutinate (what basically use is Q94 class fireclay) .
Burn lose the agent influence to light qualitative silica brickThe work efficiency that improves kiln furnace and dropping hear rate and one of important step that reduce oneself quality is to use light simple fireproof stuff to replace heavy simple fireproof stuff to build kiln lining. Light qualitative silica brick belongs to firebrick of silicon qualitative heat insolation, light qualitative silica brick basically is used at the kiln furnace such as kiln of Jiao Lu, hot-blast stove, glass heat-insulation layer and requirement heat insolation or reduce self-prossessed and as not direct as melt content contact, do not suffer aggressivity gas effect, do not suffer temperature the kiln of leap furnace each place. Use below high temperature, cannot contact with alkalescent and fireproof material. 1. Burn pink of lost property, coke to wait to anthracitic pink, XW as use production of useless brick grog to pledge gently of silica brick burn lost property to undertake additive fill test respectively, development gives finished product light qualitative silica brick, pass the comparative analysis of pair of test results, eventually with compound burn lost property XW to mix additive kind to introduce, can decrease apparently firing when phenomenon of goods flash flying arris, improve the exterior quality of the product. 2. Produce light qualitative silica brick, the sort that burns lost property should choose not only reasonable, its add a capacity reasonable also, cross the adiabatic effect that low short of needs, exorbitant and easy create product loose.
Introduce here about characteristic of light qualitative silica brick, hope to be helped somewhat to everybody, flourish Cheng Naicai regards brickyard of professional fireproof heat preservation as the home, have perfect quality be careful in one's conduct to mark allows and monitor a system, the formula of check proved recipe that Rong Chengcai uses pair of 3 check, strict self check, sampling observation, reinspect a program, ensure each batches of fireproof material can accord with the standard of the user, let what the client buys be at ease used Shu Xin.

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