Rong Cheng is small today making up what arrange for everybody is boiler combustion wood chip uses fireproof data, interested friend can understand together below.
Because light cremate stone fuel to be able to bring about the whole world calefacient, some closer year biology the sources of energy got more and more attention. Because the neutral of carbon dioxide gas is changed, the combustion of biology fuel won't produce greenhouse effect. Lack the country of rich especially, use biology fuel is used at heat and generating electricity is to be used at a kind of generation quantity of heat and electric power to replace the sources of energy.
What biology pledges changeover points to is change live thing into energy character and use its to undertake generating electricity or produce caloric technology. Giving birth to material to change come true through direct combustion or aerification system. Oxygen of be disgusted with is digested is way of changeover of another kind of raw material, include a series of biochemical craft, be like but degradation material is below the condition that does not have oxygen decompose.
In direct combustion system, raw material fuel produces high-pressured vapour to drive turbine or other to heat in the combustion in boiler means. In aerification, solid state biology is decomposed character form can be filtered to reach what can be used by gas turbine to be able to burn gas.
The direct combustion of raw material comes true in fireman or fluid-bed boiler. The solution of an economy, mix combustion namely, be used by fireman and liquid state fluid-bed at the same time, in existing power plant, the raw material that uses one part replaces coal, can avoid to make new raw material converter so and reduce emission of air of etc of SO2, NOX considerably. Direct combustion scale occupies world biology to be able to generate electricity proportional 95 % , can produce ash of biology of t of 400 million 8 ten million (used up biology of 7 one billion four hundred and ten million and sixty-five thousand four hundred and eight t to pledge) .
Use water content of wood chip boiler is 15 % - the broken wood chip of 50 % serves as fuel. Generally speaking, the fireman that uses the material on burner of a fireman or a bottom burns roughly the moisture of 30 % , and shift or furnace platoon system can burn the fuel with moisture higher content.
Cent of wood chip combustion is 4 phase: Dry, pyrolysis, aerification reachs combustion, include a variety of thermochemistry response, temperature limits is 100-1600 ℃ . Watch 1 gave out the temperature of different level.

Express 1: ? Does Wo of swell Gu awl show static graceful fear?
2, fireproof material and direct combustion
Live thing is simple (wood chip) direct combustion technology includes temperature, gas to release and ash is generated, need diversiform so fireproof material comes down to improve its performance in specific requirement. Graph the 1 sketch map that is boiler of wood chip of direct combustion type.

Graph 1: ? Is fawn on of A Chinese-style unlined garment static mire Chi agent fastens food of subcutaneous ulcer of grave ?
Biology pledges combustion can release a variety of chemical composition, if moisture, chloric, sulfur reachs ash, these composition depend on the property of material be givinged birth to by flaming. Grey chemical composition includes Al2O3, SiO2, CaO, alkaline, P2O5 to wait, its per cent produces change along with the origin of raw material raw material. For example, the content change of K2O + Na2O is 8 % ~ 51.4 % , this pledges because of biology origin differs namely. These grey chemical composition change and the environment that have stove can affect fireproof data with different kind. Fireproof material issues flaming in raw material environment main problem is a knot broken bits of dirty, knot, alkaline corrode, carbon monoxide is eroded etc. The fireproof data that uses normally is bricky makings and indeterminate form makings. Indeterminate form makings basically is pouring filling makings of makings or gush, basically depend on applied limits, choice silicate series is normally pouring makings, add or do not add SiC or zirconium stone, should depend on the existence condition of furnace.
Fireproof material is fought mediumly in raw material furnace alkalescent it is indispensable, because alkaline can many sided eats fireproof stuff. Graph 2 gave out alkaline the fundamental that eats siliceous aluminous fireproof stuff. What different origin biology pledges raw material arises is alkaline can disclose fireproof data through different mechanism, alkaline (K2O, Na2O) with fireproof material matrix reaction forms a variety of new looks to make bulk increases, because this is inside the structure,generate pressure. The formation of look of new alkalescent and siliceous aluminium type and property are function of fireproof material chemistry among them a kind of function, especially matrix part. New look may be orthoclase, albite, feldspar a group of things with common features (nepheline resembling potassium) , and β - alumina. The bulk of photographs of these alkalescent and siliceous aluminium (achieve 50 % ) more aluminous than initiative silicon acid photograph is old, pressure can be released when fireproof liner flakes. And, alkaline vapour is permeated through the hole agglomeration of microtherm area, stem stomatic, the thermal shock that reduced fireproof material and fight flake quality.

Graph 2: ? Is Liu of apricot Ai inspects herd of collect of lofty of Pa of wooden tablets or slips for writing Mu from?
Graph 3 (a ) in the standard of the 30 % alumina brick that gave out to light wood chip boiler to be used extensively is basic test (fall in 1100 ℃ with K2CO3 maintain 5 h ) . Pouring the similar test of makings is in graph 3 (b ) in give out. Show in the graph, sex of DC50 alkali resistance is good, and 50 % alumina is pouring because makings is pouring the design flaw of makings can be brought about in the lab alkaline explode. When careful chemical and the alkaline contact in lighting wood chip boiler, its design the very fundamental condition that is structure of sex of generation alkali resistance.

Graph 3: ? Does rank ⒘ fasten collect polonium to pledge the word circles?
In the application that lights wood chip boiler, knot broken bits and knot dirty are another difficult problem that its face. Knot dirty happens in boiler relative to colder part, inorganic over volatile gathers on fireproof material as compound, enclothe conduit, or conduit surface, form a deposit layer. This deposit layer is in with all round gas or be penetrated with the likelihood after the composition interaction in other and deposit layer or may be become by agglomeration a harder compact layer. The ply of deposit layer as time increase and thickening, the temperature of hot surface is elevatory as the segregation of deposit layer itself, make certain and chemical composition reachs its melting point in deposit. This process is accelerated gradually, almost any bumps deposit to be blocked possibly on the canal. The grey grain below solid condition, and the little grain in coming from firebox, continue possibly to be accumulated on the canal and form a thick deposit layer.
Such as exterior temperature successive and elevatory, major deposit begins flow possibly when frit photograph increases. Deposit can become very heavy now and then, because oneself gravity can drop, this process calls a knot broken bits. Medium grey deposit is opposite raw material boiler to arrive from blaze and gas the influence that the heat of conduit transmits is very big, reduce the efficiency of furnace from this. As a result of grey pertinent question, boiler is frequent clean or be shut below abominable circumstance. Graph 4 (a ) and 4 (b ) gave out to light wood chip boiler the grey deposit of model of fireproof material surface and compact degree.

Graph 4: ? Does the canister seek adze of of fine grain of rice huller Ping bully fine grain?
In using a process, fireproof material also is eroded by carbon monoxide and acid. The article discussed the issue of grey deposit in lighting wood chip boiler, and gave out pass the solution that chooses reasonable liner design.
3, fireproof material liner
Graph 5 show went out to light the fireproof material liner that wood chip boiler uses so to design. Use filling makings of 50 % and 60 % aluminous gush to regard the job as liner at first, and be after concentrated spray use heat preservation spray. Give birth to corporeal boiler to serve as mixture fuel in order to abandon wood and groovy wood.

Graph 5: ? Admire of of of the backbone that place limit Na Biao of Lei of rank ⒘ summer?
The choice of gush filling makings should facilitate light wood chip boiler the construction of different position. After 6 months are produced, the condition of furnace is shown at the graph 6 (a ) reach 6 (b ) in.

Graph 6: ? Is of lap of perch Lu displayed pure?
Thick compact change slag to be stuck on fireproof liner. Clear knot broken bits can be brought about get rid of fireproof liner, and make the conduit at the back of gush filling makings and bolt are exposed come out. The poriferous gush of liner fills the main reason that structure and chemical consistence are felt of knot broken bits.
Express the analysis of 2 knot broken bits that gave out to light wood chip boiler. Slag is silicon pledges, contain alkaline, CaO, P2O5 and ferric oxide. Slag is very compact, porosity is 1.7 % , melting point limits is between 1250-1300 ℃ , if pursue 7 (a ) - 7 (b ) be shown.

Express 2: ? Does Ъ of of act unplug imprison Xing sell?

Graph 7: ? Is pure?
Image of slag transmission smooth microscope is in graph 8 in give out, include the vitreous photograph that distributings in matrix and calcic feldspar. Slag analysis is used at so that choose to be able to replace the appropriate data of gush filling makings,checking fireproof material performance. Choose material to have with the equipment that tests at slag: 1 ) fireproof clay of 40 % Al2O3 is pouring makings; 2) the fireproof clay that contains 15 % SiC is pouring makings; 3) those who contain SiC and zirconium stone is pouring makings; 4) those who contain 55 % SiC is pouring makings.

Graph 8: ? Is able to bear or endure cross Pi rainwatering in puddles is dizzy ⒕ low plan?
Graph 9 gave out new material (pouring makings) slag checks. All 4 kinds pouring makings have anti-corrosive reach prevent osmotic, confirm in application for appropriate data. However, slag felt (knot dirty and knot broken bits) cannot be in the lab imitate.

Graph 9: ? Is rank ⒘ hill of brilliant mallet does cerebral pledge the word circles?
According to experimental result, field test has begun to use pouring filling makings of the local liner of makings and gush undertakes comparative. Spot test uses 55 % SiC pouring makings, the result sees a picture 10. After 6 months are operated, when should discovering deposit of 10-20mm gush filling makings, did not contain SiC almost pouring the slag of makings is sticky go up in liner. Next the experiment uses fireproof clay - of 15 % SiC pouring makings, section result sees a picture 11. This liner still is undertaking manufacturing operating at present.

Graph 10-11: ? Dash forward vulture punish?15%SiC is pouring the field test of makings
4, conclusion
Adhesion of knot broken bits is a when light wood chip boiler serious problem, can affect the service life of the efficiency of boiler and fireproof material. The integral liner of raw material boiler can prevent adhesion of knot broken bits, have enough strength to bear at the same time slag is clean, use at broken bits - department of union of fireproof material interface has good fireproof sex and chemical laziness. the alumina spray of 50%-60% filling makings is used at broken bits - place of fireproof material interface, discovery can damage when cleanness fireproof material liner. A series of experiments make clear, use compact and pouring makings, there is first-rate effect to slag adhesion when add or adding SiC and zirconium stone.